Chapter Two: Love Like Oxygen

있다 없으니까 [Here But Not Anymore] / EDITING! (please read forward box)

Chapter Two: Love Like Oxygen


I’ve waited for Yongguk for 6 hours. This time he should already be here to pick me up. Tons of questions were filled in my brain. Just like a girl who's waiting for her boyfriend to pick her for their date. Sometimes I go to the front door to see if Yongguk came, but he never showed up. I looked at the clock, it’s already passed 7 hours. I don’t know what thing makes Yongguk come late. He even didn’t call me. It would be better if he at least told me that he will come late.

I tried to call him but an annoying lady voice is the one who answer the call. I think I’ve tried it 10 times, I don’t know. Suddenly I remembered about my friend’s story about he being dumped by his lover and they broke up on their 3rd anniversary. At that time I don’t know why he seems so broken, I think if you are being dumped then you just have to move on and showing to your ex that he/she is nothing than just the past. That friend of me sometimes asks me to accompany him go to bar. At first I think he’s already moving on and he want to celebrate it. But I was wrong. He still loves his ex and can’t move on. He goes for alcohol, because it relieves his stress for a while. I do drink some, but not that much because I know in the end I have to carry him to his home.

It seems my workers feels a dark aura circling around me. I’ve tried to look relaxed, but how the way I act, shows the opposite. I asked my worker to bring me an Iced Americano coffee. One of my workers named Hani who brought the drink to me. I gave her small smile to shoo her away. I became a ‘Cold Kim Sajangnim’ if I have some problem. And that’s exactly how I am right now.

My worker once asked me what happen because I looked so depressed, he doesn’t know that my ‘Cold Kim Sajangnim’ side was on. And as the result he got a burst of anger from me. I heard after that incident he cried in staff room and he felt very guilty. He thought the reason I got mad is because his work is not good, so I got angry and scold him. Actually whatever I told him at that time really is his mistake on work, but I didn’t mean like that. His lacks are not making that big effect to my shop, and it’s not a fatal mistake. I still feel sorry for him because whenever I smile at him, he just bowing his shoulder and run to avoid me. But I think job is more important than the boss of its job, because he never sent me the registration letter (haha).

The front door suddenly opened with a rush. I looked at the door; there is someone I’ve waited like forever for standing while looking around. As our eyes met, his lips formed a wide smile and wasted no second until he took a big step to my spot. He looked like a lost puppy who just found his master. He’s cute. No, I can’t think of him like that right now. I’m supposed to be angry at him. He broke the promise and ruined whatever he had planed. He will regret it, making Kim Himchan angry.

“Sorry I’m late.” He said as he sat on a chair in front of me. I didn’t show any reaction to him. I just kept playing with my phone pretending that thing on my hand now, is more important than someone here in front me. Sometimes I'm laughing, then smiling like an idiot, then angry at my phone screen; which is showing nothing. Since Yongguk sat there I never took a glance at him. I want him to feel my silent treatment because I know he hates it.

“Are you give me silent treatment now?” yes of course duuhh..

“Don’t you want to know why I came late?” he said again after getting no respond from me. And yes this time there is no respond from me (again).

Yongguk’s hand suddenly grabbed mine and the phone on my hand was fell to the desk. I looked at him with not pleasant gaze and let out my hand from his grip harshly. I hurriedly check my phone. Hey it’s not my phone's fault, why it should be treated so badly?

“Himchan-ah..” he grabbed my right hand and squeezed it smoothly. I can’t look right into his eyes, because I will fall for him again when I'm supposed to be angry, “I’m sorry, ok? I have an explanation for this. Would you hear it?”


“Let’s go to my car and we will talk about it there.” I can’t refuse it because before I fully understand what he said I was being dragged out of the café. I saw my workers looking at us and worried emotion were on their eyes. So I smiled and nodding as a gesture ‘I am ok’. It’s fortunate that they seem to have gotten what I meant.

As I entered the car, I practically wore the seatbelt. But something caught my attention. I can smell smoke. Is Yongguk smoking again? I have to ask him later. I don’t want him to become his old self, a free man who loves to study and his depression reliver; cigarette. Well, I don’t want to smell those unused things on my lips when we’re kissing. I hate the scent, that’s why.

“Where do you want to go?” he asked when he fully entered and started the engine. And not forget one thing, those seatbelts which now will be his savior if this car got crushed.

I threw my attention to the people who walked on the pedestrian. I still want to treat Yongguk this way. Sometimes he should be punished for what he does to me.

“How long do you plan to give me this thing seriously?”

After 5 minutes of riding, Yongguk turned the car into an alley which I never go through. And I don’t remember if he has gone to this alley too. I looked at him confused. What does he want exactly? It is obviously we can’t have a dinner at his friend’s restaurant since we came late. So there are any Plan B? I don’t know. I won’t ask either.

We stopped at a parking lot. Only a few cars were parked here. I saw a big screen with a projector playing a movie. There are 3 small tents (I think its supposed to be a store) on the corner, and each of them has a quite big signpost and different tent color. The purple tent has a signpost that reads Dinner, the blue tent has a signpost that reads Snacks, and the red tent has a signpost that reads Beverages.

“I will get some food for us. What do you want to eat?” asked Yongguk while he released the seatbelt. He looked at me with a smile tuged on his face. Oh . He knows that I can’t resist if it's related to food thing. Damn you Yongguk!!

Instead saying what I want to eat, I just keep remanded the silent. Without even paying attention to Yongguk I made myself busy with my phone again. Although my tummy screamed for food, I won’t talk to Yongguk. Let me be evil sometimes okay.

“It’s not funny if you say you aren’t hungry. And I know you haven’t eaten anything.” He my hair, “Today is our anniversary. You can’t die of hunger on our anniversary. I’ll get you some food, okay?” He opened the door and got out. I saw him walk towads the purple tent, the Dinner one.

Why should Yongguk bring out about anniversary thing? Because of whom I’m suffering of hunger now? Urgh! Oh just shut up you annoying tummy! I still want to make Yongguk feel guilty, but why is it becoming the opposite, I was the one who suffering? I said stop you annoying tummy!!

I couldn’t stand it anymore. I search for Yongguk’s contact on my phone and send him a message.

< to: 남친~ ^o^ >

[Get me some dinner with low fat.]


I will not regret this, besides, this is for my noisy tummy. My phone vibrates on my thigh. There was a replied message from Yongguk.

< from: 남친~ ^o^ >

[Yes! Oh please don’t treat me like this Channie , I can't stand being ignored by you . Hopefully your mood better when I come back ^^ I love you sweetie~ :***]





How could he be this cute when I’m angry at him? Even with those emoticons… it’s a rare for Yongguk to use such thing (emoticon I mean) like that. Is it Yongguk’s new plan on winning my heart? No, it doesn’t work at all (although my heart's screaming ‘YES!’).

The door opened and showed Yongguk who giggled like a child who just got a candy. He had 2 boxes of food in his hand. He pulled one of them and gave it to me. I don’t know if the store sells food with low fat but sure Yongguk will search for that food before coming back (because I was the one who gave the order, hahaha).

I opened the box and look at the green noodle with sauce I don’t know what it is, I think it is bolognaise. Wait. Why is the colour of the noodles green? Is it colored? I can’t ask Yongguk because of my treatment. And he seems fine with my food. He stares at me waiting for me to eat the food. I gave him a death glare and give a look what-is-this, “Vegetable noodle.”


“That is vegetable noodle. It's made from spinach, so it’s low fat right? Oh and the sauce it is bolognaise, and instead adding meat they change it with chicken. So I think it’s quite healthy for you.” He said while tried to open his box.

Well, not a bad idea. Vegetable noodle, huh? I should make that sometimes at home. I looked at him to see that he’s already opened his box, revealing a jajangmyeon inside. Why did he buy something that is not healthy enough to eat as dinner? At least there should be some vegetable on the dish.

“Let’s eat!” He split the chopstick in his hand. He stirred the noodles first before putting it into his mouth. I put the green noodles bolognaise on to my mouth. Well, the taste is… bolognaise. It’s weird because I can’t feel the taste of spinach in my mouth. It feels like eating ordinary spaghetti bolognaise. And it feels lighter because it uses chicken. And some sprinkle of cheese on top of it to complete it. It’s perfect!

There were some sauces on Yongguk’s lips. I took some tissue on the dashboard and use it to wipe the sauce.


I forgot that I’m still giving Yongguk the silent treatment. We both froze from whatever we do. My hand was still holding the tissue and was still on Yongguk’s lips. This is kind of awkward. I can feel the way he stares at my face which is very close to him. I didn’t dare to look back at him because I know what will happen next if I do that.

Slowly, I took away my hand from his lips, but he caught it and held my hand tightly. I tried to pull my hand away from his grip, but his grip became stronger I as wanted to escape. I tried to grab my phone with my other hand and write something on it. After I finished write it, I showed it to Yongguk.

‘Let go of my hand. I don’t want to eat my food when it’s already cold. I want to eat.’

Yongguk chuckled after reading what I wrote on my phone. His face came closer to mine and I tried to get away from him. He gently whispered to my ear; “I think you can’t control your mom side.”

So what? That’s my habit I that myself can’t just simply erase it. Yes I can’t control it and I don’t care at all. That’s my thing. Why should it bother you? Then why are you whispering with such a gentle tone? Aaarrrggghhhh I really hate you, Bang Yongguk!!!

I ate my food like a monster eating his prey. Food is really good at relieving stress. And I hate the way Yongguk chuckled at my act. He positioned himself more to right so he can watch me eating. I was like a movie in a theater and Yongguk is the audience. He’s like one of those creepy audiences who watch movie and stare at the screen with lewd look while eating popcorn. And sometimes he would grin like an idiot when there are some scenes. Ah my imagination…

Realizing what I’ve been imagining, I shook my head and continued to finish up my food. There was only some sauce left when I was done eating it. Hah I’m really hungry like hell, because I still want to eat something even when I’ve run out of food. And I’m thirsty too. I did like the last time I asked Yongguk for food. And now I ask Yongguk for water, with my phone. No, I ordered him to buy me some water.

“Oh, I already bought it. Here,” he gives the bottle of water to me. I gladly received it because I am really thirsty.

“Now I will tell you the reason is, since we’re done eating.” He said and made me choke and spit some water on his dashboard car. Really? When I’m drinking?

“So, the reason is…”

Author's Note.

Song by: SHINee
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omg, what is this? 69 subscribers? haha inspired me to continue writing this XD


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update soon
Chapter 2: Ahhh you meanie big ole cliff hanger like that >C<
No matter I still love you and your story <3
Update soon ^w^ <3
Chapter 2: Aaaaaahh why did you let it end like that!! Agh now i have to wait u.u, Himchan is really cute lol giving the silent treatment to Gukk hehehe ^^ Thank You! :3
Chapter 2: Eeeeeeh why the cliffhanger again ?? >.<
How could they be so cuuuuuuute ?????
Chapter 2: you are such a tease!!!!!!!!!!! cutie himchannie is a cutie. what can we do to him? oh and yonggukkie trying his best to please his beloved himchan.
can't wait for more. i am glad you are rewriting it again since i technically forgot the storyline so yeah...
Chapter 1: love the new editing <3. i gotta read now the second chapter
Chapter 1: You re-write this again right author-nim ? Well good first chap ! ♥
Aria_Marm #8
Chapter 1: Wah, that's so cute! I'm looking forward for more! ^^
Aria_Marm #9
Love the storyline, keep it up!
Chapter 7: Aw what guk is doing out of bed when he is sick ? love this chapteer ^^
Is chanie still sick ?
Update soooooon ^^