Chapter One: Love So Sweet

있다 없으니까 [Here But Not Anymore] / EDITING! (please read forward box)
Chapter One: Love So Sweet

It’s been 2 year since I and Yongguk decided to live together and it's been 5 years after we've been officially dating. It’s not like we have a problem that made us do that, it’s simply because we need each other. After 3 years of dating we thought it would be good if we saw each other as much as possible. We both have jobs, I still become a model sometimes while he has permanent job. I'm not really interested at working at a company. Besides my grades at other subjects are not that high, I’m more interested in music. Especially traditional music. Many of my friends asked me why Seoul men like me who might have a great future decided entering traditional music department.

Yongguk is working at a big company. His position is quite big too. But it would be greater if the work is on the rise. He never really show such an act when he felt tired after working. He said it was because he knew I will be there when he came home, welcoming him with a smile and open arms ready to hug him. Well, I'm always like that. I just never thought that Yongguk would think my act was really working to relieving his tiredness. I’m happy to hear that from Yongguk, the person I love the most. Don’t take me wrong because I should love my parents more than Yongguk. Why should I love them when they already threw me away?

By the way, I decided to open a café shop. Since I love coffee, so there’s nothing difficult to do. And the salary is big enough for me to make a living. I only have 5 workers. I know it’s hard to do everything when you only have 5 workers almost everyday. That’s why I make two shifts for them. Knowing that costumers will be more and will be very busy during the day I made a shift with 3 workers from 8A.M. until 3P.M. and the rest from 3P.M. until 10P.M. Sometimes they complain to me and suggesting about recruiting another worker. They are too tired doing all by themselves. I don’t blame them. I know how they’re doing a hard job since I’m the owner plus manager of the café. Maybe I should think again about their assumption.

“Kim sajangnim, your phone is ringing,” some of my worker woke me up from my daydream. I gave him a smile and make a face you-can-go-back-to-your-work and he bowed to me before leaving me with my ringing phone.

I looked at my phone. It’s too late to pick up the call since the one who called me already hung up the call. I look at call history to find who is calling me, only to found my lover is the one who called me before. A smile formed on my lips instantly. This is what I love about Yongguk. He maybe seems like careless person in outside, but he’s very kind and warm heart person in inside. He may not show it in front of people, but he will show how he care about me when there is no one watching us. His pride is always big than his self concern. But that’s okay, I still can tolerate it. Besides, I like that side of him, because it makes me feel like I’m the only one in his eyes.

I tried to call him this time. I waited five seconds before finally he picked it up, “Himchan?”

“Yes, it’s me. What’s wrong?”

“No, I’m just… Well… How should I say this..?”

Oh how I like it when he is being stubborn by his words, “Oh, just tell me.”

“Umm you know, today is, today is..”

“Two years since we lived together and five years since we’re officially dating anniversary?” I said cutting his word.

“Yes. And I want to know if you are going to stay at café until night or not.”

“No, I’m free Yongguk. Come on, I’m the owner here. Besides, I can trust the shop to my workers. I’m yours tonight, Yongguk.” I said grinning when a scene of Yongguk blushing madly after hearing my word flashed through in my mind.

“Well, I’m planning about having a dinner at my friend’s restaurant. I’ll pick you at the café at seven o’clock. How is it?” he asked with hoping tone.

I want to a little. I can’t just give my approval that easily, “Mmm… Well… That’s not a bad idea… I think…”

“You agree with it or not?!” he demanded impatiently.

“I don’t know... hmmm…”

“Please hurry, Himchan! My lunch time will be end soon.” his panic face can be seen even just by hearing his voice.

“If you pick me up with a big bouquet of flower, I think I’ll agree.”

He let out a sigh of relief,  “Fine. I will bring a BIG bouquet of flower tonight.” I laughed hard hearing how he pressed on the word ‘big', “Don’t forget, seven o’clock ok? I love you Himchan~ bye bye~”

“Bye bye and I love you too~”

That person named Bang Yongguk who turned my life so much is very cute. I can’t say it in front of him because he will deny it with “I-am-not-cute-Himchan. Don’t-ever-call-me-like-that-anymore.” Yes, his handsome and serious face is not cute at all (I admit it). But when he smile and showing his gums, it’s really cute and sweet. He just didn’t see it himself the fact that he looks cute when he smile. That one thing which makes me loves him.

Yeshis smile.

Thanks to Yongguk I feel loved by someone. Before this I was just an ordinary teenager who doesn’t know what he wants to be when he reaches the adult stage. I like traditional music, but it will not make that good of a living. If I go to another course, I’m really not confident with it. So you can say that I’m stuck in traditional music. But Yongguk never complains about it. Instead he makes me believe that I shouldn’t regret what I’ve choosen and I should keep going with it. He told me how good I am when it comes to traditional instruments. Seriously, his words really have magical effects. It makes you believe whatever he says and hypnotizes you to do whatever he says.

I never regretted being in love with Yongguk. I wish he never feels like that, too. Somehow I get sensitive easily with these matters; break up. I can’t imagine Yongguk feel nothing to me and cheating behind my back. I can’t imagine any act of Yongguk dumping me.

No, today is our anniversary. Why would Yongguk would call me and get shy by his own idea? Isn’t that approving that he still loves me? Yes, he loves me. I should stop thinking about things that never happens. I just need to wait 6 hours more until he comes to pick me up and we will do whatever he had planned.

Author's Note.

Song by: ARASHI.
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omg, what is this? 69 subscribers? haha inspired me to continue writing this XD


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update soon
Chapter 2: Ahhh you meanie big ole cliff hanger like that >C<
No matter I still love you and your story <3
Update soon ^w^ <3
Chapter 2: Aaaaaahh why did you let it end like that!! Agh now i have to wait u.u, Himchan is really cute lol giving the silent treatment to Gukk hehehe ^^ Thank You! :3
Chapter 2: Eeeeeeh why the cliffhanger again ?? >.<
How could they be so cuuuuuuute ?????
Chapter 2: you are such a tease!!!!!!!!!!! cutie himchannie is a cutie. what can we do to him? oh and yonggukkie trying his best to please his beloved himchan.
can't wait for more. i am glad you are rewriting it again since i technically forgot the storyline so yeah...
Chapter 1: love the new editing <3. i gotta read now the second chapter
Chapter 1: You re-write this again right author-nim ? Well good first chap ! ♥
Aria_Marm #8
Chapter 1: Wah, that's so cute! I'm looking forward for more! ^^
Aria_Marm #9
Love the storyline, keep it up!
Chapter 7: Aw what guk is doing out of bed when he is sick ? love this chapteer ^^
Is chanie still sick ?
Update soooooon ^^