17 : Special Girl

My Babies

You were now Yongguk's girl and he would show many ways to show it. It was a bit embarassing when you two were out in public. Since you hated skinship, he would try to hold you close to him or kiss you in public, which wasn't your thing but you were getting used to it. You stopped in front of Daehyun and Juyeon's house with Serri in the back. She was holding a present for their new baby girl, who you couldn't wait to see. 

As you walked to the front door of their house, it was opened right away with a screaming Jonghyun who was smiling and giggling at Serri, who was just blinking. You blinked, as you saw Yongguk in front of you. "Hey baby," he said, as he wrapped his arms around you and pecked your lips. You let out a smile as you looked at him. "Annyeong." He then took you in with the two babies. 

"OMO!!! SISTER IN LAW NUMBER 4 IS HERE!" Himchan shouted, catching everyone's attention. Yongguk's arms were around you, as you looked up and saw everyone looking at you. You blinked and scratched your head. Everyone was smiling from ear to ear, as they saw their childish hyung, who was never like this before, but only to kids. 

"Serrrriiii~" Zelo sang and ran to get her, but she immediately slapped his face with her hand. She laughed and giggled, as Zelo pouted. "Oh. Serri-ah, lets go give this to the new baby girl, Hyosung." Serri nodded, as she stuck her tongue out at Zelo. 

"OMO! Sunmi-ah," Juyeon called happily, while she was holding Hyosung in her arms. You gave her a wrapped gift, which said 'Jung Hyosung.' Juyeon looked up at you and then at the present. "It's my gift to your new girl." Juyeon accepted it and looked at it. Her eyes widened, as she looked at it. "This is so pretty. Are you sure you want my daughter to keep it?" Juyeon said, as she help up a necklace that had the initials JH. You nodded with a smile. "Don't worry, my daughter has one too, but with her initials." 

"Wait, did you make these?" she asked and you nodded. "They're not that hard. I have people who help me," you said and walked away from her. "THANK YOOUU!!" Juyeon shouted, as Daehyun shook his head. 

"Aweee...so my girl doesn't get one," Himchan pouted and you raised a brow. "Unless you want to pay me 40,000 won to make one or give birth to another kid," you said with a smile and walked to Yongguk, who pulled you besides him. Himchan looked at his wife and wiggled his eyebrows. "Don't even think about it." 

You let out a laugh, as you looked at them. This was something different. It was a different feeling you never felt before. You were being loved. You were at a place that loved you for you are and a place that you finally belong too. Yongguk looked at you when he saw you gripping the end of your sleeve, where he leaned in towards your ear. "You okay?" you looked up at him and nodded with teary eyes. 

"Pabo-ah," he said, gently touching your nose with his finger. You let out a smile, while you flinched a little. "Don't worry. We'll start our own family soon," where you raised an eyebrow. "You crazy? I never accepted a marriage proposal." Yongguk let out a laugh and you crossed your arms. "Well, just by the look of it , you'll be staying with me forever." 

"OOOO...is hyung proposing already?" Jongup's voice popped out of nowhere, causing Yongguk to eye him right away. You let out a chuckle and pushed him away. "Not in a million years," you shouted and walked to the girls, who were all together.


Now everyone was out in the back of the Jung's house. The girls were all together chatting away, while the boys went to play soccer with the little ones. You were laughing at them, where Hyojin told a story about Hyomin, their daughter. "She sounds so sweet," you said and Hyojin let out a groan. "Don't even talk about the little devil. She's like her father." 

"Ahhh...unnie, don't worry. She'll develope into your personality," Semi said and you nodded. "What about you, Sunmi? Anything stories about Serri?" Juyeon asked curiously, but you shook your head. 

"No. Serri's stories aren't like any of yours. She never had any memories where I saw her play around like this. I've always protected her, like I was a bear, but now." you turned to see Yongguk with Serri over his shoulders. "This is the first she's actually having fun instead of staying cooped up in a house." You looked at the ground and then back up them. 

"Don't worry. We'll take good care of her, just like how oppa is," Juyeon reassured and you nodded. "You all are good people. The first who can accept me for who I am." 

"And how Yongguk Oppa loves you so much...this is the first after taking care of us," Semi said, as she patted their son's back. Your gaze went to the ground and then looked up at Yongguk. 

"I always thought he was good with girls, so I thought I was probably one of tho-" "NOOO!!" juyeon said and you jumped by her expression. "Oppa was never popular with the girls since he was always caught up with our kids, us, or the guys. He was like a father, who was never interested in dating, until now." You nodded and your heart softened. "That's why we call him Guk Grandpa now, so you're going to halmoni soon," Hyojin joked, causing your eyes to widned. 

"I'm still young and I have to be a grandma," you said with a laugh. "Well, I guess a grandma like me is pretty cool." The girls all smiled when they saw Yongguk walking behind you with Serri in his arms. 

"So what's with all the laughing?" his deep voice scared you, causing you to jump and scream at the same time. Everyone's attention went to you two, where they started laughing. "Yah!" you turned to him and slapped his shoulder. "Don't do that when I'm so preoccupied," you exhaled and Yongguk smiled. "Don't worry. I like teasing you thats why." you rolled your eyes, as you saw your daughter. 

"Serri-ah!!" you smiled and opened your arms, where she came to you. "So sweatyyy...eww~' you said to both of them, as they surrounded you. Yongguk smiled and Serri laughed. 

"You both are so alike in every way," you said, as you patted Serri's back. Yongguk shrugged. "I taught her a couple of things," he said, as he laid his chin on your shoulder, causing you to stiffen up. "Don't worry. I won't do anything," he kissed your neck, causing you to let out an awkward smile, causing the girls to chuckle while watching the scene.

"Go GET A ROOM!" Zelo shouted, while playing with the babies. 

"WOOT WOOT! GO HYUNG!" JOngup shouted, as he had Jonghyun over his shoulders. You facepalmed yourself, since you were so embarassed. Yongguk laughed and kissed your cheek. 

"That's why you're my speciaaaalll girl!" he sanged, causing you to laugh from his low deep voice. "Wah! Oppa sings, mwoh? So unfair," Hyojin said with her arms crossed. 

"He sanged when I got proposed, but he got kicked out," Juyeon said with a smile on. "Oppa! You better not lose her, she's special. I can see it. We girls support you two." Semi nodded proudly at her words, causing you to pout. 

"You girls make it sound like I'm an angel from heaven," you said, as you played with Serri's hair. "Neh! You are." gathering laughter from the girls and Yongguk. 

"You all are so mean. You all like to laugh at me, I'm not even funny," you pouted and they shrugged. "Welcome to the family." 


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Chapter 24: Whoah! I liked the series so much!
cheekylittlechubba #2
Chapter 24: LOL!!! Imagine Yongguk's voice when he whined "I want my kiddiesss! Bring them back!"... I can't imagine how it would be like, because his voice is soooo.... DEEP!!!!

That red head guy that Sunmi is a baddy!!! It's good that he got sent to jail.

I really enjoyed this story authornim :D

Great job!!! :D :D Best wishes for your other stories ^^
Chapter 24: HAHA;; yongguk can be a great fatherr oh man...xD
biaskorean #4
Chapter 24: Cute. Oh god 4 children? My god. I can't imagine that house, 4children of yongguk and sunmi plus 2 another baby called zelo and jongup. (⌣́_⌣̀)
I want my baby to watch by zelo or jongup , oh die with happiness.. :)
Chapter 24: Zelo in this story is really... something XD LOL
Actually Yongguk and Sunmi's daughter is Serri right? Why did it change to Semi? Semi is Youngjae's wife - -
Actually, I was clueless too. I didn't understand what Sunmi said "when we have others coming" Untill Sunmi said it straightforwardly~ XD
Thank you for the story, I hope you didn't get surprise over my comments in each chapter~
Hwaiting for your next fanfiction and keep supporting B. A. P~! *\(^0^)/*
Chapter 23: "My oldman~" LOL
Zelo-yah~ XD
Chapter 22: How dare Hyunseok came to the party??! But, goodbye~
Saengil chukkae, Baby Serri~ <3
Btw, Author-nim, it should be "voila"~ ^^
Chapter 21: Zelo and baby Serri~ XD
Marriage! Marriage! (^0^)/
Chapter 20: Imagining Jongup has a girlfriend is just... really... something XD
Choonsa gateun neo~ ^^
When Juyeon asked Daehyun to join beating Hyunseok just funny~ XD
Chapter 19: Omona~ That Hyunseok!! >:-<
Just wait Yongguk's revenge~