(seven)-the date

step by step


I slowly open my eyes because the sun , I sit in the bed and yawned when I realized that I’m not in my room. I look at my side and found someone who I really ..not hate, but dislike. Why?, because I belive in what they say hate is close to love and I HAD EXPERIENCED it before, so after that I never hate something or someone ever again-,-

I frowned and than mentally smacked myself when I know that actually we’re sleeping together, In one bed as I remember that I fell asleep in the car in the way to namyhi island……. Shi-

Omg, he did carry me?!!!, I blushed hard when I realized he carried me all the way from parking lot till the room. It must be the embarrassing thing on earth!, I should wear some disguise when I get out to the lobby or else…. ARGH!

I glance at him again who still sleep peacefully when a plan appear in my head, I smirked and move my sit position and …… kick him to the point that he fall from the bed, I laugh hysterically while clutching my stomach, omg, his face is just too priceless!, I can’t….

“having fun?!” he glared at me while rubbing his arm and I just nod , biting my lower lips to hold the laughter . no good, I laughing again like there’s no tomorrow, hey, looking at the cool but yet erted man got his on the floor because of me kicked him off the bed ,well… don’t blame me, he deserve it, beside..that’s funny.

He look at me seriously make me a little bit afraid, err… little bit!, he smirked and stand in front of me who still sit in the bed . he lean in and I just lean back to avoid his touch.

“well.., since last night I thought that you’re too tired , I think now it’s fine, right?” he smirked and lean in, my eyes meet his and I feel hypnotized by those beautiful eyes. His breath make me shiver and my heart seems could burst out in any time, he brushes his lips lightly in mine and when he just about to touch my lips with his, I snapped back to reality and hit his arms hardly

“yah!” I hit his arm several times make him yelp and I quickly run to the bathroom and lock it. I touch my chest and feel my heart beating rapidly, why I’m like this, no way I feel like this right now. this is just too weird for me, how could I feel this fast when I my heart just broke?,tch no way, I slapped my face “auch, that’s hurt” I mumbled

I shook my head and lean on the bathroom’s door while clutching my hand. It’s seems like I haven’t forget hyukjae yet, it’s not like I can’t , I just don’t want too, and I just afraid. Afraid to re-experience again

That thing

the little thing called love.


 Kai POV

I run my arms and shook my head in amusement. How could a girl have this strong punch?!, believe me, it’s pretty hurt!, that’s explain why almost all the boys-except-me not stupid enough to make fun of her.

I walk toward the bathroom and hear small sobs , she’s crying, a girls like haneul is crying now?, am I really make her scared?, but usually she’s not that afraid.

“haneul ah” I tried caling her but she just keep silent

“yah!, mianhae!” did I just apologies?, wow… that’s… new of me . I stared at the bathroom door for minutes than sigh. When I just want to walk away , the door opened revealed haneul with her poker face

“I do not forgive you until you treat me food, I’m hungry” I chuckled at her words and shook my head, I should’ve hearing things wrong.



I just pouted while waiting kai in the bench of the nearby park, where is he by the way?, so here’s a thing, he actually told me to wait for him because he is going to grab something , but it’s already 10 minutes and he hasn’t got back

Wait…. Did he make fun of me?, no, well.. he’s not going to be alive if he really leave me . I put my headphone that hanging on my shoulder and playing some songs out of my boredom. I shook my head and move my body a bit following the beat when I feel someone is staring at me. I look up and see a little boy, I think he’s around 8 looking at me curiously with his brown big eyes, I blinked and smile at him.

“hey” he beamed and nod his head once, I giggled silently at the letter cutely and shook my head , I think he will leave but he still remains in front of me.

“what?” I ask curiously, I’m not the type that will do cute things to children but children just loves me, hahaha

“ya! Kim johyun where are you?!!” I tilt my head at someone who is shouting and I just realized the kid infront of me is running at the person, he sigh in relief and scowl the younger boy at bit and I smile, out of nowhere he look into my direction and I sure that he is smiling at me ,sadly I’m not wearing my glasses because I never wear it outside of the class,and I can’t see his face clearly , I feel my cheeks heating up but suddenly I yelped from cold that touch my cheeks and I find kai’s annoyed face in front of me

“aish!, you scare me!” I click my tounge and he just raised his brow and shook his head lightly but I can feel his annoyance

“what’s up with you and the mood swing?” he look at me with disbelief in his face and sigh while giving me the coffee that he just bought.

“nothing, just feel a little bit awkward when MY wife is apparently checking someone out when the husband is going to bought coffee” I chocked on my coffee and hit his head

“hey!, what’s that for?!” he protest and sit a little far from me, I smile at it and blink to him

“for telling me that I checking someone out and for you to be too long” I smile bit in the same time glaring at him. He shook his head and drink his coffee again

“well… yeah, I have to save my self from my fangirls” I smirked proudly and I just roll my eyes in annoyed, what?, did he really said that he proud to have fangirls?, oh please, they wouldn’t be his fangirls if they know the real him, but then they really know him, so?, tch, I’m so overstressed with the exams and homeworks

“curse you and your self confidence, tch,better going back” I get up and start walking, I head him chuckled behind me, I swear if killing people is not a sin, he would be killed a long long time ago and I don’t have to get married to him, but after thinking it again, it’s a good plan actually. I giggled a bit and shook my head when suddenly I feel something heavy on my shoulder , I look up and see kai’s annoying face and do not forget to mention that his arm is on my shoulder

“ugh,you’re heavy!” I yanked his arm and he just shook his head

“are you sure you’re a girl?” I smile and smack his arm again

“surely I’m a girl, moron!”

“really?, prove me then” he lean in and smirked, I frowned but then I know what he means, this ert guy!

“YAH! PYEONTAE!” for the dozen times today I smack his head and stormed off leaving him behind but for the first time I feel my cheek burning up, shot!, I surely get a fever!. I walk fastly but after a minute he walking beside me.

I glance secretly at him looking at his side profile, he’s so…. Ekhem… nice with the white V-neck shirt and his jeans , simple but nice. I smile a bit when hyukjae’s face appear in my mind

I stopped and look down, why I keep thinking about him?, it’s not like I crazy about him, right?, but why?, even when I’m with this guy named kai?, did my choise is right?, do this marriage will make things better?, or maybe worse?

“what’s up?” I lit my face up and looking at him who furrowed his brows , I shook my head and walk slowly , he does the same thing and we just walk together silently when he speak

“you know, even I’m kinda a jerk it’s doesn’t mean that I don’t care about you ,you know?, you can tell me if you want to share” I raised a brow and chuckled

“and now you turn to an angel?” he smirked

“oh I’m still the devil,moron”

“tch, what happen to the angel kai just now?” I laugh

“he left , but he does want to come back” I furrowed brows and thinking about his words in my mind, why I feel that’s words are something important?.

“hey pyeontae, where are we going to?” he look at me and shrugged but then smile, a sincere one

“there’s something I really want to try to”

“huh?, where?” he just smile but it’s slowly turn into a smirk, you know , I don’t have a good feeling about this.

“just follow me” I sigh in defeat and just following him , we walk about minutes and we arrived, I blinked and look at him in disbelief.

 “we’re going to amusement park?” I raised a brow and he just nod

“why?, the devil kai wants to go to this place to?” he roll his eyes and put his arms around me that I immediately yanked away

“no, the angel do” I shook my heads, we’re going to play this 2 side?, what’s with the devil or angel?-_-

“so, why we’re here?” I asked again, not satisfied with his answer before

“isn’t the thing that the couple do?, dating at amusement park?” I roll my eyes and clicked my tounge

“and who said we’re going to a date?”

“I said” I furrowed my eyebrows

“no you don’t, tck, bickering with a hard headed girl like you will last long, just come will you?” he sigh and pull me with him before I replied, I blinked when he grab my hand and pull me to walk, well…… actually dragging me with him.

It’s nice , his hand is big and warm against my hand  , it’s actually give me sort of warm feelings for being hold by him, it’s feels different when I hold hand with hyukjae, the weird thing is.. I like this more..

“hey, you dozed off” I blinked and meet his face staring down at me, I feel so small sometimes ,huh

“nothing, huh?, where are we?” I gaped at him and he just grinned widely and I know that time he has something in his mind, and let me telling you, he’s dangerous-.-

“look infront of you then” I raised a brow and widened my eyes,jaw dropped and I immediately let go of his hand and prepared to run away when I feel his strong grip in my waist plus his crazy-laughing.

“NO WAY!, NOT GOING TO GO THERE!” I yell at him and tried to open his strong grips around my hips but he’s just strong and bring me to inside , shoot, this is what I most afraid of , I don’t care if he make me ride rollercoaster or even the most deadliest sport or things, like bungee jumping?. But never EVER for haunted house!!!!

I keep yelling and just close my eyes when we get in, shoot, I don’t wanna and ever open my eyes in this house. I hear his chuckle beside me and I can feel his warm breath hit the back of my neck and I just realized that until now, he actually back hugging me .my cheek reddened and I release his grip but then I don’t want to open my eyes , how to get out?

I open my eyes slowly and see him laughing infront of me, my blood is boiled with anger and I stepped on his shoes making him winced in pain, I smirked and wanted to turn my body when someone or maybe something touched my elbow and I stiffen, I close my eyes and take a deep breath knowing what is is, mush be the ghost, tch , it’s all because of this crazy guy






“auch, that’s heavy” I glared at him and he just keep hitting his arms looks like he is in pain, I stamp my feet to the floor and face him

“take that you punk” he just mumbling words and I pull my tounge at him then I walk away , you want to know what happened?, easy, I told him to piggy back me all the way to the exit door and I don’t see anything, I just punched or kicked everything or everyone who landed their hands on me, hahahaha

“so, do you afraid on ghost or such like that?” I feel kai presence beside me and I just shook my head lightly

“I’m not afraid if you leave me alone in the house or even light out, but I don’t like to get in to that thing, it’s like we’re fooling ourselves on useless things” he nod but then his infamous smirk start to appear in his face

“so… I think if I ever want to make you hug me ,I’ll bring you to this place again then”

“don’t you dare!” he pull his tounge and runto somewhere I don’t know, I widened my eyes and follow him , not, not because of I afraid to loose him or want to go after him. I just don’t know way to hotel.

“YAH!” I hit his arm when I get to him, he clap his hand and just make me more upset

“why are you running?!”

“nothing..  wifey” I cough but turn around to hide my burning cheeks,I just like how it’s spell from his lips, shoot, it can’t be, I already accept him right?. I look up and meet someone’s I really know’s face and tensed up, no way 




so late for posting-.-

busy with all the exams stuff that getting my head aches-.-

by the way, thankyou for waiting and i hope you guys do not get sick of this story T.T


and by the way 


lol enough for my spazzing




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I changed the story title to step by step from getting used to you, hope it's not confusing :)


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Chapter 8: They're cute :) this devil couple ^^
haeroma #2
Chapter 7: kyaaa cute story.. update soon please
Chapter 7: Update soon!! Love this story
Chapter 3: I love your story! Plz update more T____T