
Insa by Kim Jaejoong

Play this first

Dbsk- [jaejoong] Insa


Even that time when the wind stays
Its not enough for me

I smile one more time and give my final greeting;

I love you


"Oppa? Oppa? Where are you?" you sighed as you searched for him between trees. "Oppa? Come on, you asked me to come here, I'm getting tired." you said and looked at your feet. Your shoes were getting dirty. 

You walked upward the mini hill until you saw a blanket laying beside the big oak tree. You went towards it and figured maybe he came here. You looked around again, but he wasn't in sight so you decided to slowly drop the basket you were holding filled with food, you personally made for the both of you.

You took another look around but still you couldn't find him. You sighed and looked down, but as you did a pair of arms slowly wrapped around your waist while a chin rested on your shoulder.

"Surprise baby." he said.

You flinched a little but slowly relaxed as you recognized who that voice belonged to.

"Oppa, you scared me." you said as you held his hands that were still wrapped around you.

"I'm sorry, will you forgive me?" he pouted at you with that beautiful eyes of his.

You looked at him and smiled "Of course oppa, why wouldn't I?" you replied as you faced him. His hands were now wrapped around your back.

He smiled at you and leaned his forehead to yours. 

"I love you."

"I love you too."


I am tired now and love hurts but
Even if that time is just a memory
I have to give my final greeting.
I love you, I love you.


Jaejoong made his way to you holding a pot of lily. Your favorite kind of flower. 

"Hi baby." He said as he sat on the grass.

"I've brought you a lily. Your favorite and  I'm sorry if I'm late again, the photoshoot got really busy. But hey, I'm here now." he smiled at you.......

In the picture


Next to your tomb stone.


His smile slowly became a frown, but immediately  he tried to smile again because you don't like it when he's sad. He gently caressed your picture in the frame with his hands. 

"I hope you're doing well......... up there." he looked up at the sky. Tears started to form in his eyes.

He started to remember the last time you two were together. You both were cuddling each other under the shade of the tree. Fingers intertwined and your head on his chest and his head on top of yours.

"Jae," you quietly called him.

"Hmm?" he replied, eyes closed.

"It's almost time....." 

He hugged you tighter not wanting to let you go. He knew about your condition. You had cancer. Your hair was gone now, only  turban was covering your head. This was your last day......with HIM. He told you that you should stay in the hospital room which was just near to where they are right now but, you decided you wanted to spend your last day with him.

"Jae, I'm sleepy......" You whispered to him. You felt more and more weak.

"Baby, please......" he felt your hands slowly becoming light and cold.

He held your face with his other free hand to face him. He looked at you earnestly and planted a small but soft kiss on the lips. It lasted for a good 10 seconds with you still managing to kiss him back......but eventually it was your time but before you go, you pulled back and looked at him. 

"I love you Jae" 


You were gone. 

He opened his eyes to look at your picture again.

"I love you too baby."

A gush of wind blew across him. He knew you were here. Listening.


Fly away Fly away LOVE
Fly away Fly away LOVE
Fly away Fly away LOVE

He sang in front of the people and fans that came to their concert. Him with s. DBSK. He sang with all his heart. This was dedicated to you. He composed this song for you, in remembrance of you. While he sang he remembers all the times he was with you. He remembers your smile, your laughter, your touch and your kisses.

The song was coming to an end. Amounts of cheers were heard around him. He smiled knowing he knows you are happy and with that he ended the song.




In the afterlife I will greet my love again



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Chapter 1: This was beautiful! :'( You made my JaeJoong feels explode XD
Brigi_monster #2
Aw what the hell >_> I thought this was going to be a happy story :c Screw you and your lovely writing.....just.... screw you :'(
this is sad yet sweet.....T.T
This is too sad ;"(
blackorchid #5
T^T such a sad shot. Loved it though!