Chapter 5 Part 2

This Is Wrong

Sehun held my hand as we got on the cart; Kyungsoo and Jongin were behind us.

 “Everything will be fine.” He gave me a reassuring smile. I smiled back. I got on and the nerves started to kick in. I tried to hold back tears so I didn’t look like a whimp but what’s the point, I already am. What kind of 22 year old, who is going to be 23 soon, is still afraid of heights?

The green light for the ride to start and I tensed but Sehun gently squeezed my thigh and I swear I died inside. I looked back at him and he smiled. Everything about Sehun is perfect, his eyes, hair, smile, lisp and the most perfect thing about him is, him. I shook my head from my train of thoughts as I heard Kyungsoo scream. I realized we were already going up slowly. Sehun grabbed hand and squeezed it. I took a deep breath as we got to the tip. I was preparing myself for the worst but hoped for the best.

I felt a sudden rush hit my body and I squeezed Sehun's hand so tight it might come off. I felt more of a good type of rush rather than scared. We went up again but it was loops. My stomach would go up but down again. The best parts were when it was Sehun who would squeeze my hand. I'm glad I came to the fair.

"That was awesome guys!" Jongin came out jumping and Kyungsoo came out slowly and scared.

"Did you like it Kyungie?" I . He gave me a death stare.

"Shut up." Kyungsoo looked sick.

"Are you okay, here I'll take you to the bathroom." Jongin took a hold of Kyungsoo's arm. He looked back at me and I threw a smirk towards him.

"Hey." Sehun said with a warm smile.

"Hey." Oh how much I want to kiss you Oh Sehun. There was a warm comfortable silence between us.

The day went perfect and we ate and went on different rides. Sometimes I would just go with Sehun but other times we all went as a group. It felt like a date but I know Sehun would never see it that way.

We were home watching a movie after a long day. I was snuggled close to Sehun and felt warmth. I saw Kyungsoo take a hold of Jongin's hand. I squinted me eyes, I wonder what happened when they went to the 'bathroom' after the roller coaster. "Hey guys?" Everyone looked at me. I stared at Kyungsoo. "Are you guys going out?" Kyungsoo's eyes widen. He opened his mouth but nothing came out. "Well?"


"Yes." Kyungsoo was interrupted by Jongin and looked at him surprised. I looked back at Sehun and he shrugged. There was an awkward silence but Jongin spoke. He got up and looked at Kyungsoo. I'm so confused. What the hell is going on?

"Kyungsoo..." Jongin took a deep breath and took both of Kyungsoo's hand. "Kyungsoo, will you go out with me?" My mouth hung open and so did Sehun's and Kyungsoo's.

"Uh I-uh." Kyungsoo still could say anything but managed to choke out a word. "Y-yes." He leaped on Jongin and I squealed in excitement. I went up to both of them and hugged them. Sehun did as well. Everything looked like it came straight out of a drama.

"I'm so happy for them." I smiled at Sehun's words. Me too. I felt sleepy after watching another hour of TV but I was watching Kyungsoo and Jongin more since they were giggling and whispering to each other. I hope one day I get to do those things with Sehun. I'm in too deep, though. I shouldn't be feeling this for Sehun; he will never reciprocate those feelings. "Let's sleep." I nodded my head and got up following Sehun. "Good night guys."

"Yeah good night and congratulations." I smiled at Kyungie and Jongin.

"Good night." They both said.

I jumped onto bed and Sehun did as well. "Hey, Luhan?" I looked at the boy next to me. "Do you think there is someone special for everyone?" I was taken back a little by the sudden question. I hope so.

"I think there is." I said quietly.

"How do you know when you have found that special one?" I looked back at him, trying to figure out why he was asking all of this.

"When, when you feel like you can never live a day without seeing that person." I could never go a day thinking of you, Sehun. "Why? Do you think you have found that special person yet?"

"I think so." My heart sunk. He has found someone special; I have no chance with him. He wrapped his arm around my torso and pulled me closer. I wonder who that special person that stole Sehun's heart is. I got as close as possible to him and wrapped my arm around him. Don't ever leave me, please.

A/N sorry it took yeeaars to write it but it is difficult writing without a computer and this week has been crazy. Anyways I have spring break this week so hopefully I get another chapter done. I might go over Baby Panda's house and I can type! Anyways I put some Kaisoo for you guys! *throws a party* sorry but Taoris will appear in the future but I promise it will be awesome. Hehe I might put in it rlab. Okay okay I will, for you guys! But of course that will be in the future. Kekeke~ love you guys. Please comment, subscribe, vote and RLAB ^^- Bambi

A/N:  Hey guys it's baby panda *cheers*! I came by to post this and edit for Bambi and all i can say is that this child is actually learning to spell better. She listened to her Panda- Unnie and is learning- so proud. Anyways there will be some of Bambi's work in my new story ( I Shouldnt Belive You) so read that too <3 I will fource her to type at my house so be ready for some chapters! Comment Vote Subscribe and Read my story (self promoting shamelessly :))  Love you all~! ~Baby Panda

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next chapter should be done by tomorrow, hopefully today though, sorry for the long wait >.


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Chapter 12: TAOROIS!!!! YAYYY!!!!! and that was *ehm*hot*ehm* xD
and no, it's not bad, it's actually good for me :)

thanks for the update!!^^
Chapter 12: LOL I wonder what Luhan thought after Tao answered the phone like that hahahaha <3 great new chapter~ I'm happy Taoris joined the party <3
Chapter 11: omg!!this is so cuttee !! XD
Go Sehun!!!!it's so romantic...aaaawwww..i am awe struck :D
hahahahhahaha.....pls. update sooon :D
Chapter 11: kyaaaaaa xD
sehun!!!!! you're the best!!!!!♥♥♥

thanks for the romantic update!!^^
Chapter 11: kyaaaaaa xD
sehun!!!!! you're the best!!!!!♥♥♥

thanks for the romantic update!!^^
shinee_fan69 #6
Chapter 11: i want see Tao and Kris...
i love this fic
update soon :D
Chapter 10: aww~~ it's cute xD
someone who can kidnap someone??? how about kris and chanyeol??? just imagine chanyeol kidnaped by kris, it can be an angsty but funny story at the same time :D

thanka for the update!!^^
Chapter 9: i can't wait for the date!!!!! update soon please!! :D

thanks for the update!!^^
Chapter 9: I really like this STORY so FLUFFY <3 <3 <3

<3 HunHan4Ever <3
Chapter 8: ys now Luhan knows~!!!