Followspot 1



Rating : G for this part
Genre: AU, Romance
Length : part 01/ 1500+ words
Summary : Sungmin was a musical actor, Kyuhyun was the one who put him in the spotlight.
Notes: un-beta-ed.
Uhh. This is my first attempt in writing AU Kyumin. It took longer than any of my previous SuJu fics because I elaborated too much. LOL. Well, I tried, and I had a great time writing this, so I hope it didn’t turn out to be too disappointing for the readers. Enjoy!



Weeks of waking up early and coming home late, of all-day-longs in rehearsal room, of belting out his voice and exerting his muscles for hours, finally—finally, Sungmin felt he was closer than ever before to achieving his dreams. Five years in the business, it was his first time casted as the male leading role in a musical theatre, and he was so not going to ruin it.

It was the start of the technical week. They were having their first tech rehearsal today and his apartment was just three blocks away from the theater. Dressed in his baggy baby-pink sweatpants, plain white V-neck tee, and his favorite white sneakers, he jogged lightly toward the theater.

Halfway there, as he was about to jog past the world-wide-branded coffee shop, Sungmin noticed someone lifting their hand, albeit hesitantly, and waving at him. That someone, a young man with short, chestnut colored-hair, was just walking out of the coffee shop, a plastic cup in one hand. Sungmin recognized the tall man. He saw him quite a couple of times before during his practice in the rehearsal studio.

“Hello… er… Kyuhyun-sshi?” Sungmin skidded to a stop in front of said man, giving a bright smile all the while trying to regulate his breathing.

Sungmin knew the guy was one of the run crew from the musical production he was in. He didn’t know what Kyuhyun’s position was, though. He even only came face to face with Kyuhyun once, when Producer Kim introduced them to each other in the beginning of the production. Sungmin remembered that he had wondered why Kyuhyun had been there, because the other people present had all been higher-ups or the musical casts.

“Good morning, Sungmin-sshi,” Kyuhyun greeted him with a smile of his own. Sungmin felt his heartbeat quicken at the sight of Kyuhyun’s dorky smile. That was something he had not seen before, and it was surprisingly adorable.

 “Are you going to the theater right now?” Sungmin asked, and Kyuhyun nodded.

“Are you?” Kyuhyun asked back, tilting his head a little to the side. Sungmin gasped and he had to quickly restrain himself from squishing the man’s cheeks because at that moment Kyuhyun looked just like his roommate’s cute brown poodle. “Sungmin-sshi? Are you alright?”

“Yes,” Sungmin squeaked. “I’m going there, too.”

“Isn’t it a bit too early? We’re—the crew will have a dry tech first, you know, you’re far too early. I think they scheduled the actors to come after lunch time, and it’s not even 8 now…” Kyuhyun lifted and turned his left hand to glance at his wristwatch, forgetting it was the same hand he was using to hold the plastic cup.

The coffee spilled a little into the pavement, making Sungmin jumped back in reflex (because no way he was going to let his beloved sneakers be dirtied by that), while Kyuhyun swore loudly. Sungmin noticed some dark blotches on the lower part of Kyuhyun’s jeans. He felt sorry for him, but a series of giggles found their way out of his mouth nonetheless.

“I’m sorry,” he said in between giggles, “but that was so stupidly funny,”

Kyuhyun was frozen for a few moments before he laughed, too. It was a deep and smooth sound, like velvet to Sungmin’s ears. Working with various musical actors for years, he was supposed to be used to hearing beautiful voices; however, Kyuhun’s voice was different. It sent a wave of electricity throughout his whole body and made him shiver in a pleasant way. And it was only his laughter, for god’s sake.

“Yeah, that was stupid. I don’t know what got into me just now,” Kyuhyun chuckled. “Let’s walk together, then?” he offered.

Sungmin didn’t respond. He just stared at Kyuhyun, eyes a little unfocused.

“Sungmin-sshi?” Kyuhyun called and moved himself out of Sungmin’s line of vision. With that, Sungmin was shaken from his reverie.

“Huh?” Sungmin blinked. “What did you say?”

“I was asking if you would want to walk together to the theater… Or am I interrupting your jogging time?” Kyuhyun asked hesitantly.

“No! No, I mean, yeah, sure, let’s walk together!” Sungmin quickly answered, shaking his head and trying to nod at the same time, all the while sounding blatantly eager. Kyuhyun smirked a little at his antics. He then gestured with his free hand the direction that they would take to go to the theater.

“Shall we?”

Sungmin smiled widely and nodded.

As they walked together and chatted about the most trivial things, Sungmin realized he couldn’t stop smiling. The way his heart did somersaults every time Kyuhyun smiled or grinned or laughed was telling him something. Kyuhyun was laughing over his own lame joke about… about something. Sungmin couldn’t pay attention because his heart had just done another complicated acrobatic movement. He brought up one hand slowly and put it over his heart.

What is this feeling?


Lee Sungmin was an amazing musical actor.

Kyuhyun would know, because he had been following the actor’s every move closely for a week now. He had watched that one particular male with amazing level of concentration that he really ended up memorizing all of the actor’s movement. From his simple but meaningful hand gestures to the huge leaps and spins across the stage. He even could also recite all of Sungmin’s lines if he were told to. That was only to prove how much he had become obsessed with the actor. Despite his so-called newfound obsession, the only conversation they had was weeks ago when they introduced their names to each other, and that was it. Producer Kim Heechul, who was also Kyuhyun’s cousin, had dragged Sungmin away to let him converse with the other actors and higher-ups and left Kyuhyun wishing wistfully he could talk to Sungmin for more than a mere sentence of standard name introduction.

Since then, Kyuhyun had to feel contended by just looking at Sungmin from afar. He would occasionally drop by the rehearsal studio to watch the actors and actresses practice, even though at that time it had not been necessary for him to watch. Heechul would bombard him with questions about what he was doing in the studio, and Kyuhyun would lie, saying he was just visiting his dear old cousin. He really couldn’t find a reason, nor could he find the courage to actually start a decent conversation with Sungmin. Until today, that is.

It was the day when Kyuhyun was actually supposed to be present in the rehearsals, along with all members of the run crew. Starting today, there would be no reason for Heechul to question his motive for being present in rehearsals. No reason for people to ask him why he stared at Sungmin all the time. Kyuhyun grinned inwardly. Today was the perfect time to start something between Sungmin and him.

So now as he walked beside Sungmin; seeing his beautiful smile and shining eyes up-close; hearing his chuckles at the jokes Kyuhyun told (let’s forget the fact that he really didn’t know what jokes he was saying because all he cared about was to keep talking to entertain Sungmin), Kyuhyun felt elated because he felt he could get a little closer to Sungmin, and maybe by the end of this short walk, he would be able to officially offer Sungmin his friendship.

And that was exactly what he did.

They had arrived at the theater building. Kyuhyun noticed most of the crews were already gathered, and Sungmin seemed to notice this, too, because he stopped in his tracks on one of the aisles and turned to Kyuhyun who was walking behind him.

“I think I’ll just wait here. I’m way too early, so I don’t want to be a disturbance,” Sungmin said.

“Okay,” Kyuhyun nodded. He gulped, took a deep breath, and asked, “It’s really nice talking to you, Sungmin-sshi. I’d like to be friends with you, would you like to get some coffee together in the afternoon after the rehearsal?”

As soon as they left his mouth, Kyuhyun felt that his words were too disgustingly formal. He shoulder drooped in reflex as he felt something starting to deflate inside. Sungmin’s reaction was a good one, though. Judging from the slightly hitched breath, suddenly super-round eyes and raised eyebrows, Kyuhyun could tell that Sungmin was surprised—pleasantly so. He felt relief wash over him and his confidence rose another notch. Andanother notch, as Sungmin slowly nodded.

“Sure, I’d love to,” Sungmin answered with a rather shy smile. “Good luck with the rehearsal, Kyuhyun-sshi,”

“You too!” Kyuhyun gave him his best smile, and skipped down the aisle to gather with the other crews. When he got to the end of the aisle in front of the stage, he looked back and saw Sungmin was already sitting on one of the seats on the second row from the back. Sungmin waved at him a little and Kyuhyun waved back, grinning from ear to ear. Right at that moment, Heechul walked into the spacious room with the director. Kyuhyun caught his cousin’s stare and felt an eerie kind of goose bumps as Heechul smirked at him. Somehow, Kyuhyun felt that Heechul had probably noticed something, whatever it was.


To be continued.



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venzsuju #1
Chapter 4: hwhwhw kyu so sweet~
but, really, who is kyu?? just a temporary crew or...?
Chapter 4: just wanna say i lost count rereading this in lj xD i really love the story