Things in The Closet

Things In the Closet series


Title : Things in the Closet
Fandom : Super Junior
Characters : Sungmin, Kyuhyun
Rating : G
Genre: bandfic, pointless stuff
Length : short-fic? / almost 1000 words
Summary : So Sungmin started to pack…
Notes: un-beta-ed.
To celebrate some happy news at work today, I need to write a tiny bit of Kyumin before I go to bed. Heheh.





They’re going to live in Taiwan for a couple of months. Sungmin was excited and nervous at the same time. He had never been away from home for so long, and to a completely foreign country, too!  He desperately hoped he’d be able to learn the language quickly, but he knew he was going to have to depend on the other members and the manager a hell lot.


With these anxieties in mind, Sungmin dragged a big suitcase from the corner of the room and opened it. He looked at the empty case and wondered how many clothes and other stuff he would need to bring. He opened one of the closet doors and stared at the racks which were totally jam-packed with clothes. He rolled his eyes and muttered (for the nth time that month) how they needed more space in the closet.


Rather unthinkingly, he grabbed a handful from the closet and started to fill his suitcase with various clothes: T-shirts, shirts, undershirts, knee-length slacks, jeans, colorful pants and socks; all types of clothing articles, you name them all. Ah. Of course, he didn’t forget to bring at least one of his one-piece pajamas, just in case he’d be in the mood of wearing it in Taiwan.


He was contemplating on which caps to bring when someone strolled into the cramped room with their suitcase and backpack.


“Oh, Kyuhyunnie,” Sungmin mumbled to let the other guy know that he noticed his presence.


“Hmm,” was only Kyuhyun’s answer. He put his suitcase and backpack beside Sungmin’s and opened them, too. Sungmin paused in the middle of stuffing socks in the corners of his suitcase to look at the things Kyuhyun had put into his luggages.


“Hey,” Sungmin slightly frowned at what he saw, “Is that my notepad in your bag?”


“Hmm,” was Kyuhyun’s answer, for the second time. Not really minding his roommate crawling over to dig up the contents of his backpack, Kyuhyun stood behind Sungmin and extended his hands over Sungmin’s head to grab some clothes for himself.


“Kyuhyunnie, you put all of my colorful ballpoints into your pencil case!” Sungmin wailed, throwing Kyuhyun’s pencil case back into the backpack. He didn’t remove them, though. “Did you put everything on the table into it? Ugh, remind me to take one to use on the plane tomorrow,”


“Okay…” Kyuhyun said. “Hyung, did you see my striped t-shirt? I thought I put it here…” Kyuhyun rummaged the shelves inside the closet.


“Which striped t-shirt? You have millions of them,” Sungmin clucked his tongue as he tried to fit his neck pillow into Kyuhyun’s backpack.


“The green and white one… And the white polo shirt with the red line on the collar! Also…” As though he just remembered something, Kyuhyun stopped his rambling and snapped his head sideway; his eyes fell onto Sungmin’s suitcase. He crouched down and checked the clothes Sungmin had packed.


“Have you packed my new earphones?” Sungmin asked as he re-arranged some stuff in Kyuhyun’s backpack.


“I’ve put them in your sling bag. It’s still in the bedroom, behind the door,” Kyuhyun answered without really thinking. “Aha!” he cried out once he found the clothes he was looking for. A few more seconds, he exclaimed, “Sungmin-ah!!”




“Why did you pack my pants into your suitcase?!” Kyuhyun held out some of the undergarments he claimed as his. Sungmin pouted and scooted closer to examine them.


“They’re mine!” he concluded after examining. He grabbed them from Kyuhyun’s hand, “These two were from the fans,” he explained as he stuffed them back into place. “This one was from Sungjin,” he stuffed another one. “This one… eh? Hmm… I guess this is indeed, yours,” Sungmin tried to remember, but Kyuhyun wasn’t helping.


“…now that I think about it… I think this was also from your fans…” Kyuhyun scratched the back of his head.


They went through more pants and socks and other clothes in Sungmin’s suitcase like this, for a couple more minutes, without really coming into a conclusion about which clothes were whose.


“…this one isn’t mine. I’m quite sure this isn’t yours either,” Sungmin poked the last shirt.


“Hnn. Yeah. I guess it’s Eunhyuk-hyung’s,” Kyuhyun concluded, taking it out and put it into the closet next to theirs.


For a brief moment, the only significant sound in the room was the creaking of Eunhyuk’s closet door. Kyuhyun spared a glance at Sungmin, who was watching him putting back the shirt just now. Just like that, and then they suddenly exploded into laughter. Sungmin laughed so hard he almost wheezed, and Kyuhyun hit the closet door repeatedly with his palm.


“Wh… what is this idiocy…” Kyuhyun gasped between his laughter.


“Seriously, this is a waste of time. Just grab some more clothes and throw them into your suitcase, Kyuhyunnie. Let’s just hope we’ll share a dorm again in Taiwan, because I’m pretty sure half of your clothes are in my luggage, and mine in yours. I can’t remember anymore,” Sungmin finally said, his high-pitched laughter had turned into small amused giggles.


Kyuhyun nodded as his hysteric laughter finally stopped. He did as he told and packed random clothes from the closet with a wide grin on his face. But he suddenly doubled up again upon taking out a shabby-looking white printed shirt. Sungmin frowned.




“This one is definitely mine, I remember clearly. And now it’s so stretched because it’s supposed to fit my body, but you and your big chest wore it and it became like this!”


Sungmin widened his eyes in some sort of disbelief, “I was in a hurry that time! I just grabbed whatever my hand found first! For goodness sake, Kyuhyunnie it was almost a year ago!” He tried to defend himself, although he knew it had no effect whatsoever.


Kyuhyun continued to laugh as he put that last piece of clothing into his suitcase and zipped it up.


Sungmin rolled his eyes again.










what is this piece of nothingness, I don’t even… LOL product of a tired but happy brain.

I’m always giggly every time I remember that Kyuhyun and Sungmin shared a closet. This little tidbit Kyuhyun blurted out in one of Foresight’s episodes will be forever in my memory. Haha!

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venzsuju #1
Chapter 3: wkwkwk so funny!!
Chapter 3: Lol.. It's so cute and funny~ so entertaining ♥
Nice to read!! Esp, the last one~ keke
Chapter 3: Henry keeps on blocking Kyumin these days!!
I loved it! You write really well~
bedhairrrr #4
Chapter 1: So cute! Lol they finally give up on deciding which is whose! :D