Man on the Street

Man on the Street


There was once a man who had made the streets of Seoul as his home. He will always be seen roaming around the Banpo Bridge. You may think that he's a beggar, a homeless man if you first heard about him. He carries with him a small suitcase and his expression mirrors the depression he was going through.
But when you got to meet him, he is actually a fine young man. He is snarky sometimes, yet he had a gorgeous face that you would mistake him as an idol. You won't think that someone like him lives in a corner of a street.
This man always brings a cardboard with him and a picture of a pretty guy that says, 'If you see him, please tell him where I am.' Rumors had it that the pretty man on the picture is his lost lover.
Some people took pity on him and give him pennies, but he will hand those back to them. He told them that he is not broke and would thank them for their kindness. If the people will tell him where his home is, he will say that it has long been gone when the pretty guy on the picture left him.
‘I am not broke. My heart is the one that is totally broken.’ People would hear him say.
Policemen tried to drag him away from the street and even threatened to put him in jail if he will not go away. But he fought with them.
He can't go away from that place. With teary and pleading eyes, he told the policeman that he is waiting for someone, and that he needs to stay even if it takes him forever. Soon, the policeman let him go after hearing his story.
All four seasons had come and go, but the young man never left his place. He kept on waiting. He never loses hope. He keeps on hoping and praying that one day, his other half would return to his arms.
Talks about this young man spread everywhere like a virus. Media had heard about him and started to look for him. They were able to reach him with ease, and the young man was more than glad to see media men surrounding him. This will be his best chance to reach his love. Without hesitation, he grabbed the microphone and began saying the things that he had longed to tell his lover.
"I am really sorry. I know I have messed up. I had cheated on you. Please forgive me. I love you so much and I will patiently wait here in the corner of the street where we first met. If you are watching this, please come here. Please come back to me. I miss you so much."
"The end"
“That’s it?” Sandeul pouted his lips. He is not satisfied with his father's bed time story. He was left hanging.
"You need to sleep now, baby." His father told him and soon tucked him in bed. He pouted more. He wanted to know what happened. His mother is always the best in telling him stories. His father is just simply hopeless.
"What's with the pout?" His father asked.
"I am not satisfied with the ending. I wanna know what happened after that. Did the young man's lover return to him? Did he forever live on the streets? You at bed time stories, Dad." Sandeul replied, throwing tantrums at his father.
His father raffled his hair and kissed his forehead. "Let's just say that he had a happily ever after ending after that interview."
Sandeul did not argue anymore with his father. He grabbed the blanket and put it over his head. His father chuckled at his behavior. He stood up and went towards the door.
"Good night, Deullie." He heard his father said as he closed the lights before going out of his room.
Kyuhyun gently closed the door behind him and let out a sigh in relief. He is really not good with bed time stories. 
"How was the story?"
Kyuhyun smiled as he saw Sungmin standing in front of him with an amused expression. He encircled his arms around Sungmin’s waist and looked at him lovingly.
“It went well, I guess.” He replied before pecking Sungmin’s lips many times.
Sungmin was surprised with the sudden sweetness of his husband and he can’t help but giggle. “What’s with you, Kyu?”
“I am so glad you came back. Thank you, Min. Thank you for coming back to me and for giving me another chance.” Kyuhyun said as he stared at Sungmin’s eyes lovingly.
Sungmin, after understanding what Kyuhyun meant, smiled and hugged his other half. “What would you do if I did not show up after that interview?”
“I’ll definitely drown myself in the Han River.” Kyuhyun replied in a serious tone, giving Sungmin some goose bumps.
“Don’t do that. You know, I love you stupid gamer.” Sungmin replied.
“You know I can’t live without you, Min. Having you and Sandeul with me is my real home. You are my life, babe.” Kyuhyun said and soon closed the gap between him and Sungmin’s lips.
It was seven years ago, and the story of the man on the street who waited for his lover to come back was still not forgotten. Kyuhyun had cheated. And he had done everything to make Sungmin come back to his life once again. He had lived on the streets of Seoul with hope that he will see Sungmin again and beg for him to come back. 
“I love you so much.”
They both whispered after being reunited in one rainy day at the Banpo Bridge.
(a/n) yey! I'm back! Thanks a lot.. I miss you all, my lovely readers and friends. *hugs*
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Chapter 1: Aww. Such a lovely short story you have here!~ ^^
Mingsshi #2
Chapter 1: this is nice story >< ~
kyuhyun in desperate state because guilty is not so good sight . thanks for make him happy with new home and his family :3
Chopumpkin #3
Chapter 1: Nice story ♥
ayachi_casey #4
Chapter 1: Love it.
Nice story.
Thanks for shared.
ayawani #5
Chapter 1: Sounds like based on real story.. :)
Chapter 1: Ah~ nice fic :)
Chapter 1: So cute and nice
evilmagnae5 #8
Chapter 1: Awwwwwww kyuhyun is so sweet ;-; and Sungmin is so lovable and easy to forgive ;-;
I wonder if the one kyu cheated with is... His game ? Lol
Thank you for writing :)
Chapter 1: Kyuhyun, the man who can't be moved <3
such a sweet story, it makes me my heart melt~ :)
Chapter 1: EHMEGERD BABY! I JUST READ IT! ASDFGHJKL YOU! U_U MADE MY HEART ACHE U_U amishubaby~ be back soon! let's watch ss5 manila!