Chubby BUNny


He's so cute! I can't believe he's older than me!

You are Chinese-American. After school, you go to your dad's restaurant and become the waitress. There you meet the same customer. He's XiuMin... His cheeks are like your specialty, steamed buns. He's famous too! LIKE OMG!~


So I got bored in class and I was supposed to be reading this southern story. I can't understand it!

I decided to write this. I was puzzled between writing about Lay or Mr. MinSeok. I decided on XiuMin because I was hungry.


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JensuXP #1
Chapter 1: this is adorable. Xiumin is so cute :)
BeeF_steAk #2
Is this going to be a One Shot? LOL "One Shot". XiuMin..Epp.. your really making me Addicted! XP Thanks!:D