My Brother's Best Friend


I ran down the stairs with my notebook in hand and went into the living room.

“Hey Baekhyun! I need help with my homework.”

“Not now Minjee. I’m playing video games with Kris!”

I looked at the blonde sitting next to my brother on the couch. They’re both jerks. Can’t even stop playing for a few minites just to help me with my school work. I turned, I was about to walk away when I heard Kris say something.

“I’ll help her.”

I turned around and looked at him weird.

“Fine then, suit yourself.” Baekhyun said as he continued playing his game.

“So what do you need help with?” Kris asked as he gently took my paper and looked at it.

“Can we go to my room and do it, I don’t want to stand here.” I crossed my arms, waiting for him to answer.


“OOH MINJEE AND KRIS ARE GOING TO HER ROOM ALO-” I threw a pillow at him and it hit him right in the face. “HEY WHAT WAS THAT FOR! YOU MESSED UP MY SCORE!” I smiled and ran up the stairs, Kris following. After I got to my room I grabbed another chair and set it at my desk.

“So which one of these don’t you get?” Kris asked as he looked up from the paper.

“Number 9.” I replied.

“Hmm… number 9,  number 9. AH! Here it is. Okay, so what you have to do is drag this over and then combine these variables. Then you have to multiply the other two numbers by both these two.” He pointed at the paper with his pencil. “So you have 4 terms in the end, then you just add like terms and there’s your answer.”

“Oh, Okay thanks.”

“Uh… cool room.” He looked around and scratched the back of his head. I laughed because my room was pink with hello kitty all over it and posters of boybands that I like.

“So you like hello kitty?” I said, laughing and smiling.

“I don’t like cats…” He said with a half-smile.

“Oh well why not?”

“Well I had an incident when I was younger and I think that’s why I don’t like cats anymore.”

“Tell me the story. Pleeeeaaaaase.” I gave him aegyo and he caved.

“Fine, but you have to promise not to tell anyone.”

“Okay I pinky promise.” I held out my pinky and he took it with his.

“Okay, well, when I was younger I saw this cat walking in front of our house and I ran out to pet it. I didn’t run away from me and was actually very friendly. So I picked it up and I was going to give it a kiss but it bit me. Right on the nose.” I started laughing and he smiled.

All of a sudden he leaned forward until he was probably just 5 cm away from my face. Was he going to-

“Sorry, I had to scratch my foot and I was itching inside my shoe so It was more difficult to scratch.” He said as he leaned back again.

“Oh, that’s okay.” I smiled and tapped my finger on the desk. After a few seconds of awkward silence he stood up.

“Well I better get back home, my mom probably has dinner just about ready, she would be mad if I missed it. See ya Minjee.” He closed the door behind and I sighed. Whew, I almost thought he was going to do something for a second there. Then I thought, would that have been so bad?

~The next day at school~

“Hi Minjee.” I turned around to see Kris standing there with a goofy smile on his face.


“It’s Kris, don’t you remember me?”

“Of course I do you pabo, but why are you talking to me, you’ve never talked to me before in school?”

“Oh, well I just wanted to say hi.” He said smiling.

“Oh, well hi.” I smiled back.

“Come on Minjee, we need to get to class.” Derek said as he hooked his arm in mine and dragged me to class.

Kris’ POV

I was walking down the hallway until I saw her. I decided to go and talk to her so I walked up behind her.

“Hi Minjee.” I smiled at her.

“Hi?” Does she not remember me, I helped with her math yesterday, how does she not know me.

“It’s Kris, don’t you remember me?”

“Of course I do you pabo, but why are you talking to me, you’ve never talked to me before in school?” Does she not want me to talk to her?

“Oh, well I just wanted to say hi.” I smiled at her again.

“Oh, well hi.”

“Come on Minjee, we need to get to class.” Said some random guy as he hooked his arm in her’s and they walked to class. She didn’t notice me glaring at the back of his head. I quickly pivoted on my toes and went to class.

Minjee’s POV

After class I dropped my stuff off at my locker and was about to go to lunch when Kris walked up.

“Hey Kris.”

“Hi Minjee, is it okay if I sit with you at lunch today?”

“Sure? I just have one question, why are you talking to me so much all of a sudden?”

“Because you’re fun to talk to.” He simply said.

“Ok, well I just have to finish putting my stuff in my lock-” All of my stuff fell out of my hands and I bent down to pick it up when I hit my head on something.

“Ow, sorry.” Kris said shyly. What is going on with him?

“Why are you acting so weird?” He scrathed his head as he looked around, not meeting my eye.

“W-What, I’m not acting weird.”

“Yes you are.” He shook his head.

“Yeeeeees.” I sang. “Are you blushing?”

“N-NO!” He turned away and started walking to lunch.

“Hey, why’d you just leave me!?”

“‘ll talk to you in the lunch room!” He called from down the hall. I sighed. Why are guys so stubborn and awkward.

After I got to the lunch room I went to my usual table with Derek, Alicia, Gary, Molly, and Amber. Then I got my lunch and sat down. Derek sat down on my right just before Kris sat down on my left.

“Uh, who are you?” Alicia looked at Kris.

“This is my friend Kris you guys.”

“Hi.” He said awkwardly waving to everyone.

“Oh ok.” They all nodded their heads.

“So you and Baek are twins?” Kris turned his head to me, sideways, with a noodle sticking out of his mouth. I laughed.

“Yes he is my twin.”

“Oh, well that’s cool, I’ve always wanted to have a twin.”

“Trust me, it’s not fun.”

“Why do you say that?”

“Well, I have this idiot that has to go everywhere with me and he’s really annoying and immature.”

“Yeah, that’s why I’m the older one.” Baekhyun said as he walked over.

“By 9 seconds!”

“Hi Baekhyun.” Molly said shyly. When is she going to get over him and why does she like him in the first place, it’s disgusting.

“And your point is…? Hi Molly. Anyway, I didn’t come over here to talk to you, Minjee.” He turned to Kris. “Why aren’t you sitting me and the rest of EXO today.”

“Is that what you call your little gang, you’re such a loser.” He ignored my comment.

“Because I wanted to sit with Minjee today.”

“Ew, why?”

“Because she’s fun to talk to.”

“Why are acting so weird?”

“THAT’S WHAT I SAID!” We both looked at him.

“I’m not.” He shrunk down and started playing with his food.

“Eh, whatever, you’re still going to the park on saturday with us, right?”

“Yeah, of course.”

“Okay well see you later.”

“See ya.”

Baekhyun walked back to his little group of friends.

“So Minjee.” Kris turned to me. “Baekhyun and the rest of EXO are going to an amusement park on Saturday, would you like to come?”

“Um… I don’t think my brother would like that.”

“Who cares?” He smiled.

“You’re right, and if it pisses him off, then that’s a plus!” We laughed together while everyone stared at us like we’re crazy.


Kris’ POV

All throughout the rest of the week Minjee and I sat together at lunch and got to know each other a lot more. Soon enough we were best friends, always making each other laugh until we cried and staying up late talking to each other on the phone. Today was the big day because I think I might tell her how I feel about her.

“I still can’t believe you invited Minjee.” Baekhyun said to me as we walked into the amusement park.

“Well I did, so believe it.”

“That’s not what I meant.” Baekhyun laughed.

“Yes, I know, but it’s just I think she’s really cool and I just thought she might want to come.”

“My sister is totally lame.” Baekhyun said.

“No she isn’t.”

“Yes, she is.”

“Why are you such a bad brother to her?”

“I’m not.”

“You just called her lame.”

“That doesn’t mean I’m a bad brother.”

“You didn’t help her when she needed it for homework!”

“Because you were there with me!”


I glanced at Minjee in front of us. She heard us.












“GUYS THAT’S ENOUGH!” Minjee screamed at us.

She grabbed me on the arm and dragged me away, while Suho did the same for Baekhyun.

“Why are you guys acting like children!?”

“Because you brother is a FREAKING IDIOT!” I yelled the last part at him.

“You guys need to calm d-” I got punched on the side of my face and fell to the ground. I looked up to see Baekhyun standing there looking mad as ever.

“BAEKHYUN!?” Minjee yelled.

I got up and tackled him to the ground and we both started punching each other.

“GUYS STOP!” Minjee yelled at us both. She’s crying now. “STOP FIGHTING! WOULD YOU STOP ING FIGHTING!”

Suho and Chanyeol both intervened and grabbed us both, pulling me and Baekhyun away from each other. We all stood, Chanyeol and Suho still stood beside us to make sure we wouldn’t try anything again.

“You guys need to calm the down.” Suho said glancing at both of us with a hard look in his eye.

“Really guys what is wrong with you!?” Tao yelled.

“I can’t believe you guys would be so childish to do something like that!” Luhan chimed in.

I didn’t care what anyone else said, I just wondered who’s side Minjee is going to take. She started walking up to Baekhyun, what’s she doing? She stopped when she was right in front of him and suddenly slapped him on the face. I smirked, so I guess she chose me. She walked over to me, I thought she would maybe hug me or something but she didn’t. All of a sudden, I felt a sharp stinging on the left side of my face. She slapped me too!?

Then she ran away from both of us crying. Sehun and Xiumin chased after her. I sighed, I guess she’s upset with both of us. I can’t believe I really just actually did that. I looked over at Baekhyun who was looking down at the ground, and could tell he was thinking the same thing.

Minjee’s POV

I sat down on a bench beside an ice cream shop and put my head in my hands.

I can’t believe they would do something- fight over something, so stupid. I’m mad at Baekhyun because he tried to beat up my best friend, I’m mad at Kris for the same reason, I can’t believe he would try to beat up my brother. They’re both just ridiculous. Xiumin and Sehun came running over and bent down to cath their breath.

“We came to make sure you’re okay and too make sure you don’t get lost or something happens to you.” Xiumin said.

“And to cheer you up!” Sehun added. “So now we can go home and watch Lord of The Rings and learn the elven language!” He looked generally excited. I laughed.

“You need a girlfriend.” Xiumin told Sehun.

“No I do not.” Sehun crossed his arms and pouted.

“You need a boyfriend.” Sehun eyes opened as wide as possible and his mouth kept opening and closing. “HEY EVERYONE!” Xiumin yelled and waved his hands, getting everyone’s attention. “HE’S SINGLE!” Xiumin pointed at Sehun. Sehun just stood there blush and stammering. Meanwhile, I was laughing the whole time.

“HEY SHE’S LAUGHING! YAAAAY, WE SUCCEEDED IN CHEERING HER UP!” Sehun jumped up and down and clapped him hands. Xiumin and I started walking away when some girl walked up to Sehun and whispered in his ear. He looked extremely confused as he walked over to us.

“Hey guys, that girl just said ‘Come with me, I’ll show you the ride of your life.’ then she winked at me and bit her lips, what does that mean.” Xiumin and I just looked at each other and started laughing so hard. “Hey, what are you guys laughing at!?” Xiumin went to Sehun and silently said something in his ear. Sehun’s eyes widened immensely and he started blushing until he was beet red with his mouth completely agape.

“Well let’s go rides some rides.” I said to both of them.

“We aren’t going to-“


“Oh ok, good.” Sehun replied.

“Is that disappointment I seee in your eyes Sehun?” Xiumin questioned.


“What’s that supposed to mean?” I raised my eyebrows at him.


“So you DO want to do that.”

“NO I DON’T, I- AGGGHHHHH.” He put both hiss hands on his forehead.

“We’re just messing with you Sehun.” Xiumin told him as he poked him on the forehead and we both laughed.

“Don’t do that to me guys!” Sehun pouted as we entered a ride named Dominator. “We should ride in the front row!” 

“Are you SURE you want to sit in the front row?” Xiumin asked him.

“Yes, I’m sure.”

“Are you sure that you are sure.”

“Yes, I am sure that I’m sure.”

“Are you absolutely positively sure?”

“YAH! Why does everyone mess with me?” Sehun pouted again.

“Don’t take it seriously Sehun. We’re just messi-“

“NO! SHUT UP AND LEAVE ME ALONE! I HATE YOU!” Xiumin and I both had our mouth and eyes wide open in shock. All of a sudden Sehun started laughing. “HAHA! I totally got you guys! That’s what you guys get for messing with me!”

“For a second there…” Xiumin said as we sat down in the front row.

“ARE YOU READY!?” One of the employees saidover the intercom. There was a chorus of YEAHs and WOOPs. “Then enjoy the ride!”

The ride started going and soon we were climbing up the first hill.

“I don’t think we should have sat in thee front row. I didn’t know it was so high.” Sehun squirmed in his seat. “OHMYGOSH WE’RE GOING TO DIE!”

“No we aren’t, calm down.” Xiumin said, laughing.

“Okay, okay, I’ll just close my eyes.”

“No that’ll ruin the whole ride. Trust me you’ll enjoy it. I was like you are when I rode my first big coaster, but in the middle of the ride I had flung my arms up and started yelling like a mad man. I didn’t even know I had done it, I just did. Just trust me.” Xiumin assured him. We now reached the top of the big slope. Sehun gulped.

“Well I guess this is it guys.” Sehun took a deep breath. The roller coaster dropped and we were speeding down the hill.

“AHHHHHHHH!” Xiumin and I looked at Sehun but he wasn’t screaming from terror, but from joy and excitement. Xiumin chuckled at him and resituated himself in his seat.

After the ride was over we exited.

“THAT WAS SO FUN GUYS WE SHOULD RIDE IT AGAIN!” Sehun exclaimed as he jumped up and down.

“And to think you were actually scared.” Xiumin shook his head.

After a few more hours it soon became noon. We sat down at a pizza place to eat lunch. 

“Hey Minjee, are you still mad at Kris and Bacon?”


“Oh… ok.” Xiumin started typing furiously on his phone.

“Gosh, don’t break the keyboard.” I smiled at him and he returned it. “Who are you texting anywa-“

“Here’s the pizza, guys!” Sehun pointed at a lady walking towards our table with a large pepporoni, which is what we ordered. She set the pizza down on the metal holder and stood back up.

“Anything else you guys need? Napkins, parmesean..?”

“No we’re okay.” I smiled as I answered. “Thank you.”

“No problem.” She returned my smile and walked away.

I looked back at Xiumin and Sehun and noticed that Xiumin was whispering something to the other.

“Okay, it’s decided.” Sehun nodded in agreement with whatever Xiumin had just told him.

“What are you guys talking about?” I eyed them suspiciously.

“Nothing. Is your pizza good?” Xiumin replied as he pointed at my plate. I wonder what they’re planning? I shook it off, whatever, it doesn’t really matter.

“I don’t know.” I picked it up and took an enormous bite. “It’s delicious!”

“Good.” Sehun smiled.

After we finished eating we sat in the shade of a tree and give our stomachs time to settle. After about 30 minutes I glanced at Xiumin and Sehun and smiled. Sehun had fallen asleep on Xiumin’s chest but he didn’t seem to notcie since he was asleep too. I guess I would let them rest. After about 15 more minutes I heard Xiumin getting up.

“YAH! GET OFF OF ME YOU PABO!” I laughed as I turned around.

“Sorry hyung, I guess I fell asleep and then rolled over.”

“Yeah, yeah, whatever.”

“So what ride are we going to now?” Sehun asked eagarly.

“Hmm… how about….. that one.” I pointed to the biggest roller coaster in the whole park. Sehun gulped and widened his eyes at the sight of it.

“O-Okay.” He replied. Xiumin laughed at him.

As we walked in Sehun glanced at a sign along the path to the coaster. ‘REACHES SPEEDS UP TO 100MPH!’ He gulped.

“It’ll be okay Sehun, we’re here with you.” I smiled at him and pulled him along.

After we got seated in the front we waited for the coaster to start going up. We started going up and I looked down after a few seconds. We are REALLY high up. I mean like REALLY FREAKING HIGH IN THE AIR. I glanced up at the top. We aren’t even halfway there! As we neared the top I shut my eyes. All of a sudden I felt a warm hand in mine. I opened my eyes and saw the owner of the hand. Xiumin smiled at me and gave me a reassuring smile. I smiled back and faced forward, we had just reached the peak. Xiumin gave my hand a squeeze and I did the same. The train started going down.

“WOOOOOOOOOOOO!” I screamed.

~Hours later~

After riding all the rides we decided to go on some again since we ran out of roller coasters. After we got off the Dominator again Sehun checked his watch. What’s up with him he’s been doing it a lot. He got Xiumin’s attention and stuck his wrist in front of his face. Xiumin nodded. Sehun turned to me.

“Well me and Xiumin are a little tired so can we just ride the ferris wheel?”

“The ferris wheel… wha…?”

“Yeah, Sehun’s right, we should go ride the ferris wheel.” Xiumin agreed.


We arrived at the ferris wheel and waited in the line for a few minutes, when finally reached the front of the line, the next cart was ours.

“Okay well we’re going to go now, you just get in the next cart.” Xiumin said as Sehun nodded his head.

“What are you talking about?”

“Me and Sehun are going to go now.”

“I’m still… what are you… I’m confused.” I looked at Sehun hoping he would explain. Xiumin looked around.

“Ah! There he is!” I followed his line of vision until I saw Kris walking up the line towards us.

“Oh no, I know what you’re trying to do. I am NOT getting on the ferris wheel with him.”

“Why not?” Kris answered.

“Because I’m mad at you.”

“Well why don’t we talk about it on the ferris wheel?”


“Please Minjee.”

“I said no. I’m not getting on the ferris wheel.”

“Pleeeeeaaaaase.” He bit his lip. I sighed and then scowled at him.


“YESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYES.” He said as he climbed into the cart. I followed and sat on the opposite side as him. The ferris wheel started up and he scooted over, tapping the empty space beside him.

“There’s plenty of room.” I didn’t reply, I just blinked at him. He sighed. “Look I’m sorry about what I did. I really shouldn’t have got in a fight with Baekhyun, but he kept calling you lame, and you’re my best friend, and I had to defend you.”

“No you didn’t.” I looked at him coldly. “But thank you for doing it anyway.” He broke out into a smile.

“So do you forgive me?”

“I don’t know.”

“Please?” He stuck his bottom lip out.

“A pout isn’t going to make me forgive you.”

“What would?”

“I-” All of a sudden there was a major screeching. “AHHH! WHAT WAS THAT!”

“I don’t know.” Kris said as he looked down from the side of the cart. “I think the ferris wheel is stuck.”

“Great.” I said sarcastically as I rested my head in my hands.

“So anyway, you never answered.”

“What would make you forgive me?” He sat down beside me. I didn’t reply.

“Minjee, are you tired?”

“A little bit, why?”

“I can just tell. You can sleep if you want to,” He smiled. “we might be up here a while.”

“I guess that’s a good idea.” I layed down and closed my eyes, trying to go to sleep.

Kris’ POV

About 15 minutes after she layed down she got back up again.

“It’s too cold up here to sleep and I didn’t bring a jacket.”

“Here, take mine.” I slipped of my jacket and handed it to her.

“Won’t you be cold?”

“No, I’ll be fine. I’m warm.”

“Okay.” She hesitantly took it from me and pulled it on, zipping it as far as it would go, then layed back down.

Five minutes later she got back up again.

“I’m still cold.” She frowned.

“Here come here.” He motioned her to sleep on him.


“Fine then if you want to be cold…” She hesitated for a second.

“Actually…” She got up and sat down beside me and put her head on my shoulder.

“You Pabo! You know you don’t have to sleep like that!” I started to lean back a little but being clumsy me, I slipped and fell off the seat, her toppling on top of me.

“Sor-” I looked down at her as she was looking at me. “-ry.” Her eyes were beautiful, I almost got lost when she closed them. She started to lean closer. Is she actually going to- Her lips met mine and I couldn’t help but feeling that this was was so right, it felt, so right. I smiled into the kiss and she did the same. Then after a long and passionate kiss we broke apart and she rested her head on my chest.

“So I’m guessing you forgive me.” I interlocked my fingers with hers and she laughed and lifted her head up again, and gave my a peck on the lips, then she layed back down, and went to sleep.

They suddenly heard a cough as we looked up to see Xiumin and Sehun standing at the entrance to their cart. Xiumin had a stupid grin on while Sehun was wide eyes and blushing from the scene in front of him. Minjee quickly jumped off of me as I awkwardly coughed. Looks like the…ferris wheel was still moving….err.

“Sooo, guess you guys had fun on the ferris wheel.”

I smacked Xiumin as he and Minjee were laughing.

“Did you guys have the ‘ride of your life’ ?!?!?!?”

We three gave Sehun the most wide eyes stare ever as he was embarrassed from what he said. Xiumin grabbed him on the shoulders with the most serious stare ever.

“Don’t ever say those words again.”

Then we all bursted out laughing. I looked over to see Minjee’s smile. I reach over and grab her hand as she looks up at me from my action. Then we both smile as we watch Sehun being scolded by Xiumin. We thanked these two as they gave us a moment we won’t forget.

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-Weylyn- #1
thank you so much kfndeghsuzghrm *spasms*
Chapter 1: <3 haha!
Xiumin and Sehun are sooo funny! xD
Chapter 1: . kekeke
.funny story was cause by xiumin n sehun !:-D