

"Come on, just one?" Minho asked pleadingly, putting his hands together as if praying as they rested on the soccer field long after everyone else had left. Taemin laughed and shoved his teammate away, cruelly hogging the Nerds for himself.

"Not. A. Chance," he said, enunciating every soul-crushing syllable as he popped the sweet candies into his mouth one by one. He made sure to crunch them extra loud, his eyes closing in victory.

Suddenly, Taemin was being pressed to the wet ground, his soccer cleats dislodged from the fake dirt and his box of Nerds snatched from his hands. He yelled out and whined and poured out insults, trying to get back his delectable little treats.

"er! Get off of me, you fatass! Come on, Minho, this isn't funny!" Taemin complained as he tried to stretch his arm out. Minho smirked as he used both of his hands to clasp the Nerds, sitting up on Taemin's waist. He was going to enjoy every single sugary, nubby candy, and there was—

"Oof!" Minho shouted out as Taemin head-butted him in the gut. The taller boy suddenly hunched over, falling to the side as Taemin snatched up his sweets again.

"Haha! Justice has prevailed," Taemin cheered as he turned the box upside-down over his hand. He could already imagine the cascade of color as the small, pebbly—


Taemin shook the box again. Not a single candy came out. He tilted his head and peered into the small container, only to find emptiness yawning at him like a black hole. What the Hell?

"Ha, justice prevails!" Minho mocked as he sat up, opening his hand to reveal the candies sticking to his palm and clinging to his fingers. Taemin let out a frustrated groan as Minho devoured the candy, the sweet juices from his long digits as Taemin watched.

"You're such a ! Why the am I in love with you again?" Taemin demanded. Minho froze and blinked his large, shocked eyes, his pinky finger swallowed from the knuckle up in his mouth. Slowly, both boys digested what had just been said, and Taemin's face grew a bright, artificial-cherry red.

"You're..." Minho couldn't even finish the sentence, his throat was closed so tight. The last few candies melted in his mouth as the two boys looked at each other, faces flushed.

"... Um, pretend that I never s-said anything. See you later, douche-bag," Taemin said hurriedly, standing up and looking around for his things. He was an idiot. Truly an idiot. What the had he been thinking?

Suddenly, he was on his back, Minho on top of him with a nervous, yet radiant smile. Taemin whimpered slightly as the older boy's arms trapped him to the field.

"So, you're in love with me, huh?" Minho asked. He was trying to be cocky, he really way, but it was hard to be a when his heart was pounding out of his chest and Taemin was slowly catching on and he just couldn't even catch his breath.

"Yeah... Are you in love with me?" Taemin asked, a small smile playing on his lips as he reached up and hook his arms behind Minho's neck, feeling the sweaty collar of Minho's loose team jersey. Minho just let out a short laugh before he pressed his lips to Taemin's, the taste of Nerds on their tongues.

This wasn't the first kiss for either of them, but it sure felt like it. It was filled with a jumpy giddiness and a sense of delight. It was filled with paradise and sugar and a few sneaky breaths of laughter in between. It was filled with happy tears in both of their eyes as they realized how perfect this all was. Sure, they both needed to shower, and there was a lot they needed to discuss, but...

Ah, to Hell with it all. At least for now.

"Call me," Minho murmured as he pulled away, grinning from ear to ear. They sat up, their smiles mirroring the other's. Taemin gently smacked Minho's arm, feeling the other's warm breath in his hair.

"Don't think I've forgiven you for stealing my ing candy, you ," Taemin snarled playfully. Minho laughed, tipping his head back and letting his hair hang from his scalp in sweaty strands before looking at Taemin with his bright, wonderful eyes.

"You're such a hardass. I'm glad I fell in love with you."


A/N—Fluffiness! <3

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Chapter 1: ahhhh now i'm craving for nerds T_T actually i had my first box of nerds just a few months ago... but that's just because it's so hard to get them here. >_> they are so cute istg and you're writing is awesome~~~
Dangerousluv1 #2
Chapter 1: The fluffiness is so cute and adorable!
PetitFreak0525 #3
Chapter 1: so cuuuuuuuuuute I love that xD
Chapter 1: Ahhh so sweet ^^
KirinoKoyama #5
Chapter 1: =3 so cute. >.< yay
Chapter 1: awwww so cute and sweet 2min~~~ =)
Chapter 1: Awwww :) so cute :)
Chapter 1: Loved ittt *A*
how cute~
Chapter 1: how i wish i love nerds :)
this is overly cute!
Chapter 1: so cute and so cute! i like them both naughty and a little bit feisty <3