
One Cold Night

"Gukkie hyung, I heard a bunch of sounds last night. What happened hyung?" asked Zelo, rubbing his sleepy eyes and yawning as he sauntered over to the table and plopped himself onto the nearest chair.


"Yeah hyung. Did you, "get it on" with Daehyunnie?" quietly snickered Youngjae, eyebrows wiggling in a suggestive manner.


"Shut up you, how did you even find out that we were dating?" Yongguk hissed groggily, throwing a spoon at the vocalist, at which he missed.


"A little birdy decided to tell me one day," mused the latter, stealing a little glance at Himchan, who was in the kitchen frying bacon and eggs, a light blue apron tied around his waist.


"Speaking of which, where is he anyway? I haven't seen him in his bed this morning," Himchan said, bringing several plates of food and setting it down on the table. 


"He's still sleeping in my bed," answered the oldest, suddenly standing up and strolling over to his bedroom. "I should probably go wake him up now."


"A-hah! See?! I knew it you were having with Daehyunnie last night," Youngjae contorted, pointing an accusing finger at the leader.


"What the Youngjae? Where are you even getting these ideas from?" opposed Yongguk, eyebrows furrowed and hands up in confusion.


"I don't know," he simply replied back, shoving a forkful of scrambled eggs into his mouth, before pointing the silver utensil at the male. "You find out for yourself." 


"Aish, I give up on talking to you," stated the older, running a hand through his blonde locks before entering the bedroom.


Being careful to not step on anything, Yongguk quietly tip-toed over to the bed and lightly shook the sleeping main vocal. "Honey, you should wake up now, breakfast is ready," he whispered gently and sweetly.


A silent groan came from the younger as Daehyun slowly sat up on the cushions, rubbing his sleepy eyes and yawning slightly, his hair messed up everywhere, obliviously making the act look adorable. Oh you are too cute, the leader thought and chuckled, as he watched the boy tiredly lift himself off the bed and start trudging to the bathroom door.




"Daehyunnie! Hurry up!" called Yongguk from the door, all dressed up, ready to go outside.


"Coming Gukkie!" replied back Daehyun as he quickly rushed to get his light blue beanie and scarf on.


"Woah! Not that fast honey. You're gonna choke if you do," blurted the leader, watching as the vocalist frantically scramble all over the kitchen, tossing a rather large piece of coffee cheesecake into his mouth and immediately grabbing all of his winter gear.


"DUAONE," Yongguk's boyfriend gabbed with food in his mouth, standing in a deemed finished pose.


"Alright then, let's go!" The older chirped as he grabbed his lover's hand and dashed out of the door, out into the streets of Korea.


Two shirtless heads and bodies popped out of a nearby door. "MAKE SURE TO CLOSE AND LOCK THE DOOR!" Jongup and Zelo reminded them, happy cheerful expressions on their faces, before disappearing back into the room, continuing who knows what they were doing.




"Where should we go first?" casually questioned Yongguk, inspecting at the little shops that were scattered throughout the area.


"Um, how about that one?!" the vocalist exclaimed, pointing at a small shop filled with plushies and jewelry.


"Sure," he agreed, dragging the younger into the store. His hands are so soft, he thought as he opened the door to the shopping center.


Once they got in, they were immediately bombarded by nearly all the female employees in the shoppe, who were obviously flirting with the handsome older, not noticing Daehyun behind him. He responded to the situation by sending them all death glares. Yongguk took notice at the jealous stares his lover was sending and giggled a bit at the envious boyfriend who was clinging onto him for life.


"I'm sorry ladies, but could please give me and my boyfriend some space?" he politely asked, flashing a little smile. The group of girls sighed in defeat when they realized that he had already been taken, and returned to their original spots.


"Finally, they're gone," he heard the younger male sigh in relief. Daehyun then lifted himself near Yongguk's ear and whispered, "What's mine is mine and I don't share. Bang Yongguk is my property only." A definite pout formed on the younger's profile.


The older bursted in laughter for a bit before contorting back, "Possessive much honey? Don't worry though, I'm all yours."


"Good." He flashed his adorable eyesmile.


A young petite employee noticed the couple and came up to them. "Hello! Do you two need any help today?" she asked.


"No, we're just browsing the store, that's all," they both answered in unison.


"Ok. I just wanted to come by to tell you guys that there's a sale on couple rings today, if you would like to check it out," she acknowledged, pointing at the jewelry section of the store, where tons of of other boyfriends and girlfriends were checking out the area.


"Daehyunnie, do you want to check out the rings?" he asked the latter, who slightly nodded and smiled as a sign of approval.




After bickering a bit of what type of ring they wanted and more browsing the section, the two lovers finally agreed upon a pair of small silver rings, with the initials "JDH" engraved on one and "BYG" engraved on the other. Surprisingly, the price wasn't very high, and in no time at all, they were out of the store, wearing their rings on their fingers. 


They continued strolling through the busy roads of Seoul, before stopping by a dukbokki stand, where Daehyun devoured an entire plate of it.


"You just ate!" Yongguk pointed at the male, who simply pouted a bit in return, before resuming to eat more of the dish.


"So? You know I eat a lot! I can't help it!" He pouted more and puffed out his cheeks like a chipmunk, as if to emphasize the point.


"Fine. But tonight you're paying me back." Yongguk's eyebrows wiggled quite suggestively like Youngjae that morning before sending a flirty wink at the younger.


Daehyun rolled his eyes at the boyfriend before continuing to munch on the dukbokki. "Fine."




When they arrived back home at around evening after window shopping and eating some more, they were greeted by the sight of all the members on the couch. When the group heard them coming, Himchan looked up from his phone and smirked at the couple, who were confused at why he was grinning.


"Congratulations." The second eldest pointed at their hands. Daehyun followed the older's gaze to his fingers to where the ring was glimmering, and immediately hid behind the muscular leader, blushing a deep crimson red.


"Thank you." Yongguk grinned back.


"Okay, since everybody knows now that Daehyunnie hyung and Gukkie hyung are dating, you should probably know me and Jonguppie hyung are dating too," Zelo confessed out innocently, a light shade of pink on his face. 


"YOU AND JONGUPPIE WHAT?!" shrieked motherly Himchan, dropping his cellphone. "Okay you two, to the table, we need to have a talk about the birds and the bees."


"But Himchannie umma, me and Jonguppie already did it. I don't want this talk," complained the maknae, crossing his arms and pouting.


"YOU DID IT ALREADY?! WHEN?! YOU TWO ARE COMING WITH ME!" The older nearly screamed as he dragged the maknae line into his room for a punishment and scolding, leaving the BangDae couple and Youngjae awkwardly sitting/standing there.


"So," Yongguk hinted. "Can I have that payback now Daehyunnie?" He flashed his infamous gummy smile.


The other only rolled his eyes once again before muttering a "Fine" and also dragging the leader to his bedroom, now leaving Youngjae by himself.


"Well, looks like I'm not getting any sleep tonight," sighed Youngjae in misery, sulking more into the sofa and putting his earbuds in his ears, which slowly drowned out the arguing and ually frustrated noises and moans.




Hello! A long epilogue for you guys. :D Did you enjoy?

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bangdaebak #1
Chapter 1: Oh my god channie u sneaky bastard but thank him for being the best wingman as he said lmao this is so cute. I need more fics of bangdae cuddling ugh

Thank you for writing xx
Chapter 2: thanks for the epilogue and Himchan really is the best. XD cute BangDae is just the epitome of cuteness in general. +_+
Chapter 1: i LOVE bangdae, please write more fics. T_T and the Shisus reference....die-hard E.L.F. over here....I LOVE EET. Himchan is the best. XD
Chapter 1: awwwww bangdae;u;
it was so sweet~ i like clingy!daehyun (≧▽≦)/~┴┴
Chapter 1: AGOOOO GOO GOO SO CUTE ;__;
XaraKAI #6
Chapter 2: Lol. Poor youngjae
Daehyun is such a cutie <3 and bangdae is lovee....fluffy. Do more bangdae please!
Chapter 1: hahahh omg! himchan omg
bangdae! daehyun so cute~! <3
Chapter 2: I love BangDae so much, and this is brilliant. XD I unfortunately chose to read it in public and then was trying not to snort giggles the entire time. :D Himchan was hilarious and the idea of DaeHyun requiring YongGuk cuddles is just like my new happy thought. :D

And I have to admit, I love the thought of possessive!Daehyun. Also I really love your writing style (which is why I friended you because I now completely intend to stalk your stories as soon as I have the chance!) <3
Chapter 2: LOLOLOL Poor Youngjae xDDDD
Awwwww, BangDae bought rings, how cute >w<
Bang must be so happy tht night ;D