The Training Room

Hunter's Moon: Enforcers of light

    Twhap, Twhap, Twhap, Twhap, Twhap.
One after the other, five Kunai knives, flew out of Tiffany’s hands, each one hitting a bull’s eye, over two hundred yards away. CHXG0o16rMvYAyP2IPsqfZiVJd9H1gXAJpt_ECGi

“Looks like another perfect” Yuri signed for the twentieth time, that morning. “Come on Fany lets go get some food, we been here all morning.”
“target practice is essential, besides we have to wait for Sica before we can do anything today.” Tiffany was already running back, after gathering all her kunais. “lets try a bit of one on one, that way you won’t be bored”

Yuri pouted, she knew no one could beat tiffany, one on one, she was a prodigy, borned for combat.

“You know you're going to beat me again” Yuri, was really regretting her decision to leave Jessica, by herself to choose their trainees. “lets talk about our Slayers”

“The Slayers? what about them?” Tiffany stored the throwing knives, into the many sheaths hidden under her training clothes. “you already know the drill, as higher class Paladins, every year we must mentor one of the new Slayer units”

“Yeah I already know that all agents, A.K.A. hunters here at S.M are ranked into two classes, Slayers, and Paladins” Yuri, was a bit annoyed at tiffany, for not realizing what she was trying to say. “have you seen  this years candidates, there’s plenty of potential. Cute boys, and girls, if one was so inclined”
Tiffany’s eyebrows shot up to her bangs, when she hear Yuri’s teasing, it had already been six months since Tiffany, had come out at as a bi-ual to her unit. Jessica had not even batted an eyebrow, at Tiffany’s confession. Yuri on the other hand had found it extremely hilarious. She had been mercilessly teasing Tiffany ever since.
“we’re to be their mentors” Tiffany said to Yuri, once again flinging her Kunais, at the distant targets. “we are not supposed to date them.”
“another perfect, I seriously wonder why you keep practicing” Yuri, started filing her nails, as Tiffany once again ran over to the other side of the training room, to retrieve her weapons. “besides “not supposed to” is quite different from “not allowed to” right?”
Tiffany rolled her eyes, and walked over to a wall stacked high, with gleaming blades, and weapons. She picked up a pair of dueling Katanas.6hROTOaaLZ7D3EeNUk2X29RYpIgldrCBHYYQcQyR
“Catch” Tiffany threw one of the katana’s at Yuri, causing her to jump up from her chair.
“YAH, you almost took my head off”
“Draw your sword” Tiffany rolled her eyes at Yuri, like all the weapons in the training room, aside from the kunais, the Katanas were blunt. “the worst this beauties will do is break bones”
“Right” Yuri rolled her eyes, her voice dripping with sarcasm. “what’s a few broken bones between friends?”
“more like sisters” Tiffany gave Yuri her best eye-smile. “Now en guarde!!”

Yuri’s POV

Tiffany fainted towards my left shoulder, bu twisted her wrist at the last minute, the tip of her sword pointed straight at my left thigh. I barely managed to deflect her attack.

Not to be outdone, I quickly swung at her left side, which she had exposed. Her sword cut a swift arc through the air, the two blades meet with a resounding clash. I pushed her back, and fainted a cut towards her head, but changed the course of my blade at the last second landing the first hit across her torso.

Tiffany barely huffed at the blow. Recovering quickly and going back into the offensive with a lighting quick stab at my hip. I side stepped to evade her blade, Tiffany stumbled forward, being carried by her momento. Leaving an opening, that I quickly took advantage of, landing the second blow, right across her ribcage.

"Three blows right?" I asked excited at the prospect of beating Tiffany at her own game, and I could feel a huge grin stretching across my face.

"Right, don't let your guard down" Tiffany smiled innocently at me, before her eyes disappeared into her signature eye smile, I saw an odd twinkle.

As Tiffany once again took her dueling stance, my triumphant grin slid off my face, like grease over hot pavement. There was no mistaking the fire on Tiffany's eyes, it was the same fire that had burned when she had single handedly taken down a rogue werewolf. The same fire had been present when Tiffany had pummeled the living lights out of a gang of street thugs that had tried to hit on her.

Like a cobra, Tiffany dashed forward, and batted my katana away from my body, turning her wrist. Tiffany caused her blade to change direction, and she landed her first blow at my left shoulder. I managed to deflect her next move, but I didn't see her sneaker flying towards my abdomen. By the time I saw the pink blur, that was Tiffany's leg flying towards me, it was already too late to move away.

All the air in my lungs was knocked out, I was momentarily dazed. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw tiffany swing her katana, landing a second blow, this time she stabbed by leg. Both blows smarted, but not as much as my pride.
Getting back to my battle stance, I when on the offensive. A quick vertical slash toward her shoulder, Tiffany's blade deflected by own. Recovering quickly, I slashed her exposed stomach, only to have my blow deflected.

Tiffany threw herself into the air, flipping twice before landing behind me, before I could even register what had happened, a cold line of steel pressed my jaw.

"Game Tiffany!!!" Tiffany jumped around the large training room, pumping her fist in celebration. "Go Fany! Go Fany!"

"Aught" I rolled my eyes at Tiffany's display of childishness. "That's so lame cheering your own name"

The sliding door opened with a soft swish. Standing there was a tall blond girl, with stone cold features, that warmed up into an angelic smile the moment she saw her two best friends.

"I am back" I feel a familiar tightness in my chest, at the sound of Jessica's voice. "Yuri why is Tiffany acting like a silly school girl again?"

"Yah don't be like that Sica!" Tiffany pouted as she ran towards the blond girl. “this school girl just schooled Yuri, at the art of dueling”

“Shame on you Yuri!” Jessica scolded me, with a hint of amusement in her eyes. “thats the third time this week”

“enough about that” I tried steering the conversation away from my katana wielding ability, or the lack thereof. “how come your back so early, I thought it was going to take longer to test our new recruits”

“It went by fast, they managed to take down a class B basilisk” By the look on Jessica’s face it was evident that she was impressed. “in record time too, they wielded some pretty weird weapons, and strategies”

“Class B” Even Tiffany seemed impressed. “what do you mean weird weapons? all weapons come from the S.M Armory”

“Thats what I thought too” Jessica explained. “so I asked Seohyun, figured that as the head of the Intelligence department she would probably know
“turns out the three of them are legacies, all their weapons have either demonic, or angelic alliances, their families have been part of S.M for several generations.”

“Legacies?” I asked Jessica, Tiffany’s smile had quickly evaporated, to be replaced by a deep frown. “what are legacies, and what’s this about alliances?”

“Don’t you remember this from the academy, I swear sometimes I wonder how you managed to become a paladin” Jessica teased me,
“Legacies are Hunters whose families have been slayers, for many generations, I think it has to go back to your great grandparents.
“anyhow a Legacies are said to be born for the job of Hunting demons, and monster, they are usually faster, or stronger than regular hunters, and every once in awhile they develop abilities, such as combat magic, or healing powers.
“but thats very rare...”
“thats amazing” It seemed hard to believe that such things could really happen due to your family. “how is it that they are special simply based in what their parents did? and what about their weapons.”
“Here’s the short version as Seohyun told me” Jessica was staring at Tiffany with concern. “because their hunters are exposed to the Chaos Energy that gives demons their powers,  after a few generation the human body changes to better combat the Chaos Energy, resulting in higher speed, agility, and strength.
“The same holds true for the weapons we Hunters use, but it’s not a matter of time, but exposure.The Blessed Alloys; Serene Silver, Celestial Bronze, that are used in crafting weapons. Those Metals absorb Chaos Energy to evolve, and mutate.
“mutated weapons can go one of two ways Demonic, or Angelic.
“Demonic blades, become larger, and broader, they can cause devastating wounds, and shine with a red light when in a source of Chaos Energy is nearby. Such as a monster, or Demon.
“Angelic weapons become sleeker, with gentle curves, the blades also become sharp enough to cut through almost every kind of armor. Angelic Blades glow Silver, or Yellow depending on the material they were forged with. Celestial Bronze glows yellow, Serene silver shines with a silver light.”

“I see what you mean that is pretty odd” I was trying to process all that Jessica was telling me. “how come I haven’t seen many allied weapons?”
“you probably have the changes are often subtle, for the changes to drastically affect the shape of a blade it must absorb a lot of Chaos Energy.”
I was so deep in my own thoughts about the new information Jessica had given me that I didn’t even notice that Tiffany wasn’t in the room.

“Sica where did Fany go?” I asked Jessica, who was busy practicing against a Straw dummy.

“What do you mean she left?” Jessica took a quick look around the training room, a deep sense of foreboding coming over her. “This isn’t good we better find her quick”
Yuri POV over
Without another word, Jessica dashed out of the room, with a very confused Yuri in tow.
Author’s Note
~Paladin in the house~
all right, this is a re-envision version of chapter 2. I like where this is going. promise TaeNy meeting for next chapter. For those of you who have read the original version, you should know the main battle sequence of the original will be a part of chapter three. (^.^)

Like always please let me know what you think, in the comments or message me. I layed down a lot of data on the universe this story is set in, if anything makes no sense let me know so I can revise it, don’t want to confuse any reader. (-_-)
P.S I am open to any SNSD discussion, be it Yoona’s alligator laugh, or the fact that Invincible youth 1, was a thousand times better than the second season. Disagree? well then lay down your facts, but be warned I believe in what I am saying, and will fight to prove the validity of my views.
P.P.S still here cool, remember to comment and subscribe, if you don’t tell me what you like or dislike, how is this story supposed to improve?

P.P.P.S the P in P.S. stands for POST, as in POSTScript. that makes this note Postpostpostscript. LoLZ <^.^>

~MoonPaladin out~ Y(^o^)Y

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Promise to have something up tomorrow or friday


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veeyuzuu #1
Chapter 14: heyyyy.. when will you updates?
i hope you will updates soin author-nim..
im waiting too.long already.. :(
Totoro_lover #2
Chapter 14: XD Go Sunny! That was so cool >< Sunny was so awesome! Thank you for your update ^^
Totoro_lover #3
Chapter 13: This is daebak!
Chapter 13: This is so amazing! XD
Zulmrih #5
Chapter 13: Taeny moments taeny taeny please
Jwoods #6
Chapter 12: ell that was a nice little chapter along with some explanations and some new character's nice.
Jwoods #7
Chapter 11: Nice action good thing that taeyeon did what she did in time and the action sequences where superb and that scorpion very nice good work.
Jwoods #8
Chapter 9: Oh some hmm.. "action". Well anyway nice chapter and good thing with the direwolve's remind's me off game of throne's also i hope that they use there power's to take down the troll.
Jwoods #9
Chapter 8: Bonne bonne good chapter There's starting to be some tension which can only bode well for he character's and make for an excellent story hope that there all this good.
Jwoods #10
Chapter 7: There's the character development that I wanted along with the back story's. I also approve of how you showed us a secret technique that is never supposed to be used I hope that it comes up again.