The Letter




As Jungmin prattled on, Kyu Jong sat with his face to the window, remembering the letter that had started that afternoon's events. 




He sorted through the envelopes and found one that had been forwarded to him from his parents



Dear Kyu JOng, 

Cho eyo, Kim Suh Young. 

Have you achieved your dream yet? 




Just that. Nothing more. No explanation for the five years of silence, no further information on what she'd been doing, and no other questions. But he was curious, and so he wrote back. 




To. Suh Young
Annyong. It’s nice to hear from you. I’ve been working hard to fulfill my dream, and I finally have. How about you? Have you achieved your dream yet? 

- Kyu Jong



Weeks passed with the letters slowly growing in length, and then: 




                                     Kyu JOng, (she’d fallen back into the habit of writing letters like the notes they used to pass in school)

The last of my stuff is being packed, so I guess it really is official. I’m going back to Korea. I’ll be staying at a friend’s house for a couple of days and then I’m off. Maybe we could finally see a football game, eh? Write and tell me where you work, so I’ll be able to drop by sometime. 

- Suh Young ^^



So that was what she had been doing. It had been several days since he'd replied to her last letter, and now she was here. In Korea. He smiled. It's nice to see you again, Suh Young




cho eyo - it's me


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awesome_501 #1
aww the letters are so sweet!^^ update soon^^
awesome_501 #2
ur story is really good so far^^ can't wait for the rest of ur story^^ update soon xD