I can't live without you anymore

We'll always be together. Even in Death

Minho was walking down the street. The day was sunny, no clouds in the sky, the birds chirping, the perfect day to a special ocasion.


His birthday.


Taemin said he would have a huge surprise when he got home and he was super excited. Taemin always had the best surprises. In their first anniversary, Taemin had dressed up in a cat's outfit and had given himself to him. It was their first time, and it had been magical. Minho didn't even notice that he had been standing at their doorstep for 10 minutes. "I'm so stupid..." He opened the door and called Taemin.

"Taemin are you here?" He yelled. When he got no answer he thought maybe that was part of the mystery and it left him even more excited.

"Taeminnie? Where are you? You're not gonna make me look through the house for you, are you?" When he got no answer he started to think something was wrong.

"Taemin? Seriously, where are you?" He looked in the kitchen and in the living room but there was no sign of Taemin. He must be in our bedroom. There's no way something bad happend. It can't be. When Minho got to the bedroom, he almost fainted. The books were all on the floor, the bedsheets all messed up, the pillows cut open and the feathers flowing in the air. Something was wrong. Something was really wrong. He stood at the bathroom's door. He couldn't open it. He just wanted a normal birthday with his boyfriend. He opened the door and lla metalic smell hit him hard. There was blood. A lot of blood on the ground. And it was coming from Taemin's arm.

"TAEMIN!!" Minho finally snapped out of it and kneeld near his boyfriend's shaking and pale body.

"Taemin, baby, stay with me. I'm calling an ambulance" Before he could take his phone out of his poket, a shaky cold hand stoped him.

"No, forget it. I won't make it anyway." His voice wasn't stronger than a low whisper.

"But, Tae, I can't loose you. I don't want to loose you. I love you so much."

"I know baby, I love you too, but I don't deserve to live anymore." Tears were now streaming down his face

"Don't say that." He hugged him closer. "Of course you deserve to live."

"Minho, I just want you to know that I love you so much."

"I know baby. I love you too." Now Minho was crying too "I love you much more than you think"

"That was what I wanted to hear. But you have to live. You'll move on and find someone better."

"I don't want anyone else. I just want you. I love you. I love you." Minho kept whispering 'I love you's' but all he got was silence When the ambulance arrived, because their neighbours heard the screams, it was too late. Taemin was already gone, for good.


** One year later **


A tall man arrived at a big green field with several types of flowers. It could have been beautiful, if it wasn't full of gravestones.

'Seoul Graveyard' was written on a plaque at the entrance.

"It has already been a year, huh?" Minho whispered. This year had been hell. Everything remembered him of Taemin. His shampoo was the same he used to use, his bed was where the spent all those nights together, the kitchen where the smell of their meals being cooked by him used to come. Minho rarely spent time at home, he couldn't deal with it anymore.

But Minho still couldn't understand why he had did it but he wished he had came to him for help, not given up on everything, specially on their love. The day after everything happened, there was on the news something that catched his eye.


'Young boy killed in car crash in the 7th Avenue. The driver, Lee Taemin, had been distracted and the crashed into a traffic light post. The victim, Lee Jinki, the drivers' older brother didn't survive after major trauma to the head and internal bleeding. The driver got away without any injuries.'


Taemin loved his brother more than anything. He was his only family since he was 8 and his brother 13. Their parents had died in a plane crash while going on a business trip and the broyhers were home alone. They had no financial problems but they had a lot of emotional breakdowns. Minho met Taemin 7 years later this happened, only by coincidence. Minho had finished his work at his little family shop. He was young, but they needed money. He walked down the street and ran into a scrawny little boy. He had been late for the bus and ran all the way to his house. Minho had taken him home and since that they became friends, and several months later had fall in love. They had been criticized by all their friends but Minho's family and Onew accepted them. They started living together a year after they met eachother and they were thrilled.


By the time Minho got to Taemin's grave he was already crying so much that se couldn't see anything. He put down the white orchids and sat on the ground.


"Hi." He said simply. He couldn't say anything else, not even if he tried.

"I miss you so much you know? Everything I do, I can't stop thinking of you. I love you so much and I hope you thought of that before doing that stupid thing... Today I walked in the park, that one next to our house with the big swing, you know? And I remembered our first kiss. It was right there, on that crappy old swing. You were ao beautiful at the sunset that I almost fainted at that time. Your redish hair was swinging at the wind and you had your nose red, because of the cold. You looked so cute." He chukcled at this memory. Something he'd never forget. His Taemin. That's someone you can't forget.

"I'm sorry about all our fights. I was too protective. But you were so perfect that I couldn't let you go. And I'm sorry for what I'm about to do. I just can't live without you, not after everything we've been through."

Minho took his backpack and put it on the grass. He opened it and took a sharp blade from inside it. It would be a quick death.

"I know what you would say. You'd say that this is really stupid and not to do it. But I can't cope anymore. You're everywhere and nowhere. And I just can't."

With slightly shaky fingers he put the blade on his left arm and made a deep cut on his wrist with determination. He looked around to make sure no one would call an ambulance but the cemetary was empty. No one would stop him from seeing his lover once again. Minho started feeling lightheaded after 2 minutes. It was coming to him. He could feel it.

"I'm coming for you Taemin. You don't have to be alone anymore." He started to feel his eyelids heavy.

"I told you we would always be together. No matter what it takes." Were the last words Minho said before darkness took over him.




And that's it... I feel so bad for Minho... I didn't want to kill Taemin, but, Oh Well...



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Love, BeaaaC


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Chapter 1: *Lying on the floor, crying my heart out and screaming "Taemin!! Minho!! Noooo!*
Chapter 1: So. Faking. Sad xD OMG ughhhh. I hate sad stories but toured was really good xD I love how you were just like "I didn't want to kill Tae but. Oh well!" It made me laugh xD while writing this comment I retread the story.... damn... Haha it was good though! Hwaiting! ^-^ <3
kwonziyeol17 #3
Chapter 1: i*sob*don't *sob*know *sob*what *sob*to *sob*say. T_T
shinee26 #4
Chapter 1: *cries* nooooooo!!!!!!!!!