Even in Death

Even in Death

"You two are so cute~" Seungho cooed, looking towards the duo on the couch.

"Ya, Hyung!" Mir whined. "Don't embarrass me in front of Jinri!"

"You do that on your own, Mir," Joon teased, ruffling the maknae's hair and pinching his cheek.

Mir pouted making Jinri laugh and lean over, giving him a small peck on the cheek. "Don't listen to them Mir, they're just jealous," she claimed.

Mir smirked and quickly wrapped his arms around the girl, pulling her into his lap, making her squeak in surprise. The other members of MBLAQ laughed as Mir nuzzled her neck with a content smile while Jinri simply rolled her eyes and combed through his hair with her fingers.

"Guys, we need to head out," G.O. called, slipping his shoes on with Thunder by his side.

"We're coming!" Seungho called back, walking towards the door.

"Use condoms you two~♪" Joon sang, following the older man.

Mir's face instantly came out from Jinri's neck and went beat red. "JOONIE-HYUNG!!!!"

While the boy was having a mild panic attack, Jinri broke out into laughter, having to wrap her arms around Mir's shoulders so that she didn't end up falling off of the couch. The four men left, the door closing behind them, leaving the couple together on the couch.

"Now, since we were so rudely interrupted…"

Jinri let out a squeak as Mir swiftly moved them so that Jinri was resting on the couch with him looming over her, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. He brought his head back down to her neck and began at her pulse point, one of his hands slowly traveling up her back under her shirt.

"Mmmm, Mir…" she sighed, arching her back to try and get away from his cold hand. "We… can't…"

"I don't see a reason why not. Besides, I know you want to," Mir claimed, remembering a couple hours ago.

He and the others had been sleeping peacefully, but Jinri managed to sneak her way into their dorm, no doubt their manager had let her in, and proceeded to climb into bed with him. It had started out as innocent cuddling at first, but Jinri apparently had enough and began to have a not so PG rated make-out session combined with roaming hands that ended in Mir having to take a very cold shower.

Mir smirked at the memory and brought his head away from her neck to study the small red marks he had made around the base.

"As much as I'd like to continue this, don't you have to go onto Kiss the Radio at 11?" Jinri spoke, giving her boyfriend a knowing look complete with a raised eyebrow.

Mir blinked a couple times then quickly looked over to the clock on the wall with wide eyes. It was 10:45.

"Aww man!" he yelped, jumping off of the couch and dashing into his room.

Jinri stayed laying down on the couch and sighed, pouting up at the ceiling and crossing her arms over her chest.

After Mir was finished dashing around his room getting dressed, brushing his teeth and doing a quick comb of his hair, Jinri simply opened the door for him to dash through, her chuckling and following after him after making sure the door was locked. The car came around as soon as the two exited the building and they hopped in the back.

"Think we're going to make it?" Mir asked, turning to the girl.

"Well if you're late then just be cute," she replied with a laugh, patting his cheek. "They usually let you off easy if you use aegyo on them."

Mir grinned and reached up to grasp her hand in his, Jinri returning the gesture with a smile.


Mir opened his eyes and found he was laying on a bed in the hospital. He shook his head in an attempt to get rid of the dizziness and pinched the bridge of his nose with a groan. He sat up and looked around the room, his eyes quickly landed on Jinri's form. She was laying in the bed next to him with a breathing mask over and nose and machines hooked up to her arm, the beat of her steady heartbeat through the heart monitor the only sound in the room.

Mir slid off of the bed and stood by her side, slowly sitting on the bed by her hip. Creasing his forehead in thought, he attempted to remember what happened. They were in the car heading to Kiss the Radio, he and Jinri had a moment, and the next thing he knows, he's in the hospital.

Mir's eyes widened when the sound of crunching metal and screams seemed to echo in his ears, giving him a slight headache.

"We were… in a car crash…" he whispered.

He quickly looked down at himself and found that unlike Jinri, he was still in his clothes, which had seen better days, and only a couple scraped on his arms and face that he could feel. He moved his eyes back to Jinri to see she had gauze wrapped around her arms with small blood stains on them and several cuts across her face and neck.

"The car… must've hit her side…" he deduced.

His eyes saddened at the thought of her being in pain and he reached out to grab her hand, only to see that it too was wrapped. Mir settled for sitting by her side and watching over her.


Days seemed to pass for Mir as he sat by Jinri's side, even though it was only about an hour. The door to the room opened and Joon and the others walked in.

"Jinri…" Thunder whimpered.

"She's a strong girl, I'm sure she'll pull through," Seungho claimed.

Mir didn't speak to them, simply watching the girl in the bed.

"How is she doing?" G.O. asked as the doctor walked in.

"We managed to remove all of the glass and shrapnel from the crash and wrapped her wounds. She has several broken bones and a concussion. Whether or not Jinri survives… is completely up to her…" the doctor reported, looking down at the girl.

The group nodded and Joon walked forward, placing a small sunflower on the desk beside her.

"They're her favourite right?" he asked, not looking away from it.

"Yeah, they remind her of her own town apparently," Mir chuckled, remembering her saying such things.

The others didn't reply and Mir sighed.

"Jinri!" Thunder gasped, stepping forward.

Mir's eyes quickly turned to the girl to see her eyes slowly opening.

"Jinri! Hey, how're you feeling? Do you need any pain releavers?" Joon asked, brushing the hair out of her face.

Jinri didn't move, simply staring up at the ceiling.

"Jinri?" Mir stood and waved his hand in front of her face, still not getting a reply from the girl.

"It's most likely post-traumatic stress. She just needs to rest," the doctor claimed.

"We'll leave her to rest then," Seungho said, lightly tugging on G.O.'s sleeve.

Thunder and Joon nodded and followed the older men out of the room.

"I'm staying with her," Mir called out, watching as they left.

None of them moved to tell him otherwise so he took it as an OK. He turned back to Jinri to see her eyes had slid closed once again, her breathing even in slumber.

Mir stayed by her side for several more hours until he felt the need to stretch his legs. He stood and bent down so that he was close by her ear.

"I'm just going to go for a walk, I'll be right back," he whispered.

Her eyes moved under her eyelids but didn't open, making his smile fall slightly. He moved to the door and began his trek down the hall. He soon came across the other members of MBLAQ sitting in the waiting room, Joon with his head in his hands.

"How do you think she's doing?" Thunder asked, bringing his legs up to his chest.

The others shrugged and Mir stepped forward. "I think she'll be alright. Just like you said Seungho-hyung, she's a fighter, she has to make it," he said, his voice trembling slightly as he spoke.

None of the four moved and Mir's eyes became downcast, biting his lip in distress. His head shot up when a doctor shot by him and down the hall.

"What do you think's going on?" G.O. asked, his head perking up.

Mir's eyes widened in fear.


Mir shot down the hall after the doctors and quickly got to her room. Doctors were surrounding her and giving out orders. Mir's eyes turned to the heart monitor to see Jinri's heart rate had begun to drop, and still was.

"No…" he whimpered. "Jinri! Jinri c'mon! Don't die on me!! I'm right here, you're not alone!!" he cried, tearing falling down his cheeks.

Jinri's heart rate continued to drop and the doctors began injecting her with some medications, Mir never taking his eyes off of her, even when he heard the others run up behind him.

"JINRI!!" he cried out again, desperation evident in his voice.

Mir's eyes widened as hers opened, time seeming to slow to a crawl. She slowly turned her head in his direction and her eyes focused on his form. A soft smile slowly crept onto her face and her eyes slid closed. Mir dropped to the ground as her heart moniter sang the one note that nobody ever wants to hear.

"Please… please god no…" Joon whimpered from behind him.

Mir's head fell and he allowed the tears to cascade down his cheeks, wetting his jeans. Feeling that someone was standing in front of him, he opened his eyes and raised his head.

Jinri gave him a sad smile and extended her hand towards him. Without speaking, Mir took her hand and allowed her to pull him up form the tiled floor. Jinri gave him a nod and began to lead him out of the hospital room, leaving the others behind to stand in the doorway. She turned back to him and gave him a soft smile, a smile that Mir couldn't help but to return, his grip on her hand tightening.

As the two walked away, the doctors sighed and read off the time, gently pulling the sheet over the girl's body, covering her face. A soft wind blew through the open window and moved another sheet on the bed next to her, revealing the still face of Bang Cheolyong.

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AzenZensation_0 #1
Chapter 1: oh my gosh. the tears! this is so beautiful yet so sad. kt made me feel sad but also happy that they are together T___T
Chapter 1: This was really well written. Also didnt hurt that the story reminded me of the music video of one of my favorite songs: When I'm With You - Faber Drive. Nicely done, fellow A+ <3