Chapt 6 : Connection to the Past

Our First and Last Letter

    I dragged Michi to a hill side that I always go to and sat on the grass while enjoying the wind. The view was beautiful, but the atmosphere was awkward, we drifted into our own worlds.

"Um.. L.Joe?" she finally broke the silence

"Yea...?" I looked at her

"Why...Why did you help me? I thought you guys were friends...."

"Well.... I did owe you for letting me stay at your place.... and... I did make you cry~"

"O.O when did you make me cry?" she didn't know I was behind the water balloons.

"Nothing~" I looked away hoping I don't get her angry :/

"Anyways.. what did you want to discuss that is so important?"

"Well... Um.. I have 3 questions~ First Why did you take responsibility for the hospital incident?"

"... I was the one who took you there... therefore you are my responsibility... If I hadn't tell you to come with me.. that won't have happened..."


"Ohh.... and.... Why did you let me live with you?"


"You see L.Joe.. I... I am also an Orphan.. that's why I took pity on you.... My orphanage had Economic issues and I got kicked out... and... The Orphanage was the reason I learned to be kind to others..."


"I hated my orphanage... well actually the manager... but how did it turn you kind?"

"Well... when I was young I got bullied in the orphanage... That day there were 2 new siblings that came to the orphange. A older brother and a younger sister~ I was hiding behind a tree that afternoon, and a few boys went to me and bullied me. They pushed me to the ground and threw my doll away... but the new guy  came and protected me... Ever since that time I started to help others.... he was my role model..... It's funny how I never got to know him.... The only thing he ever said to me was

Don't let others belittle you, Don't wait for someone to come.. Cause the only person that will help you is yourself"


"Wow~" I exclaimed.. somehow this story seemed familiar... but I couldn't remember what it was. Since I always put my childhood memories away trying to forget about the past... and the pain.


"L.Joe?" Michi broke the silence by calling my name

"Why did BAP say you hate women?" she asked looking at me with those big brown eyes

" has something to do with my... my dead sister...." I said as I looked down

"I'm sorry~" she said to me.

"It's alright~... Anyways last question is why does BAP bully you?" I asked curiously.


Michi didn't answer but stood up and slowly walked away. I stood up following her and she turned and muttered to me

"Ask Daehyun if you wanna know.... But please don't remind me about them....."

That night I had a few dreams.

  I saw myself as a young boy inthe orphanage.... I then saw a girl being bullied by few boys, the young me walked towards her and protected her. She looked familiar.... She had the same brown hair and big brown eyes.... It was similar to what Michi told me this afternoon....


Then the dream changed

  The younger me in the dream was a room. But I wasn't as young as I was in the first dream. I was in a office, on top of the desk were too piles of paper. One pile wrote Stay, the other wrote Kick Out. I looked through the files and saw the little girl's photo in the Kick Out pile and saw my sister and my photo on the Stay pile.


 I relooked on the little girl's profile and saw.....

Saw her profile... her information.... her name








Kim Michi


Lol this ....

is this getting exciting? :/ I feel like Im doing a bad job.....

Please write comments for me to improve




Please Subscribe :)

And yea my chapts are probably going to be boring now...

Cause the exciting part is only going to start when they FALL IN LOVE well hope they eventually will ><

but please still read my stories ><

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Chapter 24: Heyyy I miss u so much!!! So are u going to continue this story with the sequeal??
Chapter 23: Okay.... Srsly??!! Dude!! A reincarnation! Past life! 100 days!! O.o OMG! Such an ending....I could say. Can't wait to read the trilogy :)
Chapter 20: I believe that it is "genetic" instead if "family body type".
Poor Michi...she's it 2 months left... :( wonder what L.Joe will do :)
Chapter 19: some hint here.. Something tragic is gonna happen, something....bad....
Chapter 23: The background seriously make me cry hard
Chapter 9: Okay.... So it's not 'I like you' instead it's 'ice cream, shops and lunch'... ==" Nice troll
Chapter 8: Erm... Is it 'I like you'? ^^
Oh my,i am the 100 subscriber to this awesome story~
Chapter 23: Hwaaaa..
So sad!
I crying when I read this!!!