Chapt 4 : Protector

Our First and Last Letter

Sorry Guys~ This is a long and boring chapter, cause it is about the change in L.Joe's action and feelings, Hope you guys don't mind reading it

L.Joe's Pov

     For the past 2 days, I have been feeling a bit weird... I felt bad since I made her cry.... but in the same time I felt good that I'm taking revenge on women... I am now going crazy... this is the first time my conscience is coming out... and I think it's taking over me... but my brain tells me to stand strong...


  Anyways... today is sunday, and Michi made me go to Community Serivce, so we are now going to the Children Hospital for Children with Cancer... This is seriously going to be a LONG and BORING day.... As we were riding a bus, I sat next to her with my ear phones plugged in, while she was reading a book.

  Despite the fact that she is kind of a nerd, she looks so different when she's not at school. She looks kinda cute and nerdy at the same time.. hard to describe~

Your Outfit ^


   As we arrived we were told that we just had one simple job to do. Chat and make the children happy and help them with the things they are working on. It was LAME! so I sat by myself on the side while Michi did the work. She was teaching a little girl how to fold a origami crane.

   The little girl wasn't able to fold the crane nicely and started to pout sadly.... HOW LAME... but then Michi smiled to the little girl and gave her another paper. As I saw Michi smile, it felt weird~ I have never seen a girl smile like that. Most of the time the girls I hang with only knows how to smirk... Michi's smile was so innoncent in a way and seems kind of child like~ it was a kinda and full hearted smile.. It's been A LONG TIME since I had smiled like that.... I don't even smile anymore these days.....


That's it.... I got it now.... I FINALLY UNDERSTOOD!

Michi treasures the children of this place, this is her source of happiness~

I'm so going to destroy her happiness and take my revenge.


I smirked to myself, but I felt bad. My conscience was coming again. but I ignored it.


Suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked to the side and saw a little boy standing beside me. 

"You remind me of my older brother~ I miss him~" the kid said to me.

"Then why don't you tell him to visit you?"

"I wasn't able to see him for a few months~ but he wrote me a letter saying that I must beat cancer so I can get out of this hospital and live with him and my parents"

Hearing the boy's story, L.Joe felt pity and wanted to hear more, so he motioned the boy to sit on his lap.

"Don't worry~ you'll survive!"

"I'm Jinsoo by the way~"

"Jinsoo... What do you want to do most? if you could choose anything"

"Eat Pizza!"

"I'll bring you some~"

"Jinja?!" Jinsoo asked and L.Joe smiled.

"Wait here first~"

L.Joe walked towards the food counter for WORKERS

"Excuse me~ one slice of cheese pizza please" He tried his best to be polite

"Here you go~" the worker handed him the pizza

"I see your getting along with Jinsoo~" the worker added

"Deh~ he's a nice boy" L.Joe commented

"Deh.. Its a pity though..."

"Why?" L.Joe was curious

"Jinsoo's brother died when he was having a bone marrow transplant ... there was an accident during the surgery and unluckily... his bone broke and he passed away...Luckily, the bone marrow was retrieved and it can be used to heal Jinsoo. Jinsoo would be taking the surgery next week~ let's hope he survives.."

"... That's.... That's sad..." L.Joe took more pity on Jinsoo.

"Yes.... but Jinsoo doesn't know anything.... we don't want to tell him either~ or else he might think he is the reason to his beloved brother's death.."

"Yep... I'll keep my mouth close" L.Joe promised

*It's a good thing they're not telling Jinsoo..... Cause I felt like i was part of the reason my sister died... I couldn't face the fact... even when I am a teenager... and Jinsoo is just a young boy..*


I walked over to Jinsoo and handed him the pizza.

"Wahh Thankyou ^^"

"Your welcome" I tried to fake a smile and look strong

After the pizza Jinsoo ran to his friends.  However when he went there, a nurse saw ketchup stain on his mouth, so the nurse asked Jinsoo

"What's that on your lips, why is there ketchup?!" she asked nervously

"I ate pizza~"

"Where did you get pizza?!" the nurse got angry

"the worker there gave it to me" Jinsoo pointed towards L.Joe

The nurse folded her hands and walked towards you. Asking you and L.Joe to have a talk to her.

Your Pov:

   You didn't know what happened but you walked out with the nurse. Suddenly she started to scold you.

"Michi I am VERY disappointed with you and your friend, You have worked with us for a long time, how can you forget to tell L.Joe about the rules?! You could have killed Jinsoo!"


"Dude. Why are you so tense? it's just a pizza~" L.Joe rolled his eyes.


You then realized the situation .... L.Joe had given pizza to Jinsoo....


"Jinsoo is under a strict food restriction! he's getting a surgery next week! we can't let him get ill!"


"Deh.. I'm so sorry~ it won't happen again, I promise"


"I know your sorry, but someone must take responsibility for this. and L.Joe here has to take responsibility.. we will..."


before the nurse said anything you cutted her off


"I'll take responsibility for what happened. You can feel free to rethink about allowing me to work here... I just hope Jinsoo is alright"

you said as you bite your lips and held your fists.

L.Joe was shocked from what you said to the nurse, he couldn't believe you stepped in and took the responsibility for him. He looked at you as you walked out quickly, looking down with your hand in fists.


"Michi wait up~" he said but you grabbed your bag and ran towards the bust station.


L.Joe's Pov:


I walked towards Michi and stood beside her in the bus station... She wouldn't talk or look at me. I can see faint tears out of her eyes... I guess she really loved helping children from the hospital...

I felt bad for ruining her chance....

I felt selfish... How could I  do this to an innoncent girl that she seems to be...

That's the only place I saw her smiling and I took that away from her..... I took the only source of happiness she has.....

~ That Night ~

  I hugged my pillow as I slept on the sofa... Today was a weird day... It was the first time I felt sorry for a girl...It was the first time I thought I was the one who has did wrong...


It was the first time....

 I felt like I had a  "Protector"

It was the first time someone stood up for me...

I know it isn't love... but .... It felt like being loved...

I wonder why she did that....

Hope you liked the update ^^

A second update might come quicker XD

Please don't find this boring ><

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Chapter 24: Heyyy I miss u so much!!! So are u going to continue this story with the sequeal??
Chapter 23: Okay.... Srsly??!! Dude!! A reincarnation! Past life! 100 days!! O.o OMG! Such an ending....I could say. Can't wait to read the trilogy :)
Chapter 20: I believe that it is "genetic" instead if "family body type".
Poor Michi...she's it 2 months left... :( wonder what L.Joe will do :)
Chapter 19: some hint here.. Something tragic is gonna happen, something....bad....
Chapter 23: The background seriously make me cry hard
Chapter 9: Okay.... So it's not 'I like you' instead it's 'ice cream, shops and lunch'... ==" Nice troll
Chapter 8: Erm... Is it 'I like you'? ^^
Oh my,i am the 100 subscriber to this awesome story~
Chapter 23: Hwaaaa..
So sad!
I crying when I read this!!!