
Forbidden Love

The days passed by so fast i didnt really realize it before the day HeeChul was supposed to come.

I have to say im nervous, i had to introduce him as my boyfriend, though he wasnt my boyfriend in my heart, i bet he'll never ever reach my heart.


In fact i feel sorry for him, i feel bad because it's like im using him to get MinWoo, though it's to late already.

Everything is messed up now, all because of my reckless act.


''Ha Neul!!'' my mom shouted from the kitchen, she was already preparing the dinner, though it was really early

''Ahh what is it mom`?!'' i shouted as i rushed out my room and headed to the kitchen

''Help me chopping the vegies'' she smiled and winked at me, ah mom was always like this

I nodded and grabbed the knife on the table and a chopping board.


Mom was excited, i could tell just by looking at her, she had a weird smirk on her face when she looked at my and she hummed happily as she prepared the meet.

We were going to make Seonjeongsik a traditional korean dinner with soegogi modum which was assorted beef, mom liked to make it formal when her daughters ''boyfriend'' came for dinner but i thought she was overdoing it. 

Right after i finished chopping my sister dragged me to the bathroom, insisting on doing my hair and.. do i dare say it ?

Do my make-up aswell, she enjoyed this and she knew i hated it.



-DINGDONG- the doorbell rung after few hours and my sister ran to the door and i heard her eep


''AH !! - you must be Ha Neul's lover !!'' I heard her shout and i froze completely i didnt dare walking down to the kitchen.

''Uhm, y-yeah something like that'' HeeChul chuckled nervously as he saw me poke my head up from behind the wall.

''I really hope you're hungry'' she laughed ''Ahh, sorry my sister is a little slow, i bet she want to look beautifull in front of her new boyfriend'' she chuckled

''AYEE UNNIEE !!'' i shouted from behind and jumped up and grabbed HeeChuls arm ''please iignore her!'' i bited my lip and blushed

''Ah all lovey-dovey from the start'' my sister smiled and went to the kitchen and babbled with mom.


I had the feeling that this evening would turn out as a completely disaster, my sister already started it by telling HeeChul weird stuff, and i knew mom would ask alot of random embarrassing questions.

God what should i do, all i could think about was how embarrassed i would be through this evening, if HeeChul were MinWoo i'd be more calm since my family knew him already.


''You're sister seems nice'' heeChul chuckled and pulled his arm back and grabbed my hand instead.

I shuddered by his touch ''W-Well, she loves to embarass me'' i mumbled and glances at our hands

''You never had a boyfriend before'' he smiled ''i understand them''

''Dont be silly HeeChul'' i mumbled 


HeeChuls hand was warm, and even if he tried to stay cool i could feel he shivered, he was nervous and i dont blame him, my heart was about to jump out my chest and i felt i'd die right away as soon as he met my mom.




Everyone was silent around the table, it was so awkward.

Even my mom seemed to had lost her tongue, but she kept on starring at HeeChul and chuckled happily and my sister sort of did the same; HeeChul seemed to ignore them.


''So, i hope the food is suitable for this young man'' my mom suddenly said

''Ahh, it is mrs. Sung'' HeeChul smiled

''im glad you like it, everythig has to be perfect for my daughters boyfriend'' mom smiled brightly

''M-Mom !'' i almost shouted and looked down blushing

''Ahh she's blushing again mom!'' my sister laughed and HeeChul chuckled


 I didnt like my mom and sister saw us as a lovey-dovey couple, but i didnt blame them either  since i had to act like that, i had to act like that for a very long time now.


''How long have you known eachother'' my sister wanted to know

''Well some months, but for me it was as love at first sight'' HeeChull smiled and looked at me

''Aww, that's so cute, and you're such a handsome young man!'' Mom shouted and smiled brightly ''Ha Neul better stick to you''

''Mom, stop it!'' i covered my face in my hands and shuddered, then HeeChul grabbed both of my hands and pulled them down smiling at me.

''And so gentle too'' Mom contienued ''Ah, im so glad you're a part of this family now'' 

''haha, i always envy my little sister'' my sister grinned and ate some of her meat


Mom was happy and my sister suddenly envied me for being with HeeChul, i felt squeezes against a wall and i couldnt move, this was so embarrassing mom kept on talking about how cool and handsome he was and how good we suited each other.

To my family and HeeChul this evening seemed to be a succes but to me it felt more like a disaster.


''Oh it's late already'' HeeChul suddenly interrupted

''Just stay for the night HeeChul'' my mom suggested since it had passed midnight already

''s-stay for the night?'' i mumbled and my eyes widened, she had to be kidding

''yeah, it's late, and since you dont have school tomorrow just stay'' mom smiled

''ahh'' my sister winked at my mom and both of them chuckled - DIRTY HEADS


I turned out HeeChul had to stay for the night...

you heard right, he had to sleep here in our hous, in MY bed.. with me.... what.. what should i do ?!

and MinWoo didnt even send me a text in 4 days.. this was bad...



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i like this so much
Goldie #2
Chapter 28: Love it.... Please update soon!
JiguDai22 #3
Chapter 28: I love this story:) Please please update soon!!
Omy. Please update REALLY SOON!!<br />
Im wondering if you ever tried the 'namsan prestigious academy' roleplay?<br />
You seemed to be so familiar.. Hehe.<br />
#JustAsking. =)
Im just at chapter 10 and im really excited!
Hello, guys. Please, I need an answer. =)<br />
And, update soon!<br />
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............ MEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW <3<br />
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omo ! i loved it ^^ ~ aaahh ~ i can't wait for your next update ~~ ^^ ♥