Save me from this 'fate'


Kim Jongdae a.k.a Chen is only 20 years old but is melting the hearts of millions of fans across Asia and throughout other countries with his soulful voice and being a member of EXO. Once upon a time though he only melted the heart of one girl and that girl is Park SeulRa who now hates the ground that he walks on ever since she was tied to the fate her parents forced on her. 

What will happen when the two meet again after so long and will Jongdae be able to help her from her nightmare?


This is like my 7th story O_O 


My poster is here!!
credits to Hismystericsmile from
 Areumdawo Graphic Shop


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k_nana #1
Sorry for asking but r u going to continue this?
k_nana #2
Chapter 11: Pororo? Really,guys?? The best u can watch??? Im laughing as rite now~
iloveexo10 #3
Chapter 11: haha so cute!!
iloveexo10 #4
Chapter 10: Please update soon
raekyo #5
Chapter 10: nice story!!
NewWorlds #6
Chapter 1: Oohh..the first chapter is awesome.. I subscribe your story again and I like it's good!! ^^
iloveexo10 #7
Chapter 1: This is only the first chapter and it is already awesome!!