Are You For Real?!

Falling in Love
The young man buried his face into his lap as his face turned red. Minjee started to think he really was crazy... A crazy game freak! She thought. He sat up and started to unravel himself. First he removed his scarf and then his hat. He pushed his hood backwards and turned to Minjee.
Minjee’s eyes got wider as she found herself staring at the face she had plastered over her Facebook page and Cyworld page and follows through the fansites and YouTube. She was looking at Kyuhyun from Super Junior, or at least, someone who looked exactly like him. Kyuhyun wrapped himself back up hiding his face again smiling. Minjee was speechless. She wanted to scream but nothing was coming out. She wanted to cry but no tears were coming out. She was overflowing with emotions on the inside but was still speechless on the outside.
"Are you really Kyuhyun Cho?" He just nodded grinning. "Not some look alike but the real Kyuhyun?" His head went up and down like a bobble head, the same nod she had seen on TV over and over. "Why? I mean, why are you here alone?" "On vacation," Kyuhyun answered simply.
The plane suddenly hit some turbulence and Minjee reached for the armrest where her hand collided Kyuhyun's. Minjee's face turned bright red as she quickly removed her hand away. Kyuhyun grinned and placed his hand on his lap politely gesturing for Minjee to have the armrest. "Oh no, I'm okay. I'm okay." She stuttered. Kyuhyun reached over towards Minjee who instantly leaned away wide-eyed. He grabbed her sleeve picking up her arm and placed it on the armrest.

Minjee was amazed at how he avoided any kind of skinship but her heart was fluttering. "I really don't-" Minjee began before she was interrupted by Kyuhyun. "I'd rather let you have the armrest instead of making me your sudden armrest." Kyuhyun explaned crossing his arms over his chest. "Thank you." Minjee answered. I wish I could have had him as my sudden armrest though.

She stared out the window and saw they were about to land. Should I ask for his autograph? She thought to herself. How about a picture? No one is going to believe me when I say I sat next to Kyuhyun on the way back to California. The plane reached the ground and Minjee clenched to armrest. What to do? Time is running out fast. I better ask him now or else it's too late! As she was deciding whether to ask him or not, the plane rolled to a complete stop.

Minjee took a deep breath and turned towards Kyuhyun's direction but found his seat empty. She glanced around and saw him leaving the plane before everyone else. Minjee sighed and wanted to cry. If only I wasn't scared to ask him. If only... Minjee got her stuff together and stood to leave with the rest of the passengers. As she was moving towards to aisle, she noticed something on Kyuhyun's seat. She picked it up and found that it was Super Junior's newest album, Mr. Simple. Minjee opened it and saw Kyuhyun's signature on the cover with a note:

Here is something for my number one fan, Minjee.



The note was short but Minjee screamed, in silence, with delight. She held the album to her chest as she grinned. She loved Kyuhyun even more. He was nice, cool, and everything she liked. Minjee stared at the note over and over and over. “He remembered my name,” Minjee exclaimed. It didn’t occur to her that only 20 minutes ago had she told him her name but, of course, that didn’t matter because she, Minjee Lee, was the luckiest girl in the world at that moment. She was never gonna forget this moment at all. As Minjee left the plane to meet Hwayoung, still clutching the album to her chest, she didn’t know that this was only the beginning.


Is the story good so far?? Well if it is, I'm glad. If it's not, well too bad. Go read something else then! ;P Anyways, SORRY SORRY SORRY to the people who have been waiting for Chapter 2. I have been extremely busy with school and crap like that but it's going to get better since summer vacation is just in 2 MORE WEEKS! YAYAYAYAY!! :D So I hope you enjoyed it and stay tuned for Chapter 3.


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thx 4 updating ^____________^
i bet kyu is already interested in her