


I was looking between my drafts and I found out that I already started this thing a long time ago!
Although I'm not quite satisfied with it, but well here it goes >_<



Chocolate cures everything...

This line has been with me whenever I think back at that day at the beach. The day I was heartbroken and crying by myself, in hopes the pain would subside. I’ve been sitting there for an hour, yet I didn’t seem to forget about my aching heart. However, Choi Siwon, came in out of nowhere and in a matter of seconds, he made me forget about the whole thing.

At first, I found it weird that someone would want to deal with a crying mess, but he just sat there and silently comforted me. Chocolate always manages to bring my mood up so Siwon was there just at the right time.

When he asked to see me again, I felt nervous because I was weeping about another person a couple of minutes earlier and then this stranger wanted to go out with me. However, why I ended up giving him my number? Why was my heart suddenly healing when he was there? Why did I willingly give in to his charm?... I’ll never know.


Now it’s been two weeks since that day. His dimples are still occasionally flashing in front of my eyes, his look and the way he spoke to me are still making my heart flutter. I rarely thought of the person who broke my heart because my brain was too busy thinking of when Siwon would call me… Yet, he never did.

Did he lose my phone number? Did he regret asking for my number? Is he busy? Does he not want to see me again?

No matter what it is, I have to know. I can always call him since I have his number as well, but I want to do this in person.



You may be surprised to know how famous this Choi Siwon is. Just as I typed his name on google search, there he was with his gorgeous face and his dimpled smile. It wasn’t that difficult to find him since Choi Industries is one of the biggest companies in Seoul if not in Korea. So, if he’s not going to call me, then I’ll just go to him.

Now I’m standing in front of the huge building, calming my uneven breath and convincing myself that I’m doing the right thing.

So I step inside and head to where the receptionist motioned for me to go. I had to lie to her since apparently Choi Siwon is a big thing and not anyone can meet with him which only makes me the more nervous about his reaction when he sees me.

Standing in front of his office, his secretary is nowhere to be seen just to my luck. I walk to the door where I assume it’s Siwon’s, and I shortly knock, hearing a faint yes coming from inside before I twist the doorknob and step inside.

Choi Siwon, the good looking/busy CEO, is handsomely and manly sitting behind his desk, eyes narrowing in concentration and hands holding different kinds of files. I oddly find myself frozen in place.

Apparently, he doesn’t seem to even have the time to look and see who just came in, and I just keep staring at him, lost in how I strangely seem drawn to this man who I only met once, for a few minutes.

I may look like a stalker or a psycho to you, but if you see this man, you’ll know what I’m talking about. He’s been hunting my thoughts ever since I met him and my broken heart seemed to mend with the new feelings he bore in me.

“It didn’t work”

I state while folding my arms over my chest and waiting for him to notice me. At first when he looks up at me, his eyes bulge out and his jaw hangs open which makes me feel a bit scared and not so sure if he likes seeing me again. However, a second later, a wide smile graces his lips and he abandons his papers to fully look at me.

“Kyuhyun!” He stands up and steps out from behind the desk so he’s standing in front of me just a couple of feet way.

“You said chocolate cures everything. Apparently, it only made it worst!”

My words seemed to make him startled as he confusedly looked at me, waiting for me to elaborate some more. However, I was too lost in the feeling of seeing him up close again that I only stared at him while pouting.

“I-I…” He stuttered and he doesn’t seem to know how to respond to my words. Thus, I let my arms fall to each side of my body before determinedly eyeing him.

“Your chocolate made it worst, Choi Siwon”

He’s still looking at me with a frown, and the sight is making me smile which only confuses him even more.

“My heart has been aching again”

“Kyuhyun… Are you okay?”

Okay? Do I look okay to you? After you hunted my life day and night, you’re asking if I’m okay?

“No. Because you’re the reason my heart is aching again”

I think I’m pushing it too far here. What if he doesn’t like me? What if he was just being nice the other day? I can’t believe I’m making a fool out of myself!

I’m silently scolding myself when I see the surprised look on his face, thinking I should just turn around and leave. However, before I do, Siwon takes a step closer and puts his hands on my shoulders.

“Kyuhyun… Did you settle down your feelings?”

It’s my turn to frown at him, tilting my head to one side as I try to process his words.

“What do you mean?”

His hands move to grip on my arms, his thumbs lightly brushing my skin and I’m really liking his touches.

“When we first met, you were crying. I assumed it was because someone broke your heart?” He curiously asks me and at the mention of that day, I hang my head low and my expression falls as I remember that bastard who cheated on me.

He must’ve noticed it because I can feel his hold tightening which gives me the strength to look at him and confidently say “I’m over it”

Just these simple words make him beam at me with his gorgeous dimples. I intently inspect each part of his face, finding new details that I missed on noticing the other day.

“So what do you mean by I made it worse?” He questionably looks at me and I chew on my bottom lip as I think of what I should say next.

“Why didn’t you call me? Weren’t you the one who asked for my number?” I finally ask the question that’s been torturing me for the last couple of weeks. I intently gaze at his reaction and he doesn’t seem guilty at all which makes me sulk.

“Because you were heartbroken, Kyuhyun. I was planning on calling you in a few days. I didn’t want to fog your feelings so I gave you some time to heal”

I can clearly see the sincerity in his eyes and my heartbeat starts to speed up. I might’ve been unsure about why he kept on flashing before me since I met him, but now I can tell that I really fell for this guy.

“You were going to?”

He franticaly nods while soothingly running his rough hands along my arms.


He lets out a cute little chuckle that makes me stare at him in amazement before taking a step closer and cupping my face.

“Because I haven’t stopped thinking about my Chocolate Angel ever since I met him”

Chocolate Angel? I can’t believe he’s feeling the same way. I don’t know if I’m rushing things, but I’m not the type to give up on love. Especially not this one that makes my heart skip a beat for the first time in my life.

With my ex-boyfriend, I think we didn’t have deep feelings. Maybe my heart was just used to him because we have been dating ever since college. Maybe the reason I was crying and heartbroken was because I was going to be alone and I hated that sentiment.

Maybe it’s too early to say that I have love feelings toward this guy in front of me, but the way we met, the way his presence made me feel, the way I haven’t stopped thinking about him… Yeah, you can say I’m falling for him.

“We only met once”

My words emitted a broad smile from him as he leans closer and rests his forehead against mine.

“Let’s change that”

I hesitantly wrap my arms around his waist, clutching on his shirt while my sight keeps moving between his eyes and his bow shaped lips.



“Is this rational?”

“What is?”

“Us… meeting once and having these kinds of feelings?”

He slightly pulls away, tenderly looking me in the eyes and it’s more enough of an answer.

“I’ve never felt this way before and meeting you is the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I’ve been busying myself in work fighting the urge to call you because let’s be honest… it doesn’t make any sense”

I smilingly nod in agreement and before I can comment on what he said, he presses his thumb on my lips as it seems he’s not finished yet.

However...although it doesn’t make any sense, I still couldn’t stop thinking about you. Was he crying again? What if there’s no one there to comfort him? Who will buy him chocolates?”

I giggle at his words while rolling my eyes as I try to will away the blush creeping on my face.

“I haven’t cried since that day because whenever I remember what… he did to me, I always have you in mind. Simply the thought of you helped me be strong”

He proudly smiles before pressing his forehead against mine again.

“So you still think it’s irrational?”

“Well, who said love is ever rational?”

My words were all it took for him to close the distance and claim my lips. I’m instantly flown into another world the second our skin touched. He carefully kisses me and it makes me experience a whole new feeling.

When we pull away, a wide grin is plastered across his face while my own is about to explode. I feel so hot all of a sudden and I really want to kiss him some more, and as if he can read my thoughts, he slowly presses his lips on mine again, this time I can feel something wet caressing my lower lip and I can’t believe it makes me moan. He then takes the chance and slides his tongue inside, freely roaming my cavern and giving me a weird tingling feeling in the pit of my stomach.

I move my hand upwards, caressing his back and pulling our bodies together. I gasp when he frees my face and circles his arms around my waist, bringing me even closer and thus igniting my body on fire.

The kiss turns passionate and needy until I feel my lungs about to shut down and so I pull away. Siwon doesn’t seem to have enough though as he keeps planting chaste kisses on my bruised lips.

When I open my eyes, I’m met with a mesmerizing smile and a loving stare that make my heart flutter in unusual happiness.

“You taste like chocolate” He whispers and I shortly laugh before I have to bite on my lip so I won’t jump on him again.

He presses a long kiss on my lips before drawing me to his embrace. I wrap my arms tightly around his neck, not wanting to ever let him go.

We stand in that position for a few minutes, neither is ready to let go just yet.

“Would you be my boyfriend?”

I hear him ask and it only makes me tighten the hug. I bury my face in his neck and plant a few butterfly kisses here and there before whispering in his ears.

“I would love to”

My response seems to make him happy because I can feel his body relaxing and his lips stretching into a wide smile on my skin.

“How about a first date now?”

He asks and I slightly pull away to questionably look at him.

“You’re working and it’s already late, Siwon”

I state but he only smilingly drags me by the hand to his desk, sitting himself first before pulling me down to his lap.

My cheeks redden again, shyly clutching on his collar as I hide my face from his intense look.

“I’m not letting you go that easily”

I tsk as if acting annoyed, although I’m dying to spend more time with him and I wasn’t planning on leaving yet.

“So, I have these papers to finish urgently, can you wait for me and I’ll drive you home after?”

He apologetically asks, and I can see the guilt in his orbs so I lean forward and peck his lips a couple of times before assuring him “It’s okay. I’ll wait”

He widely smiles, returning my pecks before turning to his desk drawer and pulling some sort of a box. When he hands it to me, my eyes pop out in surprise as it’s the same chocolate he gave me the day we met.

He can sense my surprise because he sweetly giggles and opens the box, picking up the star shaped one and leading it to my lips.

“Déjà vu, ha?”

I frenziedly nod before welcoming it in my mouth, sighing in content when the taste lingers on my tongue.

“You’re so cute!” He pinches my cheek and I shyly avert my gaze away until he tightens his arms around my waist to make me look at him.

“I’ve been buying these chocolates every day of the last couple of weeks. It reminded me of you”

I shockingly stare at him “Every day? And you ate all of them?”

“Not all of them. Just what my body can take without getting fat. The rest is stocked in my house”

I lovingly gaze at him, thankful to god for putting such a man in my way. I lean down and kiss him again, letting him once again dominate my mouth because the feelings he creates within me are just magical.

“Time to work” I tap his shoulder and turn to pick up the box of chocolates, putting it on my lap as I motion for him to start working.

He lets out the most beautiful laughs of all times, kissing my temple then using the arm that’s not possessively wrapped around my waist to reach for his forgotten documents.

I rest my head on his shoulder in a way that I can still see his face. The little things he does with his expression makes me drawn to him even more.


Chocolate cures everything? Well, in my case? ... it even exceeded that.



“BabyKyu! Why aren’t you packing?”

Siwon enters Kyuhyun’s bedroom, watching the boy sitting on the edge of the bed looking at something in his hands while he’s supposed to be packing for their trip.

“I found something, come here”

Kyuhyun excitedly states, motioning for Siwon to come closer.

“What’s that?” Siwon asks, taking a seat next to his lover who happily stares at him before standing up and taking a seat on his lap.

“It’s the box of chocolate you gave me when we first met”

Siwon shockingly shifts his gaze between Kyuhyun’s face and the box in his hands.

“You kept it?”

“Well, it’s a souvenir”

Kyuhyun proudly says, resting his forehead on Siwon’s temple while lightly tracing the cover of the empty box of chocolate with his fingers.

“Of what?”

“The day I first met my husband

Kyuhyun softly whispers, pulling away to place a chaste kiss on Siwon’s lips.

“That’s a nice souvenir”

“It is”

Siwon wraps his arms around Kyuhyun’s back, pulling him into a tight hug.

“I love you, ChocoKyu

“Thank you for being on the beach that day”

Siwon smiles, planting a few kisses on Kyuhyun’s neck, and causing him to excitedly shiver in his arms.

“I love you, WonnieBear



"Come on, we're gonna be late for our honeymoon"



- end -



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Chapter 1: So beautiful story 💕 💖 💗 ❤️ 💕 💞 😍
Merettevan #2
Chapter 2: I am in love with your stories! And this one is so cute, just like them! Thanks so much for sharing it!
Now I am craving for some chocolate :)
Angela17 #3
Okay... I'm one of your fans... Officially...
Chapter 2: Chocolate!!! Gotta go get some chocolate!!!
Nuke_nuke #5
Chapter 2: Aww thank you for writing this :D
WonKyu foreveeerrrr :D
Nuke_nuke #6
Chapter 1: Ahahaha this is adorable !