


After a long day at work, I decide to walk down the beach and let the sound of waves wash away the stress of my miserable, boring life. I don’t know when it started but my life doesn’t seem to have a meaning lately. All I do is work, work and work. I always give but never receive.

I faintly smile at the feeling of the sand between my bare toes. I loosen up my tie and undo the first buttons of my shirt to let the light breeze freshen up my skin. I don’t know how long I’ve been walking down this shore but I don’t have the will to turn around and check.

The sea is beautiful but my eyes are unfocused and my brain doesn’t seem to be able to enjoy it. Feeling tired, I let my body rest on the sand, helplessly draping my arms over my folded knees.

I close my eyes and inhale the fresh air, thinking if only I can live here where only the sound of birds and waves are heard. Suddenly, I hear something else mixing up with those sounds. Is that a sob?

I snap my eyes open and turn to my side. My body jumps a bit when I find someone sitting next to me, just a couple of feet away. A boy? His face is buried in his hands and he’s crying. I don’t know what to do because I’m not good at comforting people, especially those who I don’t even know.

So instead of saying anything, I just sit there, waiting for him to stop sobbing. His back is moving up and down as he lets out adorable weeps… Wait is there even something as an adorable weep?

My eyes don’t seem to dart away from him. I feel a tug in my heart and it urges me to do something but my hands are frozen in place. He clearly doesn’t seem to notice me because he would’ve said something, right?

Fifteen minutes passed until he finally relaxes. His sobs turn into sniffs and he wipes away his teary face with the back of his hands. Now that I can see how he looks like, my heart literally skips a beat. His skin is pale yet smooth, his almond shaped eyes are puffy yet his light brown orbs are sparkling, and his lips… his plump rosy lips are parted ever so slightly just to give way to his breathes.

My sight freezes on his beautiful face. I have never thought such boy exists which makes me wondering…  Who the hell can upset an angel like this one? Was he heartbroken? Did he lose someone? Was he robbed? Hit?

I want to ask but apparently I lost my ability to talk. I just keep staring at him and I can feel him tensing up, thus he noticed me. I can see him taking a glance at me from the corner of his eye but he doesn’t dare to fully look at me.

Then I remember I have something in my pocket. I reach for a small box of chocolates that I got from one of my clients and put it between us. I smile at his curiosity as he tilts his head a bit to the side and try to peek at what the box contains.

“Chocolate cures everything” I quote, and I can soon see his eyebrows frowning before he slowly lifts his head and lets our gazes meet for the first time.

Something in his orbs feels like pulling me toward him. There’s sorrow in his eyes but also some kind of twinkling. He cutely bites on his lower lip, averting his sight back to the box lying between us before shyly asking “What kind?”

And if I thought this boy is beautiful, his voice is heaven. I once again freeze as my eyes widen in amazement. Only when he looks at me again that I snap out of it and smile at him.

“White chocolates... They’re my favorite” I simply state and I can feel his eyes sparkling some more, not from the tears however.

“Mine too”

He then scoots his body a bit closer and reach to open the box. My eyes keep trailing each of his movement while oddly the smile on my face just broadens with each move.

He puts away the cover and then stares at the different shapes. His index finger is endearingly tapping on his chin as if contemplating on which one he should pick first. Finally, he decides on the star shaped one and I can’t help but muse at his choice.  

He raises it to his face, smiling at it first before pushing it into his mouth. His eyes flutter close as he seems to enjoy the taste, leaving my heart doing that weird dancing again. All I can do is feeling mesmerized by this boy. I want to know more about him. I want to ask him a lot of questions.

“Thank you” He mutters after swallowing his chocolate. A little blush decorating his pale face and it seems he forgot about what was upsetting him.

“I’m Siwon. Choi Siwon” I introduce myself and he widely smiles at me leading to another skip in my heartbeat. What is this mysterious boy doing to me?

“I’m Kyuhyun. Cho Kyuhyun” He stretches his hand for me and it takes me a second to realize it. I then hold it in mine but the touch is too much. I feel sudden electricity vibes shooting throughout my body as his slender fingers firmly circle around my hand.

To my dismay, he withdraws his hand and stands up on his feet. He then gazes down at me and smiles again before whispering “It was nice meeting you, Siwon-ssi. Thanks for the chocolate”

I’m left startled in my place. He turns around and starts walking away from me but I don’t want him to go. I finally found someone who can get my mind off my miserable life and I want to hold on to him. I quickly rise on my feet as well and walk toward him.


I shout his name and he turns around puzzlingly. When he looks at me, I suddenly forget what I wanted to say so I just stare at him for a couple of minutes. Feeling him narrowing his eyes in confusion, I manage to mutter “Can I see you again?”

I nervously study his face, hoping he will give me a chance. However, his expression is blank. His eyes are looking straight into mine, probably noticing the pleading in my orbs, but I don’t care. I want to know this guy and my heart is urging me to not let him go. Could it be that he’s my destiny?

“Only if I can have the rest of the chocolates”

His voice brings me down from my reverie and before I can think twice, I turn around and walk to where we were sitting, picking up the box of chocolates and returning to his side.

As I hand him the box, he bursts out laughing while I narrow my eyes at him dumbfounded. When he calms down, he takes a step closer and leans down a bit “I was just joking”

His face is so close to mine that I almost drop the box in my hand. Luckily, or not, he pulls away and smiles at me again.

“But I’ll take them” His hands reach for the box and take them away from me. When I can process what’s happening, I sheepishly rub the back of my head while foolishly grinning at him.

As I do so, Kyuhyun’s jaw drops open with the chocolate he was about to eat hanging mid-way in the air. He then drops it back into the box and takes another step closer to me.

I’m startled at first, wondering what he’s about to do as his hand raises up, moving toward my face. His index finger then pocks one of my dimples while he cutely tilts his head to one side.

“You have dimples!” He states and my smile widens, awarding him by a deeper hole to pock at.

Abruptly he pulls away and shakes his head. I stare at him confused but he takes a step backward and blushingly stares at his feet.

“Sorry” He mutters under his breath but I heard it loud and clear.

“So… are my dimples enough to make you want to meet me again?” I don’t know where I get this courage but looks like he brings out what’s been hidden deep down inside of me.

“I have a dimple as well, you know!” He whines and I can only laugh at his act. He pouts his lips and I find it adorably cute that I want to kiss it away… Wait, what? Seriously? Kiss it away? Yah, Siwon what the hell is wrong with you?

He can feel me tensing up since I can see him furrowing his eyebrows at me. It’s my turn to shake my head before looking at him with a serious face.

“Don’t cry again” I didn’t mean for it to sound as an order but it did. His eyes narrow at me for a second but then his face relaxes and he deeply sighs.

“You will tell me about it when we meet again?”

To my luck, he nods before taking out his phone and handing it out to me. I smilingly take it and start typing my phone number. Then I call myself so I will have his number saved as well.

I hand him back the phone and he looks at the screen that is still showing my contact number before letting out a chuckle when he reads what I named myself.

“Ok Mr.Dimples, I have to go now”

Even though I don’t want him to go just yet, I nod because I know we’ll be meeting again.

“I’ll call you”

He timidly smiles at me, and before turning around, he takes one chocolate out of the box and leads it to my mouth as I gladly accept it by parting my lips. He then starts walking away from me.

However, as he was about to disappear from my sight, I unconsciously find myself shouting after him again.


He stops in his tracks and turns to face me. He then shouts back "EVEN ACHING HEARTS?"

I can feel the hurt in his tone as if he's once again remembering what he was crying about earlier. I put my hands in my pockets, widely smile before shouting again.


Even from the distance I can feel him blushing. His milky skin is glistening under the sunrays and my heartbeat instantly speeds again. He frantically waves at me before continuing on his way.

I'm left standing here watching his disappearing figure and trying to calm down because I feel like flying. I reach out my phone and happily save his number under 'My Chocolate Angel'.

Wonder when I should call him...

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Chapter 1: So beautiful story 💕 💖 💗 ❤️ 💕 💞 😍
Merettevan #2
Chapter 2: I am in love with your stories! And this one is so cute, just like them! Thanks so much for sharing it!
Now I am craving for some chocolate :)
Angela17 #3
Okay... I'm one of your fans... Officially...
Chapter 2: Chocolate!!! Gotta go get some chocolate!!!
Nuke_nuke #5
Chapter 2: Aww thank you for writing this :D
WonKyu foreveeerrrr :D
Nuke_nuke #6
Chapter 1: Ahahaha this is adorable !