Stop it!



" Catch up with you later babe " L.Joe said, winking to one of the fangirls that was clinging onto him ever since he arrived in school this morning. Well, actually, ever since he started to school there. The girl was screaming and jumping when he winked at her. She probably thought the L.Joe likes him. The L.Joe that almost all of the girls in school spazz and drools about. 

He smirked and waved at the girl and her friends while they walked off slowly. Very, slowly. 

" Go on already . Ugh. " He muttered under his breathe when watching the girls walk away slowly. He watched amused by how many people the girls bumped into just to wave goodbye to L.Joe. Fools. My arm hurts because of you fools.

He turned around to see a girl crossing her arms together, leaning against a wall. He walked 'coolly' to where she is and stopped right in front of her. Hyemi's her name. 

"Soooooo, did it work? "

He asked, eyebrows furrowed with curiosity and hope. She looked up when she heard a faint voice and unplugged her earphones. Oh. 

" Hmm? "

" ..."

"...Nevermind " He hung his head low and turned around, heading to class with his shoulders deflated.

Hyemi giggled secretly and watch him walk like a zombie to class. How can that kind of guy have girls spazz and drool about ? Even, how can that guy be considered cool when he is so childish? She shook her head and an amused grin spread across her face.







She felt someone poking her arms but she thought it was just her, imagining things. Right when she thought that imagination was off from her head, she started to feel being poked again. She looked to her side to see L.Joe resting his head on his table, facing her.

" What are you doing , L.Joe? " Being L.Joe, he didn't reply anything and just grin his foolish grin at her. She glared at him while L.Joe just started to poke her again. Groaning, she slapped away L.Joe's hand and gave him another intense glare before focusing on what Mr. Jung was teaching in front. 

" Hyemi-ah ~ " She pinched her nose bridge in attempt to calm herself down. 

" What? " 

" You have nothing to tell me? " Oh god, again with that topic. Doesn't he have anything else to talk about? A weird look was given to L.Joe by her .

" Nope, nothing. " He sighed loudly causing ,Mr. Jung and the other classmates to look at him.

" Do you have anything to say Mr. Lee? " Mr. Jung asked with an impatient tone. Hyemi snickered when Mr. Jung asked L.Joe that. Huh. Serves you right.

" You too Mrs. Kim? " She blinked. What? How am I even in this?

" It's her / him Mr. Jung ! " They both said and pointed accusingly to each other in synchronization. 

" No excuses. Now both of you shut up and focus. You two are distracting the class. One more sound I hear from either one of you, you're both will be given detention. " 

" Yes Mr. Jung . We won't do it again. " They both said , again, in sync . 

It's all his fault.

It's all her fault. 







The bell chimed indicating a newly-come customer. Yes! Another customer! That means I can get more money ! Assa! She pumped her fist in excitement and grinned widely. Feeling giddy thinking of the probability of her getting a bonus, she skipped her way to the new customer's table.

" Annyeonghaseyo, welco- Oh its you. What do you want? " Her happy cheerful face hardened in an instance as soon as he saw his face. Lee Byunghun, you again. 

" Wha- what wrong did I do to not receive a pleasant service from this cafe ? " L.Joe asked ,in shock of how different Hyemi treats him than the others. Sighing , he ordered a cup of Americano Coffee and rested his head on the table. Secretly, he watched Hyemi's every moves. How she smile, how she laughs and how her face just brightens in an instant when a new customer came. He was practically drooling on the spot. Little did he know, Hyemi noticed him staring at her. She was trying so hard to not laugh at him when one of L.Joe's supposed to be fangirls looked at him in disgust when L.Joe was drooling. Realizing some of his 'precious' fangirls are watch him, he wiped his drool off his face ad pretended to be busy with something. 







" Goddamit L.Joe. Just when are you going to stop?! " She looked at him with her eyebrows furrowed.

" I'll stop if you answer my question. " That annoying grin of his again. Ugh. 

" What question are we talking about now? "

" know.. the one I.. " He shuffled his feet slightly on the ground, losing eye contact with her. 

" ...what? " Nobody knows how she wanted to flip her lunch at him right there and then. 

" ...The one I asked a few months ago.. "

" ... "

" ...So? "

As if a superhero slash savior, the bell rang calling all of its students to go to class.

" Oh. That's the bell. Bye ! " No time wasted for her to go to her next class, which apparently was the class she hates the most. But if she had to choose between that class and L.Joe, it wouldn't be a shocker if she chose the class.

He ruffled his hair in frustration as he watched he walk away hurriedly, still leaving him hanging there with no answer. Is it so hard to answer one simple question? 







" Hyemi-ah ~ " He cooed when Hyemi was taking out some books from her locker for her next class. To his dismay, he was ignored. Which was something he was used to. He tried to gain her attention again.

" Hyemi-ah ~ "

" Kim Hyemi ~ "

" Mimi ~ "

" Hyemimi ~ "

" Hyemi ~ "

Everyone in the hallway can sense something is going to explode. Most of them figured out that 'something' was Hyemi. She pinched her nose bridge. Calm down Hyemi, calm down. Ignore him. He's just an annoying little brat that has been bugging you since forever.Calm down. 

" Hyemi .... ? " That was it. She couldn't take it anymore. 

" Kim Hyem- "

He became silent seeing her deadly glare piercing through his soul. 


A few seconds passed.




Everyone was so quite seeing her like that.







"You really want an answer? Fine I'll give you a damn freaking answer. "

He can't believe he'll get an answer now. The answer he's been waiting for like, how long? Four months? 



" Lee Byunghun. "



" L.Joe. "



" I... "



" -would like to say to you.."


" Just get straight to the point will you?! "

He groaned in frustration earning a laugh from her and some of the 'audience' around.





Take a deep breathe.Breathe in...






" FINE I LIKE YOU TOO ! HAPPY NOW ? " Now that was unexpected. No one expected it. Not even L.Joe. 


Out of the blue .... 

" Everyone ! Attention , attention! " He clapped his hands oh so loudly, gaining attention, as what his intetion was to...

" Everyone heard what Hyemi just said right? Right? "

" Shut up L.Joe. " She hissed as she was too embarrassed to even look at anyone.

" She said she likes me too ! Do you know what that means? " He was asking a rhetorical question, of course. Being the silly and weird L.Joe he was.

" Kim Hyemi is now officially mine ! So don't anyone even dare to like her. Got it? " His face darkened a little bit, showing an imaginary black aura all around him. His bipolar, I swear. WAIT WAIT. DID HE JUST SAID-

" WAIT WHAT? " Right now she was the one trying to gain attention. 


" Aww come on babe, you know you want to be my girlfriend. " He winked at her and held her hand high, just for the purpose of showing off to the whole school that Kim Hyemi, the girl he courted ever since four months ago, finally answered his question about her liking him . 

" You're bipolar, I swear. There I said it. So will you stop bugging me for the rest of my life now? " She asked hoping that he'll nod. Apparently, L.Joe had other things up in his sleeves. 

" Nope, instead, I'll bug you more, with more love of course ~ " Again, he winked. Is there something wrong with his eyes or something? And then, right in front of all of the witnesses of their newly-bloomed relationship, he made a heart with his hands ,cutely,yes cutely.

" You're losing your coolness effects on the other girls you know? " She snickered, watching some of the fangirls furrowing their eyebrows to who they thought was cool and, well, 'macho'. 

" Don't car- Wait. You said OTHER girls. Does that mean it doesn't affect you? " He wiggled his eyebrows in a funny yet cute way at her. Somehow, she was glad he noticed it. So she just chuckled at him. 

" You're weird, you know that? "

" Yup, I know, but luckily someone ,ehemyouehem, still likes me just the way I am " He grinned knowing her face will soon redden from her previous outburst confession. Just as he thought..

" Shut up. Let's go. " She looked down, trying to avoid people's stares and whispers. Gladly, he held Hyemi's hand tighter and looked at it, smiling oh so happily.

" Kaja girlfriend ! She couldn't deny it, L.Joe being sweet and humorous was definitely the  L.Joe she fell for. Taking a deep breathe and plucking up her courage ..

" Kaja boyfriendShe held his hands back and pecked his cheek, gaining oohs and clappings and some cheerings too. Can't bear the embarrassment any longer, she walked ahead, signalling L.Joe that she wants to leave fast.

He laughed and speeds up his walking pace and walked beside her, pecking her cheeks back just to see his girlfriend blush. Finally, the answer he had been waiting for. Her, saying back to him that she likes him too. 






Well this was awkward. OTL

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Chapter 1: This is so cute ^_^
Chapter 1: cute
saguilar #3
Chapter 1: That's adorable ^_^
I like this ^_^
Chapter 1: so cute :3