
Of Lollipops and SMS

No dedication, but a caution. Although I love Yuri the most, this turned out to be the crappiest. So, caution, crap ahead :)


Long haired Yul or short haired?

Kwon Yuri pressed the send button and away her cellphone sent the message to everyone in her phonebook. She then threw herself at the couch, put her feet up the coffee table, and the television.

“Yuri you have a message~” sang her phone. Your aegyo is fail, therefore, you are too.” She giggled at her ringtone. It was his ringtone; rather his voice used as a message alert tone.

Long hair~ I’d like to see it long for a change. :3

It was him. She ran her hands through her shouder length locks and missed the mass of hair that should have been there if she didn’t decide to cut it so short. She smiled and took her phone.

It would be nice to grow my hair again :)

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Chapter 13: it is a nice story
i like your story
please update
Chocolatemushrooms #2
I love this!!! Update soon please!
HaEfAnY4eVeR #3
Is there haefany couple i adore them
I think you write really well! All the chapters were awesome! :DD
ohbibimbap #5
@HaeSica4ever: well, I have to be honest with you, no HaeSica is not one of the couples featured, but I will try to make one for you (cougheveniftheyarenotmyfavecouplecough) I'll try my best :)
HaeSica4ever #6
Is one of the couples is HaeSica couple? I love them so much, please make HaeSica couple~!!!!!!