~Silverfox Review Shop~


Honesty is the best policy, and if you'd like a honest yet helpful review for your story that I will break down (depending on length) and go over specifically where I feel your story is lacking or what areas I truly enjoyed, I'd be happy to help(: 


This shop is more like an advertisement for my tumblr which you can find here.

Simply, you can either submit your fics here under the comments or to my tumblr(: The formatting would be the same though. The guidelines are down below, and I'm sorry I'm so limited but I've never really gotten into any other fandoms ^^" However, if you'd like me to review under a purely grammatical and overall plot standpoint for a different fandom, I might be willing to depending on the time. I do not read OC's but I'll review it if the author submits it. I also do read M-rated fics so its all good XD




Guidelines and How I Work

First of all. I only read exo and super junior fics because those two fandoms are what I can really review since I really am not familiar with other groups. This blog is run by one person, and I review on the first come first serve basis. The reviews will be in my opinion, so please do not take offense by what I write because I'm only going to ever be completely honest and try to only help you as a writer improve.

  • The way I review is in this format:  
  • Name of Fic:  
  • Author (you can keep this anonymous):  
  • Rating:  
  • Summary:  
  • Plot Review:  
  • Characterization Review:  
  • General Writing Style and Grammar:  
  • Rating:  
  • Originality/Creativity (optional):  
  • The rating is on a 1-10 scale and if people would like me to make a post detailing this, I will.
  • Originality and creativity is hard to critique because I have seen many amazing writers take an altogether cliche plot and turn it into something amazing. Therefore, I will only review the originality if you specifically tell me to do so.
  • Please submit your fics in this format:  
  • Name of Fic:  
  • Author (you can keep this anonymous):  
  • Rating:  
  • Summary:  
  • Link to the fic:  
  • Please send me questions if you are confused. ^^


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