Flirty Chunji

Living Next Door to a Jerk

chapter 5; 
               Flirty Chunji





Saturday;  9:30




» Eunji's pov;
My eyes grew wide and I pulled my hand away from his lips quickly. "Mworago? What kind of guy do you think you are for touching me like that?" I asked gumily with my face turning a slight shade of pink.
A smirk curled from his lips confidently, "Your future soul mate." What...? Did he just say what I thought he said? T__T
"Future soul mate, my ." I groaned, already getting used to his charismatic ways of flirting with a girl. 
He opened his mouth as if to say one of his "flirty" remarks but a soft static noise came above the speakers of the plane. I immediately shoved my fingers on his lips so he would stop talking and turned my head to the front of the seats, as if someone was speaking to me.
A male with a slightly deep voice announced, "Annyeonghangsayo. Welcome to Delta Airlines, this is your captain speaking. I would like to inform you that we will be flying in a few minutes. Please watch the safety video provided on the screen in front of your seats. Thank you and enjoy your flight on Delta Airlines."
That's a relief... They are FINALLY flying this plane. I released my finger from his lips and turned back to him with a smile plastered on my face. 
» chunji's pov;
I shut my mouth as she pulled her finger to stop my mouth from running. This is the first time I actually noticed the features on her body. I scrutinized and my eyes scanned over the upper part of her body. She had long brown hair that flowed down to her chest with skin that was pale enough that it looks like it was flawless. My eyes moved upwards and noticed her eyes. The size of it were like two nickels with a color of a dark, milky chocolate brown. 
Before I was actually done "checking her out" I watched in awe as she turned to face me with a smile glued onto her face and her eyes smiling like nobody's business. Wow.. It's almost like she was a little girl trapped in a teenager's body.
She looked at me in the eyes and squintted her eyes with curiosity. Then, she leaned in to my face and observed it. "Like what you see?" I chuckled sentimentally.
Her left eye twitched in annoyance, "...Are you wearing make-up? I think you're wearing even more than I am!" 
The engines of the plane started to roar and the plane started to move slightly. 
» eunji's pov;
I sat back in my chair with my eyes glued on him with curiosity. He looked at me as if I was stupid. "Pabo... Idols are supposed to wear make-up!" he retorted, trying to defend himself.
I smacked him on the arm roughly, "Yah! Who are you calling a pabo, you .. jerk!" 
He winced at the pain that suddenly smacked his arm and used his other hand to ease and rub it. "What a wimp..." I muttered to myself quietly, crossing my arms across my chest.
"Fine... I'm sorry I called you a pabo." He admitted half-heartedly. I turned to him with my eyebrows narrowing down and stuck my tongue out at him. He scoffed in disbelief and mumbled something to himself that I couldn't hear. 
Whatever. Who needs him anyways. The plane started to lift off the ground and my mood suddenly changed. A happy emotion rushed from the toes of my feet and exploded when it reached my head.
"The plane's flying! It's flying!!" I squealed, jumping in my seat and pointing to the window beside Chunji. A warm smile suddenly spread across his face and he softly said, "Yeah... It's flying."
» Ljoe's pov;
I heard a girl squeal from her seat in the back because the plane was taking off. Chinjja... What's so interesting about a plane flying? You just stare at puffs of clouds for hours... AISH. Where did Chunji go? 
I looked from the left side of the aisle, engulfing anything in sight. No sign of him. Just as I turned to the right side, the fangirl that I met just a few minutes ago started to fangirl. "Kyaaaa! L.Joe Oppa! Are you looking at me?" she exclaimed, full of energy.
I was being nice to her, but... I can't take it anymore. She's very pretty and beautiful but... Extremely clingy. Why isn't he back?! "DOES HE WANT ME TO DIE..." I groaned to myself, flinging my head back onto the pillow on my seat and sliding down with annoyance.
» eunji's pov;
"What would you like to drink ma'am?" the flight attendant questioned as she snatched two cups from her cart full of drinks and snacks.
She handed one bag of pretzels to Chunji and me. "I'll just have water." I answered simply, pulling a tray down on the back of the seat in front of me.
The flight attendant smiled and poured the water in the cup professionally. "And what would you like, sir?" she asked slyly, placing my cup of water on my tray carefully.
I took my cup of water with both of my hands and sipped the splash of refreshing drink. "Hm.. I think I'd like to have a cup of... you," Chunji winked playfully, his upper lips from the right to the left.
My eyes widened and my self control suddenly disappeared in a heartbeat. I spat out the remaining liquid in my mouth in front of me. Did he just say.. AHH!!! I'M ABOUT TO GO NUTS! I grinded my teeth together with my eyes blazing with temptation to throw him out of the airplane window.
The flight attendant had a rosy pink color flushed on her cheeks and she giggled. The king of stupidity sat next to me with that smirk still lingering around his lips.
Why... That idiot. I grabbed a handful of napkins from her cart and wiped the dripping water located in between my lips and chin. I aimed and threw my napkins in his face with fury. WHY IS HE SO. OOMPH! I closed my eyes and interlaced my fingers together, praying towards the sky. (a/n;  ...Even though she was already in the sky.. O__O) "Please. Let this be a short ride!" I cried.




LOL I bet you all are like "T__T"  WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!? hahah. So. Eunji met the flirtatious king over here. What do you think will happen next? xD



What I expect when I update:
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I'll try to update more for you guys <3
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02.22.13. Hi guiseeeee :D Don't be afraid to comment, neh? hehehe I'd love to see what you guys think ^^


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bookangel2603 #1
Chapter 5: omg wait nooo!! update !! noww *holding up pitchforks* >:-) hehe jk hahaha i love your storyyy like there's no tomorrow haha plz update soon! oh god chunji is a flirt king haha "i want a cup of... you" hahah omgg that is just classic! i think im going to die out of laughter haha authornim you are just soo awesome!
karenlove #2
Chapter 5: hahaha i feel bad for her anyways updae soon
Chapter 5: Hahah great work dongsaeng-ah~ :DD

Keep it up :P
Chapter 5: HHaha as always you have created an amazing chapter! You captured chunji's personality perfectly! I loved it! Hilarious!
Great chapter dongsaeng :DD

hope you will update soon :D
KenzieHollingsworth #6
I don't know why but every time I see L.Joe oppa, it feels so awkward.
Chapter 4: Chunji doesnt matter what hes doing this guy makes me laugh ( sorry unnie i'm trying 2 do my math hw 2 so im slow will be done soon!)
Chapter 3: Haha the grandma!
Chapter 3: I laughed so hard on this chapter!