Important News

Living Next Door to a Jerk

.: Saturday, 7:45 am :.


Eun Ji's POV:




I opened my eyes and found a blurred vision of Ga Eul. "Miss Eun Ji... Miss Eun Ji..." She softly said while shaking my arm a little. I felt really dizzy and sat up from my bed holding onto the back of my head. What...? Was this all a dream? 




"Your parents are waiting for you downstairs. They requested to talk to you," she chimed while pulling a strand of hair behind my ear. Heh... It was all a dream. Thank goodness! ... But I wish I could've had that ice cream though... "Bwoh? Is this why you woke me up this early?" I asked, aggravated. She slightly nodded and I pulled the covers back over my head.





"Aniyooo. I'm not leaving my room. Wake me up when it's 1:00pm." I grumbled as I closed my sleepy eyes again. "Get up!" Ga Eul warned as she pulled my blanket away from my body. "Djol de!!" I hissed at her before pulling the warm blanket back and closing my eyes. (A/N: Djol de = Never) "I knew this was going to happen... Sorry for doing this Eun Ji."





I opened my eyes widely and gasped under the sheets,  "You wouldn't!" Before I could run away, she already pulled my covers away and commanded my maids to throw buckets of cold water with ice cubes on me. 




The icy water from Antarctica slapped my skin like a whip and left my breathless. "KYAAAA!!" I screamed in shock as it poured all over me, making me drenched in the water. My hands automatically covered my arms as I shivered in the coldness. Heh. Two can play at that game.





"If you think that scares me, you're wrong," I smirked coolly while holding myself in my own arms. "Wow. I didn't think it would go this far!" Min Hee exclaimed in excitement.




She snapped her fingers and a big bulky guy came in my room. My eyes popped out of my sockets as I stammered, "Y-y-yah! W-Who's that?"



"Eun Ji, meet your worst nightmare, Mike." Min Hee winked as she did some sort of hand gesture.




Mike heavily walked to where my bed was and lifted flung me up like I was a doll. "HEY! PUT ME DOWN!!" I shouted, kicking my legs everywhere and flinging my arms uncontrollably as he put my body over his shoulder. Ga Eul and Min Hee giggled as they followed Mike and I out of my bedroom door. 





I tried to punch his back, but it was like he had an armor that protected him from Eun Ji's awesome powers. "Hah! Take that! And that!" I called out with punch after punch. "Hahaha, that tickles," he chuckled in a low voice, mocking me. Aish... What does my parents want... Bringing this Mike kid to "" me out of my bedroom.





My thoughts were snapped away when Mike plopped me down a seat across from my parents.


"It seemed that you already met our friend, Mike," My dad beamed at me with his arms crossed against his chest. I rolled my eyes while pulling my hair to one side of my shoulder and squeezing the remaining water that was dripping. 




"So what was the reason why you decided to wake me up this morning?" I asked in a bored tone. My mom opened planning to reply but I interrupted. "This better be good because you never. Ever. Wake Eun Ji from her beauty sleep," I scoffed as I crossed my arms in front of my chest and crossed one of my legs on top of the other.





My mom shook her head at me and patted my dad's shoulder, signaling him to announce the "important" news. My dad cleared his throat and positioned his elbows ontop of his knees while he was sitting. "You're not going to stay in America anymore. You're temporarily leaving to go to Korea," he announced seriously. 




I cracked up and slapped my leg. "HAHAHA. You're kidding me right? Tell me the real news," I joked as I pointed as my parents.



My mom looked at me with seriousness overwhelmed in her eyes. My smile faded from my face and I stated, "Are you serious... Why are you suddenly telling me to go to Korea for? I have all I need here in America."



"Your manners and behavior seemed to disappear when you were born here," My mom snickered as she furrowed her eyebrows at me.


"Mworago? What are you saying??" I snapped back at her. My father sighed heavily at me and explained, "You're leaving for Korea because you need to learn to be a grown woman."

"I'm already a grown woman! I don't even understand what you're saying!"

"If you're a grown woman, you shouldn't be complaining about everything like a child."





I huffed a big sigh and pouted. He continued, "I already purchased your ticket, so you'll be leaving at 9:00am. Also, when you're in Korea, you won't have an unlimited amount of money like you do here. I'm giving you only $500 to start with and you can go survive on your own."





"BWOH!?" I shouted as I jumped from my seat. "Do you even know how much $500 is?! That's like a penny to me! Waeyo! Why are you doing this to me?"




"That's the end of our discussion and my final decision," my dad harshly spat at me. "Honey, get dressed to go to the airport," my mom whispered to me before following my dad out of our large living room. 





I threw my head back on my seat and screamed, "AHHHHHHHH! WHY DO I HAVE TO GO TO KOREA!?!??!" I kicked our coffee table over causing it to break into a million pieces. "AISH!" I grumbled before walking away from the mess I made.






Aigooo! Hahah, totally trolled you guys there c; Her parents didn't dieee! Pshhh! image T-T LOL *no one cares* hahah



 LOL Time to meet Teen Top!! c: Comment? Subscribe? :D


A few gifs for being so patient :DD


tumblr_inline_mily9nYUF81rf9y65.gif  chunji! :D


tumblr_inline_mihbd5e7y81rf9y65.gif fighting!~


tumblr_inline_mifffnbfpc1rf9y65.gif sarang, sarang, saranghaeeee ^^

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02.22.13. Hi guiseeeee :D Don't be afraid to comment, neh? hehehe I'd love to see what you guys think ^^


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bookangel2603 #1
Chapter 5: omg wait nooo!! update !! noww *holding up pitchforks* >:-) hehe jk hahaha i love your storyyy like there's no tomorrow haha plz update soon! oh god chunji is a flirt king haha "i want a cup of... you" hahah omgg that is just classic! i think im going to die out of laughter haha authornim you are just soo awesome!
karenlove #2
Chapter 5: hahaha i feel bad for her anyways updae soon
Chapter 5: Hahah great work dongsaeng-ah~ :DD

Keep it up :P
Chapter 5: HHaha as always you have created an amazing chapter! You captured chunji's personality perfectly! I loved it! Hilarious!
Great chapter dongsaeng :DD

hope you will update soon :D
KenzieHollingsworth #6
I don't know why but every time I see L.Joe oppa, it feels so awkward.
Chapter 4: Chunji doesnt matter what hes doing this guy makes me laugh ( sorry unnie i'm trying 2 do my math hw 2 so im slow will be done soon!)
Chapter 3: Haha the grandma!
Chapter 3: I laughed so hard on this chapter!