Chapter 5

The New Student

Over the next few days Yongguk was always with Youngjae and it was too hard for Daehyu to approach Youngjae so he just tried to ignore all thoughts of Youngjae. He was thankful that it was the weekend because he wouldn't have to see Youngjae and Yongguk together. Something about the sight made his stomachs turn and he didn't like it.

"Hey" Yongguk said when he saw Youngjae in the cafe that he worked at. "Hey, you're a bit early aren't you? My shift hasn't ended yet. "It's okay" Youngjae smiled and took the orders order. He then walked off and returned a few minutes later with Yongguks order. "I'm going to get changed in my normal clothes and then we can go once you have finished your drink." Youngjae said and quickly walked off not wanting to make the older sit alone for any longer. Youngjae returned quite quickly and just sat with Yongguk in silence for a while until he was finished. "Should we go now?" Yongguk asked. "Yeah."

Once at the cinema the two got tickets, food and some drink. About halfway through the film Youngjae needed to use the toilet so he excused himself but what he didn't know is that someone he knew saw him and started to follow behind.

In the toilet Youngjae heard the door open whilst he was washing his hands but he ignored it. When he heard the footsteps come closer and felt an arm around his waist he started to get scared. "I thought it was you." Youngjaes eyes widened as he knew that voice. Daehyun Youngjae turned around and tried to push Daehyun away but he was stronger, much stronger. Youngjae continued to struggle until he felt Daehyun wrap his arms around him and hug him. "I'm sorry, Youngjae. I just wanted to be your friend." Daehyun said in the kindest way he could. Youngjae responded by wrapping his arms around Daehyun and said "I wanted to be your friend too Daehyun but friends don't kiss or touch each other." "I'm sorry." "It's okay." Youngjae pulled away from the hug slightly and smiled ahh there's the smile I love. Wait, no I need to stay focused. Becomes his friend and make him like the others.-"so can we be friends?" Daehyun asked "ye-" Youngjae was interrupted because Yongguk walked in the toilet and saw the two still hugging. "I thought you was taking long, what are you two doing?" Yongguk asked in a slightly annoyed tone. "A-ah nothing Yongguk." Youngjae said pulling himself away from the other quickly before Yongguk got to angry. "Yeah. I was only saying I'm sorry for being how I was." Daehyun said whilst giving Yongguk a mean look. Yogguk looked at the two and just held Youngjae's hand and walked out without another word. 

Once they got back to their seats Yongguk turned to the other looking quite sad and said "Youngjae, please don't get too close to Daehyun." "Why, hyung?" Youngjae gave Yongguk a confused look. "Because Daehyun bad. He will only use you and I don't want you getting hurt if you get too close to him." "But hyung, I might not get hurt and you can't stop me from making friends." Youngjae was starting to get annoyed with Yongguk because he wasn't letting Youngjae be close to Daehyun. "But Youngjae..I.. I.." "You what, hyung?" "Ithinkiloveyou." Yongguk said the words so quick that Youngjae couldn't understand him. " what?" "I said I think I love you, Youngjae." Yongguk softly Youngjae's. check with his thumb as Youngjae just stared with wide eyes from being surprised at him. "Hyung you can't." "Why?" Yongguk asked in confusion. 'Why couldn't he love the other? Is this going to make the younger feel scared of him? Is Youngjae not gay? Does he not like gay people?' All of these questions were running through Yongguks mind. " you just can't hyung, please." Yongguk looked like he was going to cry but he still said yes to Youngjae even though he knew it was gong to take a while to stop loving the younger. 

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Chapter 8: finally... some Daejae moments... Youngjae and Daehyun actually talked.. and it cleared up some of the misunderstandings that Youngjae was feeling =] but... hmmmm Youngjae is going to dinner with some of Yongguk's friends...
BocahHunHan #2
Chapter 8: Ommoooo... Hahaha.. DaeJae,, first time for me read this couple.. nicely... kyey... XD
Chapter 7: OOoOOoO At least now we know that Daehyun loves Youngjae =] Yay =]
Chapter 7: nuuuuuu dont daejae D:
pandaKuku #5
Chapter 6: sth will be happen to youngjae when he go to Daehyun house......xd
Chapter 6: OooooO poor Yongguk slightly jealous hehe and it seems that Youngjae and daehyun are getting pretty cozy and it's ooooo :)
Chapter 5: Awww why??? Why can't Yongguk love Youngjae??
Chapter 4: Daehyun isn't sweet at all... Though its hot and whatnot lol Yongguk's being the caring one... Until Daehyun realizes he has feelings for Youngjae he's going to lose this little battle if he keeps referring to Youngjae as a toy...
Chapter 3: Ahhhh daehyun moves fast... He's totally protective of what's his or what he thinks is his lol I love it already :)
Chapter 3: Daehyunnie definately knows how to get what he wants hehe :D
I am looking forward to see how Youngjae reacts to his kiss ^.^