Tonight I'm loving you ♥


Masitho Jung and Hannah Hwang have been best friends since childhood. Nothing could seperate them, not even school. They'd go to the same school, same tuition centre, same... EVERYTHING ! But both of them come from completely different worlds. Masitho is the rebellious type while Hannah is the typical goodie-goodie two shoes type.

They enter college at the age of 18. Things were different from high school. The people were more 'mature', REALLY MATURE. But that didn't stop Masitho and Hannah from making new friends. They met Lee Hyuk Jae and Kim Jaejoong. Both Hyuk Jae & Jaejoong were Year 2's, making Hannah and Masitho their juniors.

After a while, Masitho and Hannah became MORE MATURE than before. Things start to happen, leading to extremes.


"Jaejoong invited me to his party."

"I know you like me."

"YAH ! Stop bulling me ! You think you're cool or something Lee Hyuk Jae ?"

"I am sorry but I've been keeping this feeling for too long."

"Sometimes I want to be nice to you, but how can I be nice when you're always shouting at me like as though you're my mother huh ?!"

"It's over."

"It's not my fault that our friendship turned out this way !"

"I want to run away, run away from this life !"

"I'll run with you."

"I try to forget you, but I just can't."

"Why are you doing this to me ?"

"Mianhae, oppa."


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