Chapter 1

Un nouveau Départ (Sequel to Renaissance (Belated love))

They all entered the house after battling with the crowd that had tried to follow them since they left the hospital. Jaejoong was still sobbing in Yunho’s chest and the latter did not even once let go of him not allowing the others to see his beloved face. He had even put towel on Jaejoong’s head so journalists would not take picture of him. Yoochun had done the same with Seohyun while leading her mother who was carrying her, and Changmin had snarled to every reporter who had approached them.  Mrs Jung had been a crying fountain so Jessica and Donghae had taken her at home before everyone else.

Now they were all sat in the big kitchen in the same house where the tragic incident had taken place. Mrs. Jung was cooking the dinner with the help of her eldest grand-daughter and her soon to be husband. Yoochun was playing with Seohyun in his laps and the little girl was really enjoying her time with her uncle. Boa and Changmin were taking few glasses out the cupboard to serve everyone some drinks. Jaejoong had calmed down and was now just admiring the scene in the broad kitchen, emotions slowly tightening his throat and building up his stomach.

“I hope you’re not going to cry” Yunho’s rich baritone voice caressed his ear. Jaejoong turned side way on Yunho’s laps to wrap his arm around the guy’s shoulders. The man was smiling teasingly at him and Jaejoong shuddered when warm fingers’ tips brushed the sensitive skin of his waist.

“I’m just so happy that everything is back to normal and that you’re here with us” Jaejoong bended a little down so his forehead was resting against the Yunho’s shoulder. The taller man’s arm tightened around his slightly shaking figure and Yunho kissed his temple.

“Here with you!” Yunho whispered and Jaejoong could not hold his tears any longer, he sobbed and buried his head in the crook of the older man’s neck who was showering him with light kisses. His fingers skimmed the smooth back’s skin, drawing little cirlces under the shirt trying to sooth the crying man.

Around them every one had turned their back to them to let the two one sweet moment. Boa and Changmin had dressed the table and were helping Mrs Jung. Everyone moved to the dining room after lightly gesturing Yunho to follow them.

“Let’s go love”

Jaejoong sniffled and nodded before leaning away arms still wrapped around Yunho’s neck. Their eyes locked they did not need any words to understand each other and once again tears slipped from Jaejoong’s large eyes as he palmed Yunho’s cheeks, thumb caressing under the almond eye. Yunho pressed against the warm palm.

“I love you”


“If you don’t want to talk about that then it’s ok, Yunho” Yoochun was sitting across Yunho and had grasped his hand to squeeze it lightly. The room was dead silent and every one staring at the tall man. Seohyun had been already tucked in her bed and after much struggles Changmin had been allowed to stay with them. 

“No, I had to know even though I already guessed why” Yunho sighed and squeezed his brother’s hands back, a small smile tugging at his lips to show him that he was ok. Yoochun nodded and took a gig breath.

 “She had never been a Uni lecturer” Began Yoochun as he let his brother’s hand to stand up and took something from the table behind them. “She had always lived on her husbands’ incoming” he gave him the vanilla folders. Yunho opened it knowing already what he would find inside.

“You were a good target” Mrs Jung whispered brokenly. Jessica handed her a tissue as her grand-mother started to cry. Yoochun nodded at his niece and Jessica, understanding at once, helped her grandmother up to bring her to her room, Boa following close behind them.

“Why was her not behind bars?” Donghae was stunned as he read the files that Yunho had passed him. Changmin was leaning over his shoulder and slowly paled as he discovered the real face of his former step mother.

“There had not been any providing hints to charge her against her former husbands’ assault, but psychologist had diagnosis her as a psychopath.” Yoochun answered.

 “She had been too used to her luxurious life that your income was providing her” Yoochun continued.

“She was not pleased with how much you spend for your children, how much love you give them! Maybe more than you ever gave her!” Boa and Jessica came back down. Boa rushed to her son and wiped sweat from his face before filling his glass with water. Jessica went directly on Donghae’s lap and took the folder the overfly rapidly the paper sheets.

“Whenever your acts disturbed her, she would get her revenge by buying expansive and useless brand clothes” she said looking down, disgusted at the paper lying down before her. “I know because she would always show them off to me.”  She handed the folder to her mother who had sat beside Changmin to be sure that her son was ok.

 “Have you ever told her about your life insurance?” Yoochun asked.

“Yeah but I’ve only told her that I had put her as the beneficiary” Yunho was rubbing Jaejoong’s thigh who was sat on his right, muted since the beginning.

“Somehow she knew what the amount was” explained Yoochun “She knew that your life insurance would be much more than the maintenance you would have paid her after the divorce”

 “When she heard about the divorce she decided to act on her thought to kill you” Finished Boa understanding where it was going. She was shaking lightly and Changmin was now trying to calm his mother.

“Police thinks that she wanted to disguise it as a suicide, maybe she would have successes without your call to Jessica” Nodded Yoochun gazing sympathetically at Boa who was now sobbing head buried in her palms. He could understand Boa distress, even though his brother and her had divorced they still parted in good terms. Yoochun had always liked Boa and even after the divorce Yunho Boa and him used to meet some times.

“Where did she find the gun?” Jaejoong eventually spoke in a broken whisper and Yunho grasped his hand under the table squeezing it lovingly.

“She found her gun in a shop where the man gives one free lesson of shooting.” Yoochun answered him “He told the police that she had it the target 85% of her shoot”

“Crazy” everyone whispered.


Jaejoong was nervous, really nervous. Here he was in Yunho’s bedroom waiting for the man to come out the bathroom. He was the hem of his wife-beater not really knowing if he was going to lie down on the bed or just stand there. He eyed the bed and sighing one more time he decided to sit on the edge. Yunho choose this time to come out the bathroom clad in his brown Hollister pants, bared chest. The man smiled down at him and walked to him to sit beside the blushing man. Jaejoong bite his lips trying hard to keep his eyes off the tanned skin displayed at his right. A heavy silence hung up between them and Jaejoong had the feeling that Yunho was trying to say something. He waited for the man and could practically feel Yunho’s brain working. Finally the tall man spoke with weak voice.

“I was impotent!” barely above the whisper but loud enough for Jaejoong who bite his lips as he knew how hard it must have been for Yunho to tell him that.

“You know anti depressor has this kind of s.” Yunho’s voice was starting to break and he refused to look at the beautiful man beside him staring empty eyes before him. Jaejoong turned slowly to him waiting for him to continue. In fact he could not even speak even if he wanted to. His voice was lost somewhere in the mess in his stomach and blocked by the bundle of feelings choking his throat. Silently his tears flowed on his cheeks, he was crying for him, for his pain, for what Yunho had been through.

“But she had assured me that it was not a problem and that I only had to kiss her, cuddle her and took her hand” Yunho was chuckling bitterly now “We had tried several times, but it was not simply working” he sighed.

“You told me that you had stopped after your divorce with Boa” Jaejoong voice was weak so weak and filled with pain. He was not sure that Yunho had heard him, but in this instant he knew he could not speak louder or he would just break completely down. He was angry and it melted with his sadness. Yet he did not know why he was awake. Was it over frustration knowing that Ara had not been able to appreciate what she had? Was it because Yunho had been suffering silently? Or because the man had not spoken to him? In the end it was probably all of this.

“Yeah I had but I had resumed taking them few days before dating Ara” Yunho finally confessed though Jaejoong already knew he had waited for Yunho to tell him. He had hoped that the man had come to him before all of this.

“And things get out of hand, and in the end I was taking too much of them” Yunho fisted the towel tightly making his knuckles turned white. Jaejoong reached for the hands wrapping his quivering palms around the tight fist.

“Are you ok now?” slowly he made Yunho loosened his grasp, the towel falling down when Yunho entwined their fingers.

“Yes, I don’t need them anymore!” Yunho finally let a small smile and turned to look at the beautiful man beside him. Gently he took the fine chin with the tip of his fingers making them stare at each other.

“Do you know?” he asked wiping his love’s face with his thumbs and slowly inching down “It’s because of you!” he whispered against the plump lips.

“Me?” Jaejoong’s wide eyes sought something in his eyes.

“Yes” Yunho was now smiling fondly at him at his innocent reaction.

“How?”  their eyes closed as Yunho leant forward making his nose skimmed around the bone cheeks of the smaller man. He kissed one eyelid and let his mouth fall once again to brush against the pink lips.

“You were there! For me! Always!” he breathed and opened his eyes to watch the messed up face.

“I’m going to see psychologist for some times to help me get better, and I hope you will still support me” his voice was more serious and louder, tainted with hesitation. He watched carefully as Jaejoong snapped his eye open looking straight at him scowling and determined.

“Of course, that out of question” Yunho sighed in relief and hugged Jaejoong tightly against him. Jaejoong wrapped his arms around him too and wriggled around to settle on straddling Yunho’s laps. Without breaking the hug his head still on Yunho’s shoulder Jaejoong asked one question he had wanted to ask since long.

“What were you doing in the basement?” he did not need to speak louder as his mouth was moving around Yunho’s ears. His arms tightened around the taller man’s neck when he felt him shiver, not allowing him to move away. Yunho rubbed his back his warm palms calming him a little.

“After our discussion and my resolve to divorce her I settle in the basement where I had already managed it to be liveable, she came in the evening to finish me, but you went in before she could” he smiled remembering every things that had happened. Not that it was funny but he knew that if Jaejoong had been here on time it could only mean that they were meant for each other.

“She was on the verge of success!” Jaejoong shuddered at the mere thought of him being late and Yunho shot dead by the ill woman.

“Yes but she did not thank to you” Yunho kissed the neck before him again and again feeling as Jaejoong was trembling in his arms. Slowly he laid the beautiful man on the bed sheets, forced to lay over him as their embrace did not break.

“Why are you crying Jaejoong?” he murmured as he slightly leant away to pushed the black stra,ds out of Jaejoong’s face.

“Because you had been shoot” came the soft reply, eyes tightly closed.

“But I would not be here with you if I had not” Yunho caressed the face while whispering.

“Then I prefer you healthy, than with me if it was the only way to get together” Jaejoong sobbed and shot up to tightened his arms around Yunho’s neck.

“Jaejoong, no! I had not fallen in love with you because I had been shot, I had been shot because I did understand that I was already in love with you!” Yunho was trying to look at Jaejoong but the smaller man was not letting him and just tightening his arms around him.

“Then it’s all my fault-”

“What? No of course not! I had to divorce her, she was trying to keep me away from my children, from you, you only made me realize that I have to be strong because I was not alone, I was loved!”

“Why now? What made you realize?” Yunho made them lay once again because Jaejoong’s weight around his neck was slowly hurting his back muscles.

“When you kissed me” his arms slowly slide upward on the smaller back to roll the wife beater up.

“I had thought that you had taken this as a friend mark of affection”

“You put so much love in the kiss Jaejoong, I could not be blind forever” Yunho chuckled.

“When did you start having feelings for me?” Jaejoong finally let him face each other and allowed Yunho to pull of his white clothes. And he shivered delightfully as Yunho his ear while asking quietly.

“Since the first time I saw you!” Yunho head parted from him suddenly, surprised written all over his face “Since the first time” he cupped the taller man’s cheek as he whispered once again bringing him down.

“This long?” Yunho breathed and let his body press down Jaejoong’s. Their skins were warm against one other and Jaejoong almost moaned.

“Yes” Yunho drink the answer, wave of guiltiness shaking his body.

“I’m so sorry, love” Their lips sealed the start of this new life that was given to them. They were going to enjoy and consume it wholly.

The kiss was slow and full of love as they wanted to taste this new start. Yunho was slowly rocking over the lithe body, hands grazing the curved and smooth side pleased with Jaejoong mewled.

This night Yunho made love to Jaejoong all the night, catching up the lost time when he had been too blind to see the beautiful man.

This new start was a blessing for both of them and this union was their promise to love each other till the end.


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