
Send you back home

"Wooooooohoooooooo!!!" We both shouted. We run through the school's corridor, waving a paper up. It's not only a paper, but it's our scholarship letter. A scholarship to continue our college for Classic Arts in England.

We both join the test in our senior high like 2 months ago. Classic Arts is our similar interest, we both love music, arts; especially classic music. He's both my classmate and bestfriend since the first grade of junior high school. It's kinda strange that we always got the same class in every year.

It's been our dream to pursue our dream as a famous conductor, study in England together; or maybe we could have our own family there, tsch.

And now, That dream is already on our hand. We passed the test and just wait until we graduate our senior high. We ran through classes and shouted, "WE WILL STUDY IN ENGLAND!", I know it seemed embarassing but for me... it's a victory; ah no-it's the beginning of a victory and a success.

We ran through classes until we reached our own class. As we arrived there, our classmate congratulated us; the boys hold us up while the girls--I don't hear it clearly since the boys are shouting too loud--seemed like cheering us. I'm too happy then I look at my bestfriend, he's laughing--but he seemed happier than me. He laughed until his eyes were teared up. Then he look at me and give that, "We did it, bro! We did it!""-- face. I nodded and laughing with him. 


A few weeks later, something went wrong. My bestfriend acting strangely quite, quite than ever. He rarely talked like he used to. This is not him... definately not him.. he changed; no, something or someone made him changed. 

"Why are you being so quite these days, man?" I asked him. and this.. his reaction still the same, "I'm not in my mood, bro.", then leave me there, confused. He always did that... always... 


And day by day, I feel that a big-thick-huge wall standed between us. I really feel it... day by day we rarely talked, playing at each other's house just to play games until night, talking about girls, doing homework together until having our own trip to places and going to our school together. I just miss those days .... but not now, he has become quiter than ever like he has no chance to live. I always ask him what happen, asking his parents also didn't help.. until then...


It was rainy after school, heavy rain. dammit I didn't bring my umbrella on my bag. So I decide to wait until the rain stops. 2 hours passed, the sky seemed getting darker and rain hasn't stopped yet. I feel my legs tired. Suddenly I see someone handed me an umbrella. Then I saw who's actually handed me this... I rubbed my eyes and widened my eyes, knowing it's rea-

"Let's use this umbrella together", but still look straight and throw the umbrella infront of me. Then we walks away without using umbrella, I chase him, "YA! WAIT FOR ME!". We walked under the heavy rain in silence, just I want to ask where we're going, he spoke, "just send me home first" wait... did he sobbing? I stopped and try to look at his face but he keep walking until he got a little wet, I walk to him and decide to keep quite until I hear him clearly sobbing.... He... He's crying....

"JUST SEND ME BACK FIRST, YOU... YOU..." I shocked with his attitude, I swear I know he's actually want to curse but don't ask me why he didn't say it loud.  He's crying even louder. We kept in silent until I see a big truck came from his side... 



Yeah, I've send you back




I walked down the hill, I see fresh green grass around the field, trees, roses. This is where I stand now, infront of a grave. I crouched down infront of the grave, spreading flowers on his tomb. I feel the cold wind blown aroud me, somehow I feel his appearance infront of me. The photo of him smiling like there's no tomorrow. "Hello Key, I'm back from England" 

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