The Noodle Bar Down the Street

Everything Is Pretty

I took a deep breath as I checked myself in the mirror once more. Jongup hadn’t said anything about where we were going so I had to choose an outfit that was good enough for anything. Luckily I had washed my brand new jeans a few days before. They were bright red, just like my front door and I was excited to wear them out. They were tight and fitted but were still decent and I was ecstatic at how they matched Jongup’s jacket. Maybe I was getting a bit obsessed with wearing but he had said I looked good and there was no pushing that though away when I was getting dressed. Eventually I was too freaked out that he would think I was weird that I grabbed my knee-length black trench coat instead. It looked a little more chic than casual so I knew it was the right choice to impress Jongup.

Just as I picked up my black backpack and slipped on matching sneakers, there was a knock on the door. I gasped and shouted to my mother not to open it, causing her to grin at me suggestively when I ran downstairs all ready to go.

My head swayed after the dash from my room and Jongup looked a little shocked to find me holding my head as I opened the door. There was a short pause that felt like forever.

“Are you okay?” He was taken aback and I laughed to brush off the dizziness.

“Uh, of course. I just moved to fast.” I laughed again and shut the door behind me, shouting a quick goodbye to my mum. “Hi, by the way.” I rubbed my clammy hands against my pants before stepping down the short staircase from the front door to the sidewalk.

“Hey.” Jongup laughed and I could see the awkwardness glint in his eyes. We started walking and I followed him, not a clue where we were headed.

“So, um, where are we going?” I was beyond excited to be going out with him but I was glad it didn’t filter into my tone. I didn’t want to scare him away by making him think I was crazy.

“Well,” he hesitated and looked at me which sent a spark of worry through me. “There’s this noodle bar down the street and around the corner. I’ve been there a few times with Yongguk-hyung and they make the best ramen.” He looked at me with stifling excitement and I could feel it start to run through me. I nodded happily and we continued walking, still tense from both our nerves.

When we arrived, the restaurant was lively and close to crowded but still comfortable. We got to the door and Jongup pulled it open, signalling for me to go first. I swooned at his gentlemanly manners; they were one of the most attractive things for any guy to have.

A waitress came to us quickly and pointed to a few free spaces at a bar-like table that lined the front wall-sized windows. We walked quickly to where she pointed and sat ourselves on the tall chairs. The waitress came back with menus and she stood on the opposite side of Jongup. Her eyes were pretty and her lips were a daring shade of red but my eyes were drawn a bit lower than that – she was quite well endowed.

My heart dropped but Jongup was already ordering for the both of us. “Oh, you’re okay with me choosing right?” I nodded with a slight frown that Jongup didn’t catch. He smiled and thanked the waitress who let her hand slid along his shoulders as she said ‘you’re very welcome’. What the heck? I started mocking her in my mind and the faces I made caught Jongup’s attention, as well as a few people outside the window.

“Is something wrong?” Jongup’s brows knitted together and I just wanted to reach over and push them apart.

“The waitress was pretty, wasn’t she?” I looked at him expectantly but he was just confused. What was I doing? I had to admit to the jealousy bubbling inside me but it wasn’t like Jongup was mine – no matter much I wanted him to be.

“I-I didn’t notice.” He seemed surprised but his answer lifted my hopes. I smiled at him and he seemed relieved but still somewhat dumbfounded. We ate quietly, aside from a few satisfied moans.

The waitress collected our plates with a smarmy smile to Jongup. I wanted to puke. It wasn’t much longer before we were leaving and Jongup melted my heart once more by paying for the whole and taking none of my help.

“Um..can..can we go this way?” Jongup stepped out the door and pointed in the opposite direction in which we’d arrived. “I promise I’ll get you home, it’s, uh just a quick detour.” I agreed, worried but curious as to where he wanted to take me. I soon figured out that he planned to round the small block of shops to get to an ice cream stand that was on the opposite side from my street. It was small and cute and the vendor was friendly. He smiled wide when he asked what we wanted.

“Oh, um strawberry’s my favourite.” I turned to Jongup when I spoke but the vendor knew my words were directed to him. He picked out a cup and placed two scoops of the pink ice cream that was laced with real berries. I squealed excitedly. It took me a second to realise what I had done until I noticed Jongup holding back a smile while the man just chuckled.

“I’ll have chocolate please.” He nodded to the decadent brown cream filled tub. “It’s my favourite.” Jongup’s eyes flickered to mine as he spoke and I smiled over the small spoon in my mouth. When I noticed Jongup taking out his wallet once more I stopped with a shout, which I promptly laughed off before convincing him to let me buy the treats since he had paid for dinner.

We ate as we walked back to my street and Jongup laughed, watching me melted ice cream off my palm. It had melted down the side of the overflowing cup. Jongup chuckled a bit too much though and nose landed in his own dessert when he had tried to take a bite.

It wasn’t until my heart had calmed down that I realised it had been beating at an insane pace the entire hour and a half we had been out. Our laughter died down after we threw the rubbish in the bin and Jongup moved a little closer to me, our the backs of our clean hands brushing against each other from the proximity.

I had never been more annoyed to be home quickly. I stood one step above him, on the landing in front of my door and my breathing was ragged. He was closer than he had been before and there was no word for how I felt. Nervous just didn’t cut it anymore. It was almost as if all my organs had been dug out my lungs were hanging in free space, I felt empty, but at the same it was like a hand surrounded my heart and was slowly applying pressure to it, tightening my chest.

Jongup began to lean in but it frightened me so I reached for his warm hand and pecked his cheek. I could tell he was disappointed but still happy as we both turned the colour of my front door.

“Goodnight, Jongup-oppa.” I ran inside before he could respond and pressed my back against the door when I closed it. My mum wasn’t in the room thankfully and I turned to stare through the peephole.

“Night.” I watched as he whispered to himself, smiling more than I had seen before. My heart ached as I watched him walk away and I was half tempted to open the door and call him back.

“Sweet dreams.” I whispered to the door, hoping he might he it even though I knew he wouldn’t.




:DD how do you guys like it so far??? I'm having fun with writing it, it's a nice break from the over-emotional and serious stuff i've been doing lately.

also if you have tumblr you should follow me here: TOOWHITEFORFANFICTION

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junghafie #1
Chapter 12: Omg i lov this kind of light storyy full of fluffs n sweetness kyaa >\\\<
syayuuri #2
Chapter 12: Gahhh fluff! /dead. Lol-ing at Zelo XD
Chapter 12: my sister will die reading this story lol she loves much fluffy and Zelo was too adorable in this
nandeul_ #4
Chapter 12: oh, finally!! :D
Chapter 11: Zelo is indeed a brat xD
nandeul_ #6
Chapter 10: it feel too squeeze! :D