Chocolate Ice Cream


Don't worry, because love will eventually find a way


Just a simple fluffy drabble :3


One day I was sitting on my bed doing almost nothing. Then I saw the date. It was February 15th. And I freaked out as I realized that the 17th was less than 2 days away.

Why, you ask?

Well, because the 17th would be my best friend's birthday, duh. I planned to give her something, but since we lived in different cities, it would be difficult to give her physical object. So I dedicated this fanfiction to her :3 and...



Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear my friend, happy birthday to you~~~~

Happie birthdaeeee, mai crazy frog warriorbaby ! *virtual hugs* congrats for finally being legal (in korea)! Have a blast! I love you as a friend and as an author <3


Hope you like it. I wrote this story in less than a night so forgive me if it's not even good .__.




btw this story is actually a part of a very unnecessarily long story I wrote around 3 years ago. I lost the revised version of that story when my phone was stolen, so I don't feel like rewriting it right now. and I figured that I can use that part as a fluffy drabble for mai crazyfrog :3

at first, i actually planned to make this a daejae fic. but maybe later.


Thanks to everyone who read! Come here and have a coon hug *opens arms*


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ilamarshmallow #1
Chapter 1: short but cute. ^^
secretstayafterlove #2
Chapter 1: Awwww. I wanna know how they end up.... :D
Chapter 1: ㅇㅅㅇ 귀엽다!!<3