
Kings of Venus


The concert went on for at least an hour. And believe me; these guys knew how to put on a show. They had made them laugh until they cried, then they wowed them with spectacular pyrotechnics, and catchy music. Now, the girls were on their way backstage.

"Oh my god, I'm so nervous...What if they think we're losers or something like that? What if they don't care?" Yuri said shakily.

"Calm down, Yul..." Sooyoung said soothingly. "If anyone should be nervous, it's Seohyunnie. Her cousin is in this band, remember?"

Seohyun shivered. "The most he'd do is give me is the cold shoulder..."

There was a long line up leading to where The Fifth Element waited in the wings. They let groups in no more than five at a time, and they could only stay for a few minutes. But every girl that came out, came with an autographed picture of the entire group, and smiles on their faces.

"...can't believe you asked him for a hug!" A girl walking by said as she supported her friend who looked absolutely stunned.

"I didn't think he'd actually do it!" The stunned girl said softly.

Sooyoung jumped in. "Who hugged you?" She asked excitedly.

The girl sighed. "Jonghyun..."

The stunned girl got dragged off by her friend.

Sooyoung began to fuss over her hair. "Do you think Key would hug me?" She asked softly.

Yuri sniggered. "Who knows? Do you have the guts to ask him?"

Jessica laughed.

"Well, what are you going to do, Jessi?" Yuri asked her smugly.

"Well," Jessica smiled to herself. "I may have a question that I would like to ask them."

"Oh really?" Sooyoung raised her eyebrow. "You want to go out with one of them, don't you?"

Jessica felt her face go hot, but she just laughed it off. "No, nothing of the sort." She turned to Yuri. "What do you want to do?" she asked her.

Yuri wiggled. "I'm going to shake Minho's hand!"

The two girls in front of them moved backstage. Even though Jessica was in front, she stopped.

"You can go in," The guard told her.

"I'm going to go in with my friends." Jessica told him as she motioned to her three friends behind her.

The three girls that were dead last smiled to each other.

"Umm...Can we go?" One of them asked.

"Go for it!" Sooyoung said happily.

They all ran up to the guard, and they were let in.

"Thanks for that, Jessi." Yuri told her. "I didn't expect that from you."

"If I'm going, you're coming with me." Jessica told them.

A few minutes later, the five girls left with smiles on their faces, and Jessica, Yuri, Sooyoung and Seohyun were let through the door. The five boys were seated around or on a large table. Jessica took in everything in one glance. Jonghyun sat backwards on a chair, Onew sat in a chair, his feet up on another chair, chewing the end of his pen, Minho sat on the table, Taemin was sitting on the floor with his legs crossed, and Key was leaning against a wall.

Though the four girls thought about what they were going to say before they even entered the place, they found themselves inexplicably tongue tied. What would they say? Surely something like, "Oh my god!! I can't believe it's really you guys!" would suffice, but they sure that the boys had been getting that all day. Luckily for them, one of them broke the silence for them.

"Hi," Jonghyun said easily and raised his hand.

"H-Hi..." the girls somehow managed to get out.

Onew suddenly turned towards his black haired friend. "Jonghyun, do you always have to be so blunt?" He said calmly.

"Yes I do, because unlike you my tongue isn't a razor blade." Jonghyun defended.

Onew smirked and turned away. Taemin suddenly appeared right in front of them. The four girls jumped back.

Key and Minho appeared right behind him and grabbed his arms.

"Don't mind him," MInho told them, looking straight at them. "He has a bad habit of leaping before he thinks."

"Hold him still..." Onew's voice said suddenly. Onew held his pen in his hand like a dart and was moving it slowly back and forth as if to take aim. Onew tossed it and Jonghyun leapt up and snatched it out of the air.

"You ruined my fun." Onew said coolly.

Minho and Key dragged Taemin back to the table. They turned back and seemed surprised to see the four girls still  just standing there.

"Well, don't be a door block!" Minho cried. He waved his hand at them. "Just come over here."

Jessica felt three hands grab her and shove her forward. She stumbled and almost fell over.

"Yeah thanks guys." Jessica said dully.

The band laughed.

"That was cruel." Key said with a laugh.


The band laughed again. Jessica turned.

"No way! She actually passed out?" She cried.

Sooyoung was lying on the floor.

The band continued to laugh.

"I've seen many reactions to us in my lifetime, but never once has somebody actually outright fainted." Jonghyun laughed.

Onew had his head in his hands. His shoulders were shaking and he was clearly laughing. He dropped his hands and continued to laugh, the smile lighting up his whole face.

Yuri grabbed Sooyoungs's arms as Jessica grabbed her legs.

"Just put her on the table." Minho told them. "It's too cold for someone to be lying on the floor."

"She'll have a heart attack when she wakes up!" Key protested.

Jonghyun laughed. "I think that's the idea."

Yuri and Jessica set Sooyoung on the table. Then they all stood around her in dead silence and stared at her.

Yuri suddenly sniggered. "Get Key to stand right over her."

Key laughed. "You think that'll give her a heart attack?"

"No," Yuri told him. "But I know that it'll freak her out."

So Key stood over Sooyoung, standing in a position that made sure he'd be the first face she saw when she woke up. Then, Sooyoung began to stir. Jonghyun clamped a hand over his mouth. Onew was biting his lip. Taemin's cheeks were expanded fully, and he was trying desperately not to laugh. Minho just stared at her with a crooked grin on his face. Sooyoung's eyes began to open.

"Huh?" She murmured, her eyes focusing on Key. He immediately smirked.

"Who's that?" To everyone's surprise, Sooyoung actually reached up and touched Key's face. He held still while trying desperately not to laugh. Then she realized who it was. She yelped in surprise and tried to sit up, and would have toppled off the table if several pairs of hands hadn't grabbed her at that moment. Then everyone laughed. Everyone except Sooyoung that is.

"You set that up!" She cried.

"Sorry, Soo, couldn't resist!" Yuri laughed.

"Okay, okay that's enough." Minho said, though he was still fighting laugher himself.

"D-Did you see the look on her face?" Key chuckled sitting in a chair.

"Yeah," Onew rubbed his face. "So...Surprised!"

Even Sooyoung had to laugh now.

"Genius." Minho laughed. And he turned to Yuri. "Simply genius."

"Uh, well t-thanks..." Yuri said as scratched her head awkwardly.

"You've got some competition, Minny." Taemin laughed.

"Hey!" Jonghyun cried. "Nobody is more genius than Minny! It's a well known fact."

"Except maybe Onew." Taemin muttered.


"Ow!" Taemin cried.

Onew had just clocked Taemin on the back of the head.

"Oh shoot! We forgot!" Jonghyun cried and dove behind the table suddenly.

He seemed to be rifling through a pile of paper with his in the air. Onew walked over, stood beside him, and made swinging motions with his arms as if he was holding a baseball bat, and was aiming it at Jonghyun's rear end as if to hit him. Then Onew pulled out a pad of sticky notes, wrote "kick here" on the note, and stuck it gingerly on Jonghyun's pants.

Minho laughed. Jonghyun stood up and Onew turned away as if nothing happened. When everybody started to laugh suddenly, Jonghyun looked around suspiciously.

"What did you do?" He said accusingly.

Everyone continued to laugh. Jonghyun sat down carefully in a chair, and pulled out four photographs.

Key leaned over his shoulder. "You and your photographs, Bro."

"Go away, foolish little brother." Jonghyun said with a smirk as he signed the four photographs where he stood in the photo. Then he passed them onto Key who signed his spot, who passed them on to Minho who signed and passed them on to Onew, who signed and passed it on to Taemin who signed. 

It was then that Onew noticed Seohyun.

"I never expected to see you here, Seohyun." Onew said calmly.

Everyone suddenly looked at Seohyun, who went beet red at all the attention.

"We dragged her here!" Yuri said awkwardly as she put her arm around her shoulder. Seohyun was grateful for Yuri's defence. If Onew knew she had come on her own free will, she didn't know what he'd think of her.

The band gave the girls the photographs. And they somehow managed to utter a thank you. Onew sighed and tossed his sharpie onto the table and rubbed his hand. "At least there were only about a hundred."

Jonghyun laughed. "Imagine a thousand."

Key cringed. "My hand's hurting already."

"Are you going to be staying in Seoul for awhile?" Yuri asked suddenly.

"Of course we are!" Minho replied. "Seoul is our hometown! We LIVE here!"

The girls looked around at each other.

"Best not tell anybody else that, Minny." Onew muttered. "We'll have the hunters after us."

Taemin laughed. "True that."

"What's the harm in four? They don't look like people who'll hunt us down and bang on our door." Minho protested.

"You'd be surprised." Jessica told him.

The band laughed. That was when Jonghyun stood up. The entire group did, actually, to dismiss the girls.

Jessica got a glimpse of the "Kick Here" sign on Jonghyun's pants and just couldn't resist.

Before anyone knew what was happening, Jessica's foot had nailed Jonghyun dead in the center on the sticky note.

Jonghyun fell to the floor and looked up at Jessica with a look of shock on his face.

"You...You just kicked me!" He cried.

Everyone laughed. Onew fell to the floor, and was on his back laughing too hard to even stand.

"I-I can't believe you took that sign seriously!" Onew cried.

Jonghyun looked at the back of his pants and pulled the "Kick Here" sign off.

"Very funny Onew." Jonghyun growled and stood up. It was all with good feeling though.

"Not a half bad kick by the way." Jonghyun told Jessica as he dusted himself off.


"Oh my god! Jessica, I thought he was going to kill you!" Sooyoung cried when they got into the car.

"Yeah, seriously! What were you thinking?" Yuri cried.

Jessica shrugged. "I don't really know...It just seemed so...normal talking to them...I didn't even think of them as a rock band, and I just did it."

"You could have gotten in so much trouble!" Sooyoung cried.

Jessica ignored that comment. The fact was, the band members weren't as bad as she had thought they would be. They were actually really nice and even sociable. They weren't stuck up like most popular bands, and they could even have a good laugh, even when signing a hundred autographs for hoards of fan girls. Jessica wouldn't tell anyone this, but she secretly hoped she would encounter them again.

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Chapter 3: U

Chapter 1: are they Shineeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee