Choi Min Young the Lead Rapper

L.O.V.E (APPLY closed)

Name:  Choi Min Young aka, Alexandra


Stage Name: Minyoung or Alex


Date of Birth or Age: 20


Height and Weight:  161 cm and 38 kg


Position:Lead Rapper


language:  Korean [Fluent], English [Fluent], Filipino [Fluent], Japanese[Fluent], and Chinese (Madarin) [Basic]


Ethnicity: Half Korean, 1/4 Filipino, 1/4 Japanese


Style: (ex. Tomboy, girly, normal, mixed)  Mixed



Min Young is the bubbly type of girl. She likes to play, have fun, and enjoy every moment of her life. She has the aura that makes you think that she is a "happy-go-lucky" girl. You think that she would never have a moment in her life that she has been sad. Whenever she gets sad though, she just pouts and whines. But, she's never been "depressed" before. She likes to keep the other members happy and as content as ever. She thinks of it as a responsibility because she doesn't like to see other members sad or mad



Family Background:

Minyoung has an older sister named Min Hee, a younger brother named Minho, and a mother and father. Her parents have their own restaurant where Min Hee and her work to get their allowances . Minho likes to play games with her and their older sister, they usually play sports because of Minho's competativeness. He looks up to SHINee's Minho as a role model. Min Young used to make fun of Minho   because in truth, he is really short like Jonghyun.

One day though, in the restaurant, there was a robbery. All of the money was gone. Their parents were bankruppt and they had to live amony their relatives. They didn't want to be a burden for their cousins, so Min Hee, Min Young, and Minho  did the dishes, cleaned the house, and cooked when their parents were looking for other jobs. But, their cousins took this as an advantage. They soon started to treat the family as maids. Then, when Min Young decided to revolt against her cousins horrible treatment, she auditioned for S.M. Ent.


Future Boyfriend:Minho


CONGRATS shineelovah4evah welcome to L.O.V.E

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ROFLitsdawn #1
Chi Chi's a cutie C:
ROFLitsdawn #2
TTuTT i'm so happy my character was picked. Gamsahabnida!!
Ive applied as Jang Hyo Young~<br />
Lead Rapper got picked already, just as I sent the app, haha. Too bad. D: Applied as Kwon Seong Ren. Hope you don't mind, I had to send you a revised one ;;
i just resent you my application hope you get it
I applied as Choi Min Young~! I hope I get picked, Thank you~!
ROFLitsdawn #7
just applied as Park Gyuri <3<br />
SHINee HWAITING <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
i applied as Lee Miyoung ^^ HWAITING!!