

He almost couldn't believe it. After all these years, an opportunity to fulfill his greatest desire had finally presented itself. Now, the one thing he coveted above all others was safely ensconced in the special room he had prepared. Granted, the boy wasn't supposed to pass out in the middle of his ranting, but it didn't really matter too much.


With the other insensible to his surroundings, he was free to remove the blindfold and stare to his heart's content. It was surreal, just how endlessly beautiful Seunghyun's features were, even with every hard to find imperfection. He was perfect. It shouldn't be possible for one man to be so damn pretty.


All these years of watching over the boy had given him time to do some . . . research, even though most of his findings had been completely useless to what he had planned. The techniques he found were some that he didn't dare use, even though he had told the idol he was going to end up both blind and mute, he'd never explicitly indicated the conditions would be permanent.


He still wanted to hear that alluring voice live, at least every once in a while. And there was absolutely no way in whatever hell may exist that he was going to disfigure that honeyed skin with any ugly scars. Saying those things to the kid had served double purpose: scaring Seunghyun, and for the benefit of his pretty little trophy's friends. They wouldn't come looking for him if they thought he was useless.


Now, he watched the former idol's sooty lashes sweep over his sharp cheekbones, eyes darting to and fro beneath heavy lids. What could the younger be dreaming about? There was almost a physical itch in his head coming with the desire to know.


The temptation to wake him up and make Seunghyun talk, about anything was almost overwhelming. But that was an impossible impulse, he couldn't let the kid see who he was.


He couldn't handle seeing disappointment and betrayal in the younger man's eyes if he ever realized who he was with. And there was no way he would survive seeing hatred in those darkling eyes.


Shaking the depressing thoughts out of his head, the man let himself feel smug triumph at finally having the thing he loved most available to him and only him. His to talk to and look at forever. First though, it was time to get his trophy cleaned up.


Knowing the kid, he wouldn't appreciate feeling dirty at all, and his soft skin was starting to look slightly clammy. Frowning to himself, the man let his eyes rove more carefully over the face before him, there was a faint sheen of sweat there, and his cheeks and forehead were tinted a soft rose color.


They weren't like that a few hours ago, when he went to work. Swiftly, he retrieved a previously prepared syringe, one he thought he wouldn't have need of, from his jacket pocket. Sharp scissors emerged from the other and he set both instruments on the floor between the rapper's feet. He briefly touched the boy's cheek, smothering a curse.


Despite the color infusing his skin, Seunghyun's cheek was cold under his fingertips. Too cold to be considered normal, what with the sweat and all. Maybe keeping him in such a cold room for so long had been a bad idea, after all. A sick idol was absolutely something he couldn't have. Not so soon after finally getting him.


'I'll do something about it later,' he grabbed a bit of fabric at the rapper's elbow in the fingers of his left hand, carefully using the scissors to cut out a hole large enough to reveal the bend. It required a few passes with the sharp blades due to the kid's penchant for layers.


Eventually, he completed the task to his satisfaction, all the while making sure Seunghyun didn't stir, his pretty face expressionless and soft in his current state of unconsciousness. But he still had to make sure the younger man wasn't going to wake up any time soon, and he traded the scissors for the syringe.


His fingers lightly tapped the newly-exposed skin, patiently coaxing the veins there to the surface. A good one appeared, and he uncapped the needle, making sure there were no deadly air bubbles, then carefully punctured the soft barrier to introduce the liquid sedative to the young vein.


He only waited a few minutes for the drug to take effect before switfly undoing the restraints keeping his handsom guest in his place. His hands trembled at being so close to the sourve of his desire, even though he'd touched the young man countless times over the years. It was different now, he didn't have to be subtle about it anymore.


Once the restraints were gone, the pliant body began to tilt forward, and the older man hastily caught it. Tossing the empty syringe somewhere behind him, he maneuvered his prize into a position that allowed him to be easily picked up, held securely in the cradle of his strong arms.


Without any more delays, he carried the young man out of the white room and turned to the right, where the stairs going to the rest of his house were located. It was no easy feat, considering all the young idol's muscles were currently slack, to make sure his teal head didn't bang on the wall, but he was extra careful and managed well in the end.


In what felt like no time, he reached the second room he'd prepared, just in case, and laid his surprisingly light burden on the soft bed in there. The white room would have to be Holding Place B then. With a shrug, the man began to tug the rapper's clothing off his unresponsive form, delighting in each inch of honey-toned flesh that was slowly revealed.


There was no need for him to rush anything, however, and he brought his awakening passions to bear. He had all the time in the world to . . . play . . . with Seunghyun. A giggle bubbled past his lips, and he danced a little jig, dropping the clothes on his way to the attached bathroom.


Flipping the switch to turn on the light, he grabbed a small plastic bin, filling it with warm water from the faucet and drizzling a specially-selected, honey-scented body wash in it. He grabbed a couple of washcloths and a fluffy towel, then took everything back into the windowless bedroom where he proceeded to wipe down every inch of the statuesque body he'd been fantasizing about for years.


He'd left the kid's boxers on, of course, his twisted attempt at preserving the younger's modesty. Seunghyun was always conscious and willing in his fantasies, so the underwear would stay on. For now. He did cheat, just a bit, by allowing his palm to softly trace the tender flesh he was cleaning before going to dump out the soapy water to replace it with clean liquid. Returning to his seat, he wiped off the soap left behind from the initial washcloth.


Humming off-key to himself, the man dried his guest with the soft towel, then dressed the pretty boy in silky black pants he'd bought for him many years ago. He looked at his watch, realizing it was time to head to sleep, if he wanted to be on time to work in the morning. And maybe start hinting that he was thinking about resigning.


But that wouldn't be for a few months yet. Not until it was decided that Seunghyun would never be found, and YG was forced to make an announcement to the public. Shame that BIGBANG would probablly disband, but he didn't care, he already had what he wanted.


Briskly, he tucked the kid into the bed, making sure he would stay warm all night and making a mental note to stop at the drugstore the following day. Then he meticulously removed the lightbulbs in both bedroom and bathroom. He paused for a few moments, pondering in the immediate darkness, then fished a tiny green LED tea light, taking it and placing it in the bathroom behind a screen to dim it even more.


The light was enough to only just make out where everything in the bathroom was placed, and would let Seunghyun use it. It wouldn't be bright enough to undo his acclimation to total darkness, which was exactly what the man wanted. Before he left, he returned to the bedside and wound the soft blindfold around the kid's skinny right wrist, for when he decided to return the next day.


As he closed the door behind himself, he made sure to lock the heavy thing and secure it with the lock he'd had the foresight to purchase. He readied himself for bed, thinking about how he could use the white room to train his pretty pet. Obedience was a very desirable trait, after all.


- - - - - - - - - -



I know it's short, but I thought I'd give you guys a tiny little insight into our bad guy's mind. We'll see what Jiyong and the others are doing in the next installment :)


Also! It took me a really long time to decide who the kidnapper was going to be, but I finally know. Just out of curiosity, has anyone been trying to figure out who it is? Now that I've decided, I'm wondering if you guys have any guesses?


See you next chapter! Until then, ejyoy ^.~

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I changed the title because it felt awkward before. Hopefully the next chapter won't take so long to write T^T


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toooooooooop #1
Chapter 7: no update pleaseeee i beg you iwanna pet Tabi
toooooooooop #2
oh god ilove it you made my life that exactly what iam looking for kidnappe Tabi against his will and do what you imagine want to do with him all the fantasy damn he is GOD the most beautiful person in this ing world i just like you too ilove makes my bias TOP suffer omg ithink iam a sadic
Chapter 7: Please update this!!!
franybunny #4
Chapter 7: please update!!!!! i really wanna know who is the kidnapper. Is he going to make Tabi his pet ? or are the others going to save him in time?????
Chapter 7: Pleeeeeease update!!!!!!
dabygael #6
Chapter 7: Please author-nim, dont tell me that the kidnaper was john lee. Omg please, theres so many guys out there but please dont bring john lee to this awesome story. I beg you
Chapter 7: Hey new reader here!!!! God that was great!!! Thriller like and Omo all that suspense. .... poor TOP I how everything will be on for him once he'd be back into GD's arms..... I hope you won't let down this story I really need to know who's the bad guy is (&of my assumptions were true or not)
Atenais #8
Chapter 7: This kidnapper looks so amateur. And reading from his thoughts we can see that he/she's kind crazy. Poor Seunghyun, I hope they can help him somehow. But I believe they're being so slow. The security should give them them the tapes right away.

Thanks for this update!
Chapter 7: Overdue comment is overdue(d), i'm sorry darling. I don't even know where to start commenting on this chapter omggg. I'm really glad you wrote a small glimpse from the kidnapper's point of view. The struggle between torturing Seunghyun and caring for him. This further shows how close that man actually is to Seunghyun. You told me that my guess that the man is his manager was wrong and i can't-- omg. Is it Hwangssabu? Gsus i just thought of it lol. It's probably wrong but oh well. DON'T TELL ME. I think i'm gonna get surprised in the next chapter >.< I hope Seunghyun's fever doesn't worsen...but it seems like it'll be. Idk, cause when someone gets into a situation like this, it usually worsens. Anyway, i'm really excited for the next chapter. But don't rush yourself <3
Chapter 7: You can't figure out, how happy I was when I saw the update. But then, the whole chapter was a cliffhanger. But I still love you and the story <3. Keep updating.^^