Getting to Know You

The Urge to Kiss

AN: So here is a part two to this story. Readers! Thank you for all the views, comments, and subscriptions. They make feel really good.

So enough of me, here is the next installment:


Getting to Know You


Ten minutes and an awkward situation with me impulsively a strangers’ mustache and Hyukjae hugging said stranger later, I found myself paying for two sub sandwiches, one double chocolate milkshake, and one strawberry smoothie. Amazingly I was able to carry all four items, open the café door, and maneuver my way to one of the tables outside where Hyukjae was sitting.

Hyukjae looked nervous; he couldn’t keep his hands still. He would go from tapping his fingers on the table to crack his knuckles to combing his fingers through his straight, platinum blond hair. I still couldn’t wrap my head around the thought that I actually found another person who knew exactly what I was going through.

I caught myself looking at those plump lips again. Apparently, whenever Hyukjae was in my presence, my mind was going to be filled with thoughts of wanting to kiss him. This surprised me; I had never met someone that invaded my mind like the way he did.

What didn’t surprise me though was another strong desire drilling its way into my consciousness. I suddenly found myself quickly dropping both our lunches on the table and invading Hyukjae’s personal space.

He turned his head, hearing me set down the food, so our faces were only a few inches apart. He took in a sharp breath; his eyes switching back and forth from my eyes to my lips. I smiled.

“Can I ask you something?” he whispered. I was so close to him I could feel his tickling breath and was able to see the various shades of brown flecks in his single-lidded eyes.

“Mmm-hmm.” I softly replied back. The desire was getting stronger with every second. Any longer and I wouldn’t be able to stop myself from capturing his plump, pink lips.

“Can I kiss you? This urge-” I didn’t let him finish. I closed the small distance between us and our lips perfectly fit together like two connecting puzzle pieces.

Our eyelids both fluttered close, enjoying the feeling of our lips pressed together. Hyukjae moved his head at another angle to get even closer than we already were, while I hummed in appreciation. Hyukjae’s scent and taste invaded my senses, and I wanted, no needed, to have more.

I on his bottom lip, enjoying Hyukjae’s unique taste. In response, Hyukjae on my top lip, sighing in appreciation, before opening his mouth. My tongue went straight into his sweet cavern and swirled around, tasting every inch of him. But during my antics, Hyukjae teasingly caught my tongue with his lips and started to gently. I flicked my tongue in response, beckoning his own forward. Hyukjae willingly complied, interlacing his tongue with mine.

Nothing could be compared with how wonderful this moment was. I wanted to stay like this forever. I had finally found a kindred spirit, someone who had the same history as I. I didn’t want to lose this potential bond.

I pulled back to look at Hyukjae’s flushed face, and softly said, “You didn’t need to ask. I have the same urge too.” Hyukjae‘s face turned an even brighter red and averted his gaze.

“So how long have you had ICD?” I inquired, not wanting the silence to continue, while handing him his sub sandwich and strawberry smoothie. I then began to dig into my own lunch.

Hyukjae went back to look at me, accepted the food, and answered, “I’ve probably had it a long time before I was diagnosed, but my doctor diagnosed me when I was twelve, six years ago. How about you?”

“Same as me, only I was diagnosed five years ago. I was a lot worse than I am now.” Hyukjae leaned forward while sipping on his smoothie, very interested in my story. I was interested to hear his too. It’s not every day you find a person with Impulse Control Disorder, and I wanted to find out how similar his story was to mine.

“I know what you mean! Back then when I was first diagnosed, I had a 1 to 5 ratio. Out of every five thoughts, I had one that I impulsively acted upon. I don’t know how I didn’t drive my parents into insanity,” he answered.

“Wow! A 1 to 5? I was a 1 to 7, but after my parent’s forced me to go to this ICD program two years, I’m now a 1 to 25 ratio,” I told him after taking a sip of my own milkshake.

“You’re in an ICD program too? So am I! Now, I am a lot better than I was before. I have a 1 to 47 ratio,” he replied happily. After he finished his sentence, time seemed to stop. Joyful from this conversation with a kindred spirit, Hyukjae smiled.

Plump lips pulled back to show sparkling white straight teeth with pink gums peeking out. His smile went straight up to his eyes, showing three charming creases at each side. But then his hand came up to cover his mouth when he saw me staring. He was embarrassed with his smile.

Another urge burst forward. I impulsively grabbed his wrist and pulled his hand away from his perfect gummy smile. “No. Please don’t cover up something so beautiful.” To make sure he understood what I told him, I leaned forward to kiss the corner of each eyelid where the wrinkles once were. I moved down to kiss the tip of his nose and then went to his mouth. I kissed one corner, then the other, of the lips that had been invading my mind since I first saw Hyukjae.

This whole time, Hyukjae held his breath, not moving an inch. But after I pulled back to look at Hyukjae, he moved. His lips met mine for a quick kiss, the taste of strawberry and chocolate mixing perfectly together, to tell me how much my actions meant to him.

“Thank you. Honestly, other than my disorder, kids used to always make fun of how ugly I am when I smile,” he said, frowning slightly.

“Well then, they were blind. Don’t let people who don’t understand you keep you from smiling. They’re not worth it,” I replied back, hoping my words would give him some encouragement.

“Okay, I won’t,” he responded. This time he didn’t hide his gummy smile. Immediately, my heart fluttered, my toes curled, and butterflies formed in my stomach, threatening to spread throughout my body.

“So you have a one to forty-seven ratio? That’s impressive! I wish I was as far along as you are,” I said, changing the subject before another urge entered my mind.

“I actually know another person with ICD who has completely finished the program,” he added, taking another sip of his smoothie.

“Really? Wow. I am so envious. So does he still have a ratio? Or does he not have urges anymore?” I asked. I have always wondered what it would be like after finishing the program. What I would be like in the future.

“Yeah. His name is Kyuhyun, and he still has a ratio. It’s crazy how large it is! The people at the program calculated that now he only has an urge every 40 million thoughts,” said Hyukjae with a look of amazement, like he was the one finding out this piece of information instead of telling it.

“Really?! Wow, that’s amazing. He must have been in the ICD program for a long time.”

“Yeah. He doesn’t really do anything anymore,” Hyukjae confessed, chuckling. He then leaned forward, pecking me on the lips, apparently having another urge. Again, my heart quickened and warmth fizzled through my whole body. He separated quickly, but I leaned forward again, wanting a second kiss. I was getting quite used to these kisses, and apparently he was too.




AN: So is this a one-shot that is going to be split into three parts, or is it technically a three-shot? I'm not sure. 

Some commenters are saying that this is a weird disorder. Well, actually, Impulse Control Disorder does exist. For Hyuk's and Hae's case, their type of this disorder is slightly different to what the actual disorder entails.

Thanks for reading!


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Chapter 2: LOL this kind of disorder was so interesting kkkk
wonder what gonna happen next when they meet again
Eunhae123689 #2
Chapter 2: i bet later they're gonna have another urge to off each other's faces in public ;)
Chapter 2: Everything makes so much more sense :D i like this so much more now ^-^ i didn't know it was an actual disorder :o how interesting ^-^ i can't wait to see what happens next :D
Chapter 1: ahahaha they just had the same disorder and had the urge to "eat" each other's lip kkkkk
Chapter 1: Lol strange disorder but cute xDD
Chapter 1: Lol strange disorder but extremely cute ♡♡ i can't wait to see what happens next :D
Chapter 1: is this series or one-shot??
it's so telepathy...
Chapter 1: OMO so awesome! XD more ! I like!! LOTS