Valentine's Day Lunch

My Secret Admirer

"Noona, you're staring again."


"I am not."


"Yes you are."






"I said no Junhong!"


"You totally are though."


"Yeah noona Junhong is right you're totally staring."


"Shut up!!! Daehyun you don't know what you're talking about!"


"Noona you're totally staring I think HE knows you're staring."


"Does he really?"


"Oh so you listen to Youngjae but you won't listen to me or Junhong yeah thanks for nothing noona."


"Shut up Daehyun of course I'll listen to Youngjae I mean he is the BRAIN of this group."


"Of course he is, he's smarter then you noona."


"YAH JUNG DAEHYUN!!!!! ARE YOU CALLING ME STUPID?" Half of the people in the cafeteria turned to look at your table and listen in on the conversation. Not that any of you guys cared or noticed for that matter.


"Well no sherlock."


"So what are we talking about guys?"


"Jonguppie am I stupid?"


"You don't want me to answer that noona." 3 freshmen girls giggled and Lee Howon said something about how Choi ____ just got burned.


"Whatever if I'm stupid you guys can't be much smarter then me after all we all go to Youngjae for tutoring so you're all as equally dumb as I am." There was a laugh from the table next to yours and someone mumbled, "Poor Youngjae having to deal with that everyday."


"Yeah but we know that noona you're the only one who has trouble admitting the truth to yourself."


"Whatever shut up Daehyun."


"Yeah hyung this is why you don't have a girlfriend."


"Be quiet Junhong the only reason I don't have a girlfriend is because I'm too good for all the girls here." There was a snort that came from the table to the left of yours and someone was laughing.


"Yeah right, the reason why you don't have a girlfriend is because you're an and your only committed relationship is with food." From across the room you could hear someone yelling, "Damn straight."


"Aww come one Youngjae don't be like that I have you don't I?" Multiple people gasped and there was a muffled, "I told you so."


" you."Jang Dongwoo, Lee Sungyeol, and Lee Jungshin burst out laughing.


"Maybe later but both of us know who'll be the one getting ed." Jung Hoseok mumbled an "I told you so.", to Kim Seok Jin and Kim Jong Hyun.




"Only if you come with me baby."


"I hate your ing guts ."


"Yeah I love you to asswipe." "I knew they were gay." mumbled pretty boy Kim Min Ki.


"Yah don't swear in front of the kids you guys they'll start to pick it up!" Someone let out a snort from the right side of your table.


"Noona I'm pretty sure they know more swear words then you do." There were a couple mumbled "Too true's". and some "Totally's."


"Yeah Daehyun's probably right." Someone let out a loud "Of course he is."


"Junhong, Jongup is that true?" From across the room sitting next to HIM Kim Eunha said, " Yeah right like they'd ever admit to that!"


"Of course not noona we're still innocent."  A snort.


"Yeah noona Uppie hyung is right we're still innocent!" Another snort.


"Oh yeah well then what about that file on your computer Junhong?" There was a collective gasp from the girls and jocks sitting behind your table.


"What file?" Kim Jongin and Oh Sehun were saying, "That's right Junhong just play dumb."


"You know what I'm talking about the file named..."


"Hyung you better shut up now!" Kim Jongin could be seen nodding and mumbling about how Junhong better shut Daehyun up before things got bad.


"YAH CHOI JUNHONG WHAT ARE YOU KEEPING FROM ME!?" People covered their ears and a startled Yoon DooJoon started choking on his rice.


"N-n-n-n-nothing noona it's just music!!! Daehyun hyung is just being a meanie right Uppie hyung?" You could hear Oh Sehun saying, "Yeah good job Junhong come up with a good excuse just blame Daehyun!"


"Y-y-y-y-yeah noona we have nothing to hide we're still young and innocent. YOUNG AND INNOCENT, WE'RE YOUNG AND INNOCENT!!!!!" Byun Baekhyun could be seen face palming at Jongup's answer and Kim Jongdae let out a loud "Busted."


"Alright calm down it's not like I'm gonna beat you guys with a stick you can do whatever you want sheesh." Huang Zitao and Kim Joonmyeon dropped their jaws in shock. Kim Jongin and Park Chanyeol could be seen smirking and Do Kyungsoo was handing a smug Kim Minseok 20,000 won.


"You really mean that noona?"


"Of course I do Junhong, just don't let umma and appa catch you."


"You're just saying that because you have some stuff you're keeping from umma and appa too huh?" Kris Wu spit his milk out and his girlfriend Amber Liu glared at him.


"You know me too well Junhong, you know me too well."  




"So what did you do noona?"


"I'm not telling you guys those are secrets between me and Sohee." Lee Haeun started mumbling about finding Sohee.


"Yah that's not fair how come Sohee gets all the juicy details!?" Everyone was in agreement with Daehyun.


"Because she's my best friend duh Daebutt." There was some muffled laughter and a snort or two, maybe even three.


"We're your best friends too!!!"


"Only to a point Jongup."


"Yeah noona you tell us everything!"


"Not everything, baby brother."


"Yeah we even know when your first period was!"  Kim Myungsoo and Lee Sungjong nodded their heads in agreement they knew when your first period was too.


"YAH SHUT UP YOUNGJAE DON'T BROADCAST THAT TO THE WHOLE WORLD!!!!!!!"  Kim Namjoon mumbled about the world already knowing and Lee Jinki recalled that day back in 8th grade where you walked into class with a red stain on your pants.




"Does this have to do with HIM?" HIM looked up in interest and shushed everyone around around him.


"Suprisingly the answer to that question is no." Amber only glared harder and Kris visibly gulped. HIM sagged in dissapointment.


"LIAR" Came the shouts of you friends and the shouts of everyone in the cafeteria. Not that any of you were paying attention or knew that the whole school was listening to you not so private conversation.  


"I swear on my cassiopeia pride and my love for YunJae fanfiction that I'm telling the truth."


"I still don't believe you."


"Fine I swear on my love for ty YunJae fanfics!!!!" There was a collective gasp from all the females in the lunchroom.


"Holycrap she's serious!!! She's really not gonna tell us!"




"If you don't tell us I won't let you copy off my homework for math or tutor you for next week's math test!" Everyone gasped and Kim Jonghyun cursed having forgotten that his own homework isn't done and that it was due next class.


"YAH YOO YOUNGJAE YOU CAN'T DO THAT!!!!!" "Yeah man that was a low blow." said Lee Taemin.


"Yes I can."


"Fine then be a jerk I still won't tell you though!" A collective gasp came from the 4 males in front of you. Then they all huddled together and whispered, you caught parts of their conversation like, "must be serious", "this ", and "big guns". After a couple of minutes they pulled away and looked at you with serious faces. "Ok then noona if you won't tell us then we're forced to bring out the big guns."


"Oh please, Youngjae already did that by refusing to let me copy his math homework and tutor me for the test next week." Everyone nodded in agreement and wondered how much more serious the 4 guys could get.


"Well we're serious now."


"How much more serious can you guys get?"


"Noona." Youngjae paused for dramatic effect. Everyone leaned in anticipating what Youngjae had to say. Im Jaebum sneezed and 5 people turned around to shush him.


"Well spit it out man!" Yelled and impatiend Jung Ilhoon. 


"Noona if you don't tell us we'll tell HIM how you feel." Everyone gasped and HIM started smirking.


"You wouldn't dare!"


"Try us."


You hung your head in defeat and whispered, "I can't." Do Kyungsoo's eyes got even wider, Kim Minseok froze, and Zhang Yixing dropped his chopsticks.


"WHY NOT!!!" 


"I just can't."




"Go ahead." Kim Joonmyeon and Huang Zitao's jaws were literally to the floor now. Luhan was staring wide eyed and Cha Sunwoo's cap had fallen off his head.




"Fine." Woo Jiho, Park Kyung, and Kim Yukwon were left totally speechless.




"That's fine, it's not like he likes me anyways. Not with Kim Eunha hanging all over him. Might as well prepare myself for rejection and get myself a new crush maybe Junhyung Sunbae I know he's a bit of a player but I'm sure I can straighten him out." Kim Eunha smiled smugly and clung to HIM tighter, Yong Junhyung smirked anticipating a new challenge, and HIM frowned in dissatisfaction.


"Wahhhh noona don't give up!!!!!! Yongguk hyung likes you!!!!" There was a huge gasp as everyone turned and looked at a blushing Yongguk. and Kim Eunha frowned.


"Thanks Junhong-ah but I really don't think he does."


"Anio noona he does! You're pretty, nice, unselfish, like music, funny, tall, cool, you sing nice, and there's lots more and noona you're perfect! Junhyung Sunbae is great but he doesn't deserve you! You can do so much better then that noona!" There was an 'awwwwwww' from all the females in the room and they all appreciated Junhong complimenting his older sister. Discretely Yongguk nodded along to everything Junhong said.


"Awww Junhong-ah that's so sweet of you but its really ok I'll be fine if he doesn't like me back." At that moment the bell to end lunch rang. There was a groan of protest from everyone and you and your friends picked up your stuff, threw away your trash and went your separate ways to your classes.




So.............. Hi guys!!!!! :D 

Ok this is so overdue like wow pretty much a whole year and like a month overdue wow I at updating sorry guys. Anyways this is only part one, this kinda took a mind of its own and just yeah this went everywhere and its probably reeally messy and makes no sense plus not that funny and omg i am so sorry this isn't even based of of my experience anymore it just went out of control!!!!!! I mean I'll put a little bit of what happened to me but its gonna be like 1 paragraph of the whole two-shot i guess is what this is now. Anyways so sorry for this super late update, plus also crappy update i'm sorry like i really am i am seriously so sorry about this. I have no idea why i have so many of you subscribers tbh because i'm not even a good writer i and yeah my bad ya'll. Also the surprise will be in the next chapter.

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