Chapter 11

EXOTIC LOVE : The Missing Piece

After reading Sooy’s reply, I managed to went downstairs because I have something to tell Auntie. I just wanna ask about my sister. If she’s still alive or what. I know I shouldnt ask her this, but I really need to dio this. Im gonna find her. Now that mom and dad are nowhere to be found, I need to look for myself and for my sister. Everyone believes my father is dead and mom went off to Canada and found her new husband there. But i dont believe them, i knew it before. Its me who knows all the truth. But some parts seems to be missing. I know Ive gotta do this or else, everything would be too late. As i motioned to knock at Auntie’s room, I noticed some letters packed in a box near the refrigerator. I never saw them before. As i went closer, i noticed a note saying, ‘dont read. business papers’

business papers? I never knew  Auntie had a business, or even in the past. As i looked inside the open box. All i could see are jammed up letters. Sept 9, 13, 15, 19, 23 and many more. I never think Auntie would have any suitior. Uncle’s always at work. But not that Auntie would have an affair. I tried to read who sent the letters, but i cant clearly see, so i went near the table, put my bag and sat.



To: Luna and our daughter Taeyeon

From: Haemin and Youngtae



What the-.. Whhhy.. Hooow..  My face churned. I almost crampled the paper. Tears came strolling down my eyes again. When will I ever be happy again? I know Auntie is so kind to me but why? But why did she do this to me? Why did they hide it from me!?.. my tears just keep on falling and dont seem to stop. Why? Why? Dont I deserve to be happy?

I decided to read what was inside and cant fight it any longer, my tears went to a burst. No this cant be. I hate you all. I hate you all! I have never been so hateful as this day. I continued crying, then I recieved a text from Kyung saying, Cheer up Youko. I hope you will have a great day!. Kyung never failed to make my heart pound. Kyung knows i have a report to do later, that’s why he texted me to cheer up. I knew I could always count on him.

But it doesnt matter anymore. Im junked already. I would never have the time to see my dad, my mom and Tiff. Its them! they are keeping my family away from me. But am I strong enough? I am not. . im just a weak person, I cant do it. My tears again..  I cant do it.. huhuhu.. as i cried at the table.

                                                                                    *                      *                       *                      *                      *

“ahaha.. Daddy! Daddy! im here!.. catch me if you can..” Wow. what a cute girl they had. They’re so happy.

“Oh im coming,, wheeee.. Broom Broom.. ,,. ahaha “ Ahww.. how sweet as she stared at touching scene.

“Oh come on now you too. Lets have a snack first.”

“Mommy! Mommy!.. “ then the girl ran to her mom with her right hand holding his father’s hands.  And they hugged each other.  A very touching scene.

Then i saw another girl, older than the other. She approached the younger one and hugged her. They are so happy. I can see it.

But there hapiness starts to wear away as they saw a thunderstorm coming. The once green and lovely scene went devastated as the raging rain drops heavily. Th trees became dark and the grass withered as their smiles came into shockfulness and sorrow. I can hear loud thunderclaps , lightnings and suddenly.. The once beautiful scene was nowhere. They begin to run and go to their car. The young girl held her father's hands as they run. But wait! the girl lost her grip and stumbled. The father stopped and looked for his daughter but the fog surrounded the place. The two got separated. The father shouted an d shouted but there was no response.

I looked around and found the girl sitting under a tree. She’s crying, and trembling with fear. The mother held strongly to the older daughter as they were running to the car. Then I heard loud bangs. Bang! Bang! Bang! And the father heard it and drop immediately to the ground. I heard him shout, "everyone down!" The mother and the older sister were already inside the car and hid near the backseats. Tension was all over the place.. I can feel it. Then I hear footsteps, coming from unknown men, wearing in black masks. All of them filled the area. I can hear the other man say, "you find the father", and pointing to the others, he says, "you three! find the mother and the daughter, make sure they dont escape or else, were dead."“Yes sir!” the three replied and made their way towards the near parking lot.The man that seems to be in-charge went to the opposite direction-towards where the younger daughter  is hiding. I can hear myself murmuring, Please be quiet dear, dont make any noise, as if the girl can hear me. I know you cant hear me but please. I need to stop this. I gotta help them! The rain is still pouring so hard. The fog grew thicker. thicker and thicker.. and suddenly.

                                                                                      *                      *                       *                      *                      *

TUGG... something dropped from behind. Silence.

“NO wait, please no. Please dont kill us!.” Youngtae’s voice broke the silnce as it echoed to nearby trees.


“Daddy?” at last. Im speaking. I can still hear myself panting but it wont stop. I tried to squeeze my chest but nothing happened.


“No. dont please no. I can give you everything you want. Please just dont kill us.” Here it goes again. I started to cry. Im so weak, not now. Please..

Bang! Bang! Then I heard Tiffany’s loud cries. Then next, moms. Tiff! Mom! Im here. I tried not to speak but it seems that I want to cry harder, louder so they could find me and so everyone of us die. But it seems that there was nothing that I can do, nothing. not this time. not now.


Silence again. I could no longer hear mom’s cries and even Tiff’s. Daddy’s voice seems to be nowhere.


It took me a lot of courage to peek, and what I saw after my eyes seems to squeezed my heart,  my soul.

Mom was handcuffed, and is tied with a handkerchief, Tiff was the same. But as I saw Daddy, near the bushes. I cant fight myself to cover my mouth with my two bare hands. Then my tears started to fall as I saw blood slowly dripping out of Daddy’s forehad. I think he was badly wounded but I can also feel that he is planning something. I need to do something. We need to do something. The men started to pull out mom and Tiff, and pushed them inside the car. But as I move my eyes towards Daddy's direction, he was gone.! My eyes searched for his presence but he was out, nowhere to be found. I opened my eyes to all direction,front, right, left, near the trees, ..near the car, ....near the bonfire,and ..  near the men who was going to my direction. What?! No! they must’ve saw me when I was loooking for Daddy. Ive got to run.! They’re coming, and closer..


Then I can feel my feet running. It seems like forever! Then I felt  the usual feeling again,, heavy breathing, my sweating, my panting, my trembling.. All at the same time!

I turned to look at them, they’re closer! I started to cry hard. “Mommy! Daddy!. Tiff! Please help me!!” the men just laughed at me. I want to get out of here already. mom.. dad.. tiff.. I felt like giving up, im too much exhausted to run. My knees are trembling so much. We are running too much already, and we have gone so far. I turned right we’ve reached a cornfield. 




 Im tired already, I want to rest, I want to see them. I still want to see Mom Dad and Tiff,  I want to see them as I die,. I guess this would be it, Daddy.Mommy.Tiff. Its okay, we would be happy anyway. I knew it. I smiled.




As i turned to them.  and to stop this endless running.. When all of a sudden, a huge hand came out of nowhere and covered my face. I was pulled towards the tall grasses. I grasp for my breath.



“Daddy?” As I woke up in his arms. It was Daddy. Im glad. I smiled, teary-eyed.

“Yes, its me Tae.” Dad was smiling at me. I hugged him tightly. “What about the men, Daddy? “ I looked at Dad’s muddy face. “Its okay dear.. They’re dead now. They cant harm us any longer”. The look on his face assured my trembling soul. “What about Mom and Tiff?” I asked worriedly. “They are safe now. Its okay, they’re in the car now, come on, lets get out of here.” “ Okay, Daddy..” and we rushed to the car.

I saw mom at front, smiling at me, I hugged her and kiss her.

“dongsaeng..” I knew that voice.. It was.. “unnie!, uhhuhuhuh.. I was worried about you..” I hugged her tight and cried at her shoulders.  “ahhw.. I am always okay..Dont worry okay?” she wiped my tears. “I will never leave you again, promise!” I hugged her so tight.”Ahahaha.. really.. oh, how sweet.. I will never leave you too dongsaeng, I promise.”her kiss landed on my forehead, i felt much better.

“Lets’s go home guys. I want to go home. We are all tired.” Daddy said as he moved the car out of the place.

                                                                             *                      *                       *                      *                      *

“You’ll never get out here YoungTae, Ill assure that.”

. I was badly wounded. Geronimo slowly got his ground and went slowly to his car. He was shot at the right abdomen,. and its bleeding so fast. He needs to act swiftly or else, he wouldnt catch up with YoungTae and he wouldnt get his revenge. He started the car and the lights spread all over the place. It revealed the dead bodies of his men. huh, useless idiots. I should’ve done it myself. He went to the cornfield and found more bodies. As he moved towards the clearing, he saw one of his man, heavily stained with blood near the chest. “Sir, please we need the money.” the man blocked the driveway. “What money? you’re men are useless. I should’ve went to someone else. You bastards!”

“But sir-“the man went closer. “Shut up!. now will you let me pass, get out of there you idiot! or else, ill kill you.” Geronimo ignited his car.  “Please sir, I have a famil-“ “Now will you...” 


He laughed devilishly. hahaha, you weak. Geronimo went on his way and followed Youngtae’s tracks.

“Im on my way,... dear brother.” 

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Chapter 20: Wow amazing
chen12 #3
Oh.. I hope they're okay. :'(
Chapter 17: I hope Taeyeon and Tiffany will meet faster ㅠ.ㅠ
Chapter 15: What's happening? Who's that girl?
I hope kyungtae will be fine♥♡
exo-snsd #6
Chapter 13: Ubdate soon pls
Chapter 13: poor Taeyeon~
Chapter 11: Taeyeon,please choose Kyungsoo!
Chapter 11: . the one Kyungsoo wrote was so sweet kyargh ❤️
. oh... who did Taeyeon choose..? XDDDD
Chapter 9: Please update soon author-nim!!