10 - Heartbrokens

Ehhh, Mr. Perfect!! I Love You!!

Hyemi's POV

"Stay away!!" I screamed.

"No." Kris answered.


Leejin please appear and knock this Kris kid away.


"STAY AWAY!!" I yelled.

Kris stucked his tongue. "An egoistic girl."

"No, I'm not! Stay away!"

He giggled. "Alright whatever you damnass."

And he disappeared.

"Hyemi.." Chanyeol appeared.

I looked to him.

"Yes?" I asked.

"I'm alone." Chanyeol sighed.

"what?" I'm puzzled. Okay. Alone.

"I just need somebody. Yeah, somebody. You know..." he said.


"C-C-Chanyeol?" I touched my forehead.

"Let's hang out. Hmmm... Funfair?" Chanyeol said.

"Sure. Let's go!!"

Chanyeol smiled. "Not today."

Kris's POV

"Leejin!" I called my cousin. "What does girls like?"

"What?" she asked.

"Hmmm type of a girl, I bet."I answered.

"You meant you like someone?" Leejin asked.

"I don't know."

"Come on!"

"I don't need your question but your answer." I murmured.

"Okay, okay. I guess girls like hmmm I don't know." Leejin sarcasted.

"What?" My eyes gone widen.

Leejin stucked her tongue.

"Why are you so mean?" I sighed.

Leejin kept hearing her songs. Same as Hyemi. Bestfriends.

"Leejin!! Leejin!!" Hyemi appeared. "I'm hanging out with Chanyeol!! Woohooo!!"


"Great job, besties. I thought you hate EXO?" Leejin and her high-fived.

"Can we talk somewhere else?" Hyemi dragged Leejin away. Oh god.


"Yah! Stop poking your foods!" Xiumin said.

"No, ge. I don't want to eat." I said.

"Finish it!! Duh, what's wrong with you?" Chen patted my back.

I have 2 heartbrokens in one day, isn't that wrong?

"I don't want." I murmured.

"Heh? Whatever." Chen said.

"Ge, can I tell a story?" I pointed to Xiumin.

Xiumin nodded. "What's that?"

"But keep it as a secret. No EXO-K or anyone can know it." I said.

"Yeah. Okay."

"I have 2 heartbrokens in same day." I said sorrowfully.

"You meant you fell in love? Whoaa!! Who? Who? Must be a beauty queen!" Chen said in excitement.

I gave him a glare. "No one."


"Hyung.. talk to me!" Chanyeol wrap his arm around my shoulder.

"Put off." I put his arm off.

"Why? What happened?" He asked.

"Nothing." I said with looking down.

"You can share with me." Chanyeol said once again.

"I have nothing to share right now. I just want to go home and lock myself." I stepped out of school.



I stepped in the pool. So relaxing............

But reminded what Hyemi said 3 days ago.......

Ah whatever! I can hate her.

Alright, she likes Chanyeol then let her. There's million girls on the earth.

Wait, what Chanyeol have that I don't?

Just relax yourself, Kris. Don't think too much.

Suddenly something reached my side. "Aarrgghhh!!"

"Oh, a ball............ Aigoo... Kris....."

I rubbed my chest.


"Where are you, ge? You haven't been in school for 3 days and we came to your house and your mom said she don't know where you are!!" Chen spoke in the phone.

"I'm somewhere far. I need some relax. I promise, I'll home in 2 days." I said.

"But why 2 days?" Chen asked.

"You know I hate being hurted." I answered.

"What? Just come home!! I need a tutor for my math." Chen murmured.

"I said I'll be home." I mumbled.

"Just tell me where—" Chen can't finish his sentence. "Hello!! Kris ge is there? Its me, Tao!!"  I can hear the voice changed.

"Tao..." I giggled.

"How are you, ge?" Tao asked full of careness.

"I'm in good condition. How about you guys?" I answered.

"There's nothing." Tao spoke. "Yah! Tao! Give me back my phone!" "Cant you wait for a second? I want to talk!"

I heard argues.

"Okay guys. I gotta go."

Call ended.


Hyemi's POV

"Where are your Geo partner, Hyemi?" Mrs Jang asked.

"I don't know." I answered.

"Aish... How can you do your work without your partner..." Mrs Jang murmured.

"Of course I can, Mrs Jang." I fake a smile and make an ay-ay-captain hand.

"I don't care. You keep this work as your homework. When you're home do it with your artner." Mrs Jang said.

"Who was my partner, Mrs Jang?" I asked. Seriously, I forgot.

"Kris Wu." a short answer from Mrs Jang.

I make a disgusting look.

"What is that?" Mrs Jang asked.

"I want to change my partner. Can I?" I made puppyeyes.

Mrs Jang shaked his head and stapped out of the class.


Damn it!

It isn't necessary!!

Homework list

1. Geographic - discover an animal from Amazon must do with partner -_-

2. Math

I hate the number one!!

I'm tired. I'm so so tired.

I'm sick of all this.

Where is Kris's freaking house?

Umma's note

Chapter 10 is up! Umma think the chapter is long enough.

It takes 2.15 hours to update /tired/

But that's alright! I love writing! ^^

Special for Endhita_Lee !! :)

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[EMPILY] Chapter 11 is up everyone!! :D


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Chapter 11: Kris read about him and hyemi hhhha/his face ful angry aura muehehee... * i think
Aigoooooooo,kris really so jelly with chanyeol.. And chanyeol never know what happened with kris....
This girls,still gossiping... I'm afraid hyemi would fight with kris again again again when she read news about her and kris...

Umma,btw thx for chapt 9,,thats long enough... I'm waiting next chapt... Jia you///throww cake,candies :)
Chapter 9: Hello umma >.< i'm nu reader here.... I like your story...
But,can u make long chapter? :)

hhahaa,kris likes hyemi... Oh please hyemi open your eyes,in the deep of your heart,you like him right?kkkk...
Kris is leejin's cousin,yaaaaa u have to ask help to get hyemi :D
kpopmaxus #3
Chapter 9: Eomma~! *pouts* Updateupdateupdate~~~ balli~ ><
shin_yoonjo12 #4
Chapter 3: woahh~ deabak !!! update soon ^^
Keep updating!!! ^^