A Plan...

Don't Leave Me...Coma

(At your father's company.)

Your father is having a conversation with Mr.Jung Woo, Daehyun's father in a room.

'So..have you tell your son about our plan?' asked your father while taking a sip of his coffee.

'Not yet..I haven't told him. How about you Mr.Seo? Have you tell your daughter? replied Mr.Jung.

'Not yet also..I'm going to tell her after she finish her high school..It will be not long from now..I'm sure she will agree to our plan,' said your father and leaned to a chair.

'Emm..Is it will be okay? You told me that your daughter had a boyfriend..I'm not sure if she will be agree to this..My son needs a single person not a person that already has a boyfriend..' said Mr.Jung that was worried about the status of Mr.Seo's daughter.

Your father smiled and replied, 'Not to worry my friend..This is our promise to marry our son and daughter together. The guy was not at the same level with us.He's just a boy who came from a simple family. That's not our level. I will make her to agree with this. Your son will be getting marry  with my daughter'.

'Sure to make our plan happens..Mr.Seo..I'm looking forward..' replied Mr.Jung.


(At your house.)

Your mother is at the backyard having and enjoying her tea with the scene of flowers everywhere around your mother's.

The maid sends the cookies to your mother's table. 

'Here it is madam..Is there anything you want more? asked your house maid politely.

'Nothing..Come sit with me..Drink tea with me..' invited your mother. 

Your mother was very nice to your house maid and even treated the house maid as own family.

'Emm..I had work to do..Madam..Thank you,' answered the maid.

'No..Sit with me first..You can do that later.Please rest..' said your mother with a smile.

The maid followed your mother's order and sit at the other chair.

'Emm..Mrs.Yoo Jung..I'm worried about my daughter..I'm afraid that she will not be happy if she knows this..' confessed your mother. Your mother had nobody else to talk with.

'Why madam..?' asked Mrs.Yoo.

'Her father wanted her to marry with his bestfriends' son after she graduate from her high school..I knew that she had someone in her heart that she loved so much. His father actually did not want her to be friends with the boy named Yoo Youngjae because all of he cares was his family status...I'm so worry..I do not care if the boy came from a moderate family. I only wanted my daughter to be happy.' answered Mrs.Seo.

'Omo~~ Eunri is a happy girl.. I don't know how she will react if she knows about this..She really loved that boy named Yoo Youngjae. She told me..Hope Mr.Seo will think about Eunri's real happiness,' said Mrs.Yoo that really cares about you because she took care of you since you was a baby.

'Ooh...Mrs.Yoo..I hope everything will be fine..It's only a few months left,' sighed Mrs.Seo.




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Chapter 11: Aww that was nice~ Eunri's father is such a nuisance -,- But Daehyun was amazing hehe And Youngjae is the sweetestttt~ Thank you for the story! Have a nice day!