| new mission

Soul Mission
Smirking in victory, Hanmi looked upon the figure of her victim and inwardly scoffed. Eyes wide open, body trembling in fear as he let out soft whimpers, begging for mercy.

“Please..have mercy,” was all he could say before his life left him.

“I’m sorry to announce I don’t have a tiniest bit of mercy for people like you. Sleep well, because you’re never going to wake up again.”  she whispered into his ear before giving him a stab in the stomach, aiming right for the artery. The man fell down, a pool of blood forming on the cold pavement underneath his dead body.

Hanmi dusted off her hands, satisfied at how smooth the mission had been. Glancing at the body laying still on the floor, she softly scoffed out loud.

“Pathetic.” Hanmi spat as if he were alive to hear her, not feeling the slightest bit of remorse for the man. He had done more than enough harm to the society and she was just here to kill him before the police could waste their time even trying.

Pulling her the black hood of her jacket over her head, Hanmi quietly snuck out of the scene, escaping without leaving a trail of evidence behind. Those years of harsh training on becoming a professional assassin wasn’t just for nothing now was it?

The female made her way through the dark city streets of Seoul. Upon arriving at the company building, she was stopped by several security guards at the front door.

“Stop. Name and business, why do you want to enter?” A buff looking guard interrogated her as she smirked to herself.

“You’re a newbie here aren’t you? Just started working tonight?” Hanmi shot back.

His eyebrows furrowed as she scrutinized the girl standing before him. “I don’t have time for games. Who are you and what do you want?”

“I wouldn’t speak to someone like me in that kind of tone if I were you. With the snap of a finger, I could easily get you fired, or possibably murdered right on the spot if I wanted to.” Her tone was full of mockery, secretly having fun with this little game she was playing.

Hanmi slowly pulled off her hood, revealing her face as the guard gasped slightly in surprise, before his expression evolved into one that says “I’m afraid of losing my life”.

“Oh, my sincere apologies. I’m sorry if I got you mad. Please, come in.” the man beckoned, bowing before stepping aside, allowing her to enter the building.

Hanmi gave him a crooked smile before entering the building, heading to her assigned quarter. After having a machine scanned her handprint, she stepped into the office, plopping herself onto a chair. Picking up as folder, her eyes scanned the paperwork, providing her information about her latest victims.

There were five people in total, and she had already managed to finish all 5 of them all within one day.

Sighing, she carelessly threw the folder onto the table, closing her eyes for a bit. Remembering the Boss’s words about meeting him in his office after she was done with the mission, she reluctantly stood up from her chair and made way to the office.

Entering the office, Hanmi wasn’t all too surprised to see seven familiar faces staring back at her. Block B had all gathered in the room, some sitting on chairs while some were just casually leaning against the wall.

Instantly making eye contact with the leader Zico, the two of them glared at each other, neither willing to back down.

Zico was the first one to speak up. “Why so late? I expected a faster job from someone like you. That’s pretty slow considering you only had to take care of five people.” Venom dripped on his words as Hanmi scoffed at his statement.

“Yeah, says the one who only had 1 mission this entire week.” the girl shot back as Zico slightly flinched from her clever comeback.

“Sorry to say that our mission required having to take down 20 people.”

“Don’t forget your little gang was there with you. I do my missions alone with people twice my size. You’re not in the position to say things like that.” Hanmi clucked her tongue at them as the rest growled in anger. Kyung abruptly stood up from his seat before receiving a little tug on the sleeve from U-Kwon.

“All of you in here know clearly that I could kill you all within a heartbeat so don’t even try laying a finger on me.” Hanmi innocently shrugged, the mockery in her voice was clearly visible.

Kyung growled once more before taking a seat back on the chair, not forgetting to shoot a hard glare at Hanmi who simply shrugged and stuck her tongue out in response. The Boss turned around to face all of them before tossing thick lightly colored manila folders to everyone.

Hanmi opened the folder and was surprised to see such a handsome face staring back at her. Sure the girl was a cold blooded assassin but it didn’t mean that she was blind. She knows a good looking person when she sees one.

“This mission is important so there is no screwing up allowed. I would have allowed Ace to complete this mission on her own,” the boss explained as Hanmi smirked, eyeing the Block B boys.

Ace, the code name that Hanmi was known by during missions. Practically everyone in the assassin association calls her that. It was almost as if everyone is afraid and didn’t dare to call the girl by her real name of Hanmi.

The Boss continued with his explanation. “, but I thought she might need a bit more assistance. The target this time around is extremely dangerous, probably the hardest one we’ve had yet. It’s a crucial thing to take them down as soon as we can.”

“How are they dangerous?” B-Bomb questioned, eyebrow raising slightly.

“They’re all working for an association known as Two Moons. In other words, they are also trained assassins just like all of you. It’d be quite difficult to take down someone with your same amount of skills.”

Hanmi nodded her head in approval, glancing through the first page of information as a grin crawled onto her face. “Finally, a case that’s actually interesting. The missions these days have been way too easy and boring.”

“Yeah, that’s why you take so long finishing them.” Jaeho snicked as Hanmi shot him a look. “You want to die? As I said, you know I could kill you just like that.”

Jaeho growled as the Boss gave them all hard looks. “Get along since you’re going to be working with each other for the next month or so. I can’t have your constant arguments and fights intruding with the mission.”  he warned, looking at Block B who all avoided his gaze. “Now study your files. We’ve gotten all the information we could on them so known them as like you know yourself.”

“Why isn’t this guy’s face showing?” Taeil questioned, holding up a picture of one of the guys. Flipping through a few papers, Hanmi found the picture and took a look at it.

Jung Daehyun.

The picture showed of a boy wearing a black mask; the black piece of material covering up practically half of his face.

“He always wears a mask for some unknown reason. None of us could manage to get a picture of him showing his whole face.” the Boss answered as everyone nodded their heads in understanding.

“Now get to work. If this mission fails, I won’t hesitate to kill you all off and have other people accomplish the mission for me.” the man taunted as Hanmi nonchalantly nodded before heading out of the room through the large metal door.

Returning to her headquarter, Hanmi opened up the thick folder once again. She looked through the files, this time taking more time to look at each person.

Bang Yongguk. Kim Himchan. Jung Daehyun.

Her eyes stopped on the picture of the boy with the mask. Even though his face was covered, she could tell he was just as handsome as the others. His eyes stood out from under his hair and she found herself mesmerized in his brown orbs.

Snapping out of her thoughts, she began fumbling through the papers again.

Yoo Youngjae. Moon Jongup. Choi Junhong.

Staring at the faces before her, she gaped in disbelief. What the hell is all this? Why are they all so good looking?!

Picking up the picture of one of the boys, her eyes glanced through the information written at the bottom.

“You know..it’s almost a pity..” she whispered, staring at the handsome face before her.

After reading through all of B.A.P’s profile information, she realized how there was still one more person left. Picking up the paper, she found herself seeing the face of a pretty girl.

Park Hanuel.

Hanmi’s eyebrows narrowed as she stared the picture. There was something about the girl that is giving her stomach a uneasy feeling, almost as if it was trying to tell her something. Something was just all too familiar about her but Hanmi couldn’t seem to get her finger on it.

“Park Haneul..why is there something so familiar about you?..”

Author's note : idk, is it okay? comments motivate me :3
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Chapter 5: Don't forget Once Upon A Poodle ( ̄Д ̄)ノ
Chapter 5: Thanks for updating c:
And so Hanmi broke down ; ;
Chapter 4: Why the cliffhangerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ):
Chapter 4: ......................................
Oh the cliffhanger
Chapter 2: Can't wait for the next chapter!!
Chapter 2: Liking the sound of this ! It already sounds like it could become very, very complicated ;)
Chapter 1: Dear Hanmi, I know how you feel. They are all so good looking, the only reason why are they my bias list wreckers ><
Chapter 1: Update soon please!!!