
Yoonmi POV

          "Blehrg." I groaned as I sat up, rubbing my eyes.

          "You up now Princess?"

          I grinned sleepily at Zelo.

          "Yup, Zelo."

          "I told you to call me oppa~!" He whined.

          I stuck out my tongue out at him.

          "Hey, what happened to Jongup oppa?" I asked scratching my head.

          "Oh, Jongup Hyung? He's fine. I think he woke up a few minutes ago. Wanna go see what the others are doing?"

          I nodded, climbing off the cot. I grabbed Zelo's hand and skipped after him to where all the oppas were.

          "Hey, Princess, how're you feeling?" Daehyun oppa asked.

          "Dizzy, like I rode the Merry-Go-Round 20 times." I said, rubbing at my stomach.

          He chuckled as I squeezed between him and Bang Yongguk oppa.

          "Aye, hyung."

          Zelo, tossed something to Bang Yonguk oppa. It was a flat black thing... uh... I think my oppa called it a USB. Yeah! My oppa has tons of it in his room back home. He stores a lot of things into the tiny USB, which is a wonder, because he has a big collection of documents and stuff that old people keep. Anyways, Yongguk oppa plugged it into his laptop. For some strang reason, my stomach did a lurchy drop. Like the feeling I had once when I rode a rollercoaster for a first time with my oppa. Soon the dark screen began to brighten up, and a grainy video came up. There was two big fat men in the video bullying a poor dude that was covered in bruises, cuts, and blood. Then my stomach did a lurchy feeling again and I felt sick as I realized something. The poor man in the video looked like my Yeongjae oppa. I squeezed my eyes shut as a vile taste started to fill mouth. The man just didn't look like my brother... he was my brother.

          I cracked my eyes open to see the video upruptly ending, but I was able to take a last glance at my brother who had a sign around his neck, with the number $10,000,000. I started crying, finally understanding what the video meant. The bad men wanted $10,000,000 or I might not see my brother again. But where were we going to find $10,000,000?

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