1. The New Boy

Wrong Way

You walked to where green lockers were standing patiently to be opened by students. The school was still quiet since the clock pointed to the direction of the number 6. Mister sun was also still lazy to show up, because all you could see was just a half of it. Nevertheless, you already stepped your feet on the building, walking slowly, hoping that the day will go smooth. 

You opened your locker and looked at the mirror. The reflection of yourself didn't used to disappoint you this much. Sigh came from your lips as you put your books inside. Some notes were sticked on it. 
'Fighting, Sunwoon-ah!^^'
'Keep your smile up and be happy!' 
You smiled. Your friends never failed to make you happy. 
But before you could go to your first class, you heard noises from your left. The familiar voices, the y laughs, the snorts. It was making you sick. You knew you had to run, but your body told you to stay. It made no attempt of moving. Maybe because you were scared, or you maybe nervous. 
Calm down, Sunwoon. Calm down. Pretend that they don't exi-
"Hey, Himchan! Look, it's Sunwoon!" 
"Sunwoon-ah, Himchan says he likes you~" 
Then laughters were heard. You bit your lips, trying to keep your brain not to curse them or even attack them. You heard the Himchan guy snorted, and could see that he was smirking at you — sarcastically. 
"Yeah, Himchan sure likes her for her - should I say it out loud? freaky and ugliness?" A female voice spoke and you could easily recognized that it was Himchan's girlfriend - Jieun. 
They laughed out loud at the words. While you only looked at the ground until they really passed you, so you could walk away - no, run away. It was always like that. Everyday in your life since months ago. Since Himchan dated Jieun, if you observed. You knew Jieun was always a queenka, but you didn't know Himchan could be that mean just because he was a queenka's girlfriend. You didn't know he could steal your happiness. 
You never did anything wrong though, it just came like that. 
"Aren't you tired?" Ara said with a pity face on her beautiful features. You tilted your head in confusion, abandoning the homework you were working on before the first class started. "About Himchan and his friends," 
"They're just stating the fact," you said with a forced smile, trying to pretend that you were fine. Ara just sighed, knowing that you were lying and knowing that you were hurt. 
"You are like, the most patience friend I ever had," you smiled at the compliment. "And you are not ugly, you are cute," she added. 
"You sound like you like me," 
"You read too much romantic fanfictions, gay ones," 
"It's ," 
You pouted slightly, but then hit the girl jokingly pretending that you were offended.
Suddenly, you heard the empty seat next to you gained some weight. It completely turned your head and also Ara's, just to get a sight of an unknown student - that you didn't remember has a same Math class with you - sat there, looking at innocent as ever. It seemed like the new boy noticed your and Ara's staring, because he glanced at you and turned his attention to you both. 
"Sorry, can I sit here? I'm Junhong, btw. But you can call me Zelo," He greeted. You curved the corner of your lips and waved a little before nodding. Ara elbowed you, whispering that he was cute or something about fluffy. Your eyes were fixed to the purple hair of him, that was really attractive you must say. 
"Um, hi. I'm Sunwoon. And this is," Ara shook you in excitement. "Ara. My friend," you continued. Junhong just smiled at the introduction. But the smile was sure really breathtaking. It had those glimpse of innocent and cute and.. gentle? 
Shaking the thought off, you immediately gave your attention to the front where the teacher, Mr. Choi, had already put his book on the teacher table.
The classes went smooth - even the Chemical class where you had to face Himchan to be in the same class as you. But since Junhong always had a topic to talk to you via paper, you almost completely ignored Himchan presence. The new student surprisingly had many classes that were same with you and a slight of relief could be felt. You'd be lying if you say Junhong was a boring guy, because he had those childish yet funny jokes to throw at. 
Like when he wrote a new joke he just created when Mrs. Park was teaching. Unfortunately, you couldn't hold your laugh and boom- the whole class turned their heads to you and Junhong's. 
"Lee Sungwoon! Choi Junhong! Detention after school!" 
"I'm really, really sorry Sungwoon-ah! I didn't mean to. I thought you won't laugh that loud," Junhong said as he gave you a pouting face. You just shook your head, saying that it was okay and you knew that Mrs. Park was really an . You waved to Junhong who still had his frown on his face, getting out of the detention class. 
You walked downstairs, hands on your jacket coat. With a soft sigh, you looked up to the cloudy sky that was turning grey. The rain was going to attack you soon. Going home that late was never your favorite thing to do, since you woke up really early. It had been a long day. Your attention was distracted by footsteps that were following you from behind. Being nosy, you stopped and turned your head around, just to see Junhong was going to the same way as yours. 
"Junh- I mean, Zelo. I don't think walking me home secretly will be a good apologize," Junhong tilted his head, eyebrows twitched. Then a laugh escaped from his lips, making you confused this time. 
"I'm not following you," he said between his laugh. "This is my way home," 
You frowned at the statement. So he had the same way with you?  you just shrugged though and continued - with footsteps behind you. It kind of creepy you know; like in horror movies where the victim was followed by mysterious someone(or something). Junhong didn't even say any words. The walk was silent and quiet awkward, since Junhong liked to blabber unimportant stuffs. 
You turned your head to the boy behind you. 
Oh, he is wearing a headphone. It's not weird if he hasn't say a word. 
Junhong was completely ignored the world with those white pieces in his ears. His eyes were closed and lips synced some lyrics. Hums could be heard from him sometimes. He was completely different; with those random expressions he had on his face as he enjoyed the music that was playing on his ipod. 
When you finally reached home, you stared at the walking guy once again. He just walked pass by your house, still completely abandoned all the things around and concentrate at his own little world. You unconsciously smiled at the sight, before shutting your door in and shuffled to your room. 
Junhong wasn't that bad. 
a/n: first chapter ouo is it good or bad or horrible? 
btw you must see One Shot MV guise. It's 
A W E S O M E 
i tell you!!! youngjae wtf is wrong with u -.- 
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Chapter 1: Hmmm I wante to write bad Channie in me previous comment but my phone played tricks on me :(
Chapter 1: Ad Channie :( why were you so mean? But Zelo is such a sweety >.< update soon! I want more of his cuteness