CH 11


>...........a beach.
> Bi: " c`mon! "
> Again, he took my hand.
> I tried to squirm out of it but he wouldn't let me.
> So I gave up and followed him.
> I began to realize that this was to same beach as the night I came here to
> cry..
> We sat down at what seemed to be the same place..
> The wind blew my hair all over the place, so I took out a rubber band and
> tied it.
> After like 2 minutes, Bi unexpectedly put his arms around me.
> I wanted to shrug it off, but something kept me from doing it.
> Bi: " Ruby. Do you love me? "
> Bi: " maybe.. "
> But when I looked at him, it didn't seem like he was joking.
> I kept asking the question to myself.. did I? Did I have that feeling for
> Bi? Of course not, right?
> Bi: " If I gave up on you, would that make you happier? "
> I kept silent.
> I tried to picture Bi giving up on me.
> I would get angry.
> But I didn't tell him that.
> I was gonna say " yes " but the word didn't come out of my mouth.
> Bi: " ruby. will you go out with me? "
> I still kept silent.
> I didn't want to say no..
> But I didn't want to say yes.
> Me: " stop it. "
> Okay. that was stupid of me to say...
> Bi: " How come your not shrugging me off like you always did? You like me
> don't you? "
> So much questions!!!... -I didn't want to answer them.
> Bi: " Why don't you give up being so cold? You know you can't fight your
> feelings. "
> Rawr!!! more questions. I didn't know how to answer.
> I wanted to fight the feelings, because I didn't want to get hurt again.
> I didn't want to be abadoned.
> It was as if Bi read my mind, he said, " I won't ever leave you. "
> Then I knew what to do.
> I took off my necklace.. slowly.
> The necklace that was owned by my mother years ago.
> I stared down at the ruby red teardrop that was held by the palm of my hand.
> I swallowed, and blew it away.
> The wind carried it far to the sea.
> It went further and further away from me, until I could see it no more.
> Good bye tears..
> Good bye.
> I don't want to cry anymore.
> I want the love only Bi would give me.
> I looked up at him, and leaned against him.
> He smiled.
> He knew what the answer to all his questions was gonna be.
> Thanks Bi.. for not giving up on me.
> I looked at the sea, then spotted a familiar face.
> Minwoo.
> He was playing with the waves with Jaimie.
> He looked at me and smiled his goofy grin.
> I smiled back.
> And thank you Minwoo.
> For accepting me for who I was, and seeing in me, the real me.
> Suddenly I felt much better.
> It felt as though a heavy weight just lifted all my shoulders, or to rather
> say, my heart.
> The tears, had stopped.
> The End *(:

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hielooo #1
ahhh niceee!^_^
hellokittyluvr143 #3
i loved it ♥
hellokittyluvr143 #4
finish it up ♥
hellokittyluvr143 #5
YEA YEA YEa another repost ♥