Did he just call me Noona?



Meeting BeiBei was the best thing that has ever happened to you; her love for EXO's Kris has inspired you to move on from your high school crush and try to date someone else - your next door neighbour that is, His name is Kevin but something seems strange right at this moment!


"Kevin and Subin 'Forever'" he said


Kris is such a mysterious guy that you and BeiBei are dying to find out more of his personality.



He can be cute,


But then he can be such a jerk!


Protecting you is his speciality


But teasing you is his life!


Have you two got a tiny bit too close?








You two have been dating for months now and this is the first time Kevin has ever invited you for a 'romantic' dinner - "This restaurant is so nice!" You said with the widest grin on your face; but looking at Kevin it seems like he is not comfortable.

You scanned around the whole restaurant and then something... well someone caught your eye, Nicely suited on the table far from yours is EXO - Kris then catches you staring at him and so looking down was your only choice!

Suddenly the waitress came rushing towards us "Please excuse me Kevin and can you order for me please" Of course you knew that he knows nothing of what you like but you really need to sort out your wardrobe malfunction out and so you went to the toilet.


After sorting everything out you let out a big sign and starts to walk back to your table, you look around for Kevin and from the shock you ran up to the table and dragged the waitress. What you saw was horrible, the two kissing? How did they even know each other?    Your breath turns heavy as you tried to push out some words "What... do you... think you're doing?"

That waitress quickly got up and poured hot soup all over you - you're in pain outside and in but somehow not showing any weakness is probably the best idea.

You're standing here at this spot really not knowing what to do or what to say - everyone is staring at you.. filling with embarrassment you turn around but then you noticed that someone is running towards you.

He gently places his blazer on you and pushes Kevin against the wall "You disgust me you stupid little boy!" He yelled as loud as possible...

"Hyung no..." Sehun shouted and pushes Kris off Kevin, Kris turns around and looks at you...

He bit his lip and...





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MyBABYramyun #1
Update soon~
KAS_randomstuff #2
This story looks interesting! Can't wait for the update^^