2 (END)

Pabo.. Can't You See I Love You?


Donghae sighed as he stood in front of Hyukjae's apartment. He clutched his bag's strap tight contemplating on knocking at the door. It's been a week since that incident and it's also been a week since he last talked to the blonde. He's avoiding him like plague and it's killing him inside. He's mad at him. He made him feel that way and just thinking about it makes him want to punch himself square on the face. How can he be this stupid? He groaned loudly as he leaned his forehead by the door.

"Hyuk..." He silently called his best friend hoping that it would somehow reach the opposite side of that very door. A tear fell from his eye but didn't wipe it away. He turned around and sat down with his back resting on the wall. With his head bowed down, he cried controlling his sobs from coming out loudly. He had been like this every day for the past week. He'll come home from his work but would go straight to Hyukjae's apartment and just stand or sit there for a few hours, hoping that he'll see him, until he'll decide to just go back to his own unit. He never thought that he could last a week being like this and now, his patience is growing thin. He actually doesn't even know how he would face the blonde once he'll see him.  But he can't give up now, especially when he himself was the one who caused everything.

He glanced on his watch. 22:00. He's been here for 2 hours already. He sighed and rubbed his tired eyes as he helped himself get up from the cold floor. He'll try again tomorrow. He won't give up, not until the other would notice him and tell him to stop.

Hyukjae placed his ears by the door and sighed when he heard footsteps slowly fading. He sniffed and dried his eyes using his shirt's long sleeve. He's here again. Hyukjae knows what Donghae has been doing for the past week but he never had the courage to open the door and let him in. He's deeply wounded and it would surely take time for it to heal. He's not angry or mad at him. He's just, hurt. A lot. He knows sooner or later, he has to talk to him if he'll want everything to be patched up. And of course, that would lead to only two things. First is they will be close like before, maybe even closer, or, may heaven forbid, everything will be awkward for them. Those actually are just the usual results of arguments and he can't bear to see them as the second option. It would kill him for sure. But, what about Donghae? Is he feeling the same way? Is he also sad because of their situation or just feeling mere guilt?

He sniffed sadly at the thought as he lazily dragged his feet towards his sofa. He slouched there and stared blankly at the random show on t.v. Tears once again started pouring down his face despite the fact that it's a comedy show. Why? Because this is the very show he and Donghae always watch together after work. They'll prepare their dinner together and place it on the center table, fight for the perfect spot on the sofa and laugh their hearts out. This is their perfect way to relieve stress and Hyukjae always love it. He loves just being with Donghae like that, hearing his laughter like a symphony made only for him to hear and appreciate. The way how Donghae could cling to him as he gasped for air from laughing too much on his own because of a very lame joke. That he would roll his eyes on that but then will laugh as well since Donghae's laughter is contagious.

He noticed his vision getting more blurred as more tears come out. He'll just keep on hurting if he'll continuously think about him. But how can he stop if everywhere he looks, he'll remember him? In his living room, the kitchen, even his bedroom. Grabbing the remote, he turned off the television and raised his feet as he buried his head on his knees. He cried and cried while mumbling his best friend's name continuously. He misses him so much he's going crazy. But, he can't approach him. He's scared that he might suffocate him again. He's afraid that their situation might get worse to the point where they can't do anything about it but to let go. Time and space. He knows that those are what Donghae needs right now, and that is what he will give him.

He looked at the clock, 23:00. Time to go to bed. His body is now aching all over and is screaming for rest but somehow, he can't bring himself to bed. He's afraid that he might just miss Donghae's warmth and would cry again. He suddenly chuckled. He kept on complaining that Donghae's always depending on him but now, he realized that it really was the other way around. He clearly can't survive without his best friend. He's doing those favors for him not because he needs them but because he wants to. He wants him to stay by his side because he needs Lee Donghae.

With so much effort, he was able to drag himself to bed and lie down without even bothering to change his clothes or take a shower. He buried his face on his pillow and inhaled Donghae's scent in it. Once again he started weeping. He spread his hand on Donghae's usual side of the bed, trying his best to feel his presence there. He tried to imagine him lying there, looking at him the way he always do, with love and care towards his best friend. He tried and tried but of course, who is he kidding here? There will be no Donghae. Feeling cold, alone and so lost on his own, he adjusted himself on a fetal position and hugged his legs really tight. The position of people who are seeking comfort from someone. The security and safety a baby feels inside his mother's womb. He stayed like that until sleepiness crawled inside him with those thoughts about a certain brunette running wildly inside his mind.


"Donghae?" The brunette looked up from his untouched lunch at the mention of his name and saw Leeteuk looking worriedly at him. The older freely took the seat in front of him and Donghae just gazed uninterestedly at him. After a while, he returned to staring at his food, leaving it still untouched.

Leeteuk stared at the brunette and noticed his sudden change in appearance. He looks thinner, dark circles are visible under his eyes and they get darker day by day. He's pale and looks like he'll faint anytime. All in all, he became older in appearance just after a few days. Not only Leeteuk but the rest of their friends and coworkers are worried. He's like this and Hyukjae keeps on ignoring him, acting like he didn't even exist.

"What happened?" The older finally dropped that dreading question. Donghae started tearing up because of the motherly tone he felt on Leeteuk's voice. He glanced up with sad eyes and sniffed. Leeteuk felt like he's currently talking to an innocent child and he have to be very careful in handling him. He sighed and stood up only to transfer next to his dongsaeng. He gently his hair in attempt on somewhat comforting him. He smiled in relief when he saw Donghae relaxed but is still crying silently.

"You know you can tell hyung anything right?" He said in a soothing voice and the other just nodded at him.

"I m-messed up, Teukie hyung. And now, I don't think I can face him again."

"What happened to the two of you actually?" He further asked and saw the hesitancy in him. He reached out to squeeze his hand reassuringly, telling him that everything will be alright. Donghae didn't answer and silence engulfed them for a few minutes.

"I pushed Hyukkie away."


With Donghae finally letting his tears fall freely, he narrated everything. As he was telling him, he somehow felt some weight being lifted off of his shoulders although the pain is still there. Of course, only his Hyukkie can take that pain away. He laughed bitterly. His Hyukkie. Now he's claiming him as his? What the heck is wrong with him?

"Do you know why you're like that?" Leeteuk asked Donghae after a moment of silence. The latter just shook his head as he bowed down, slightly embarrassed with his answer that he failed to see the small smile that graced on Leeteuk's face.

"I'm really confused hyung. I'm used with other people being close with him but, I.. I don't know." Donghae sighed helplessly as he explained. He suddenly looked up when he received no response and was surprised to see his hyung laughing soundlessly at him. Confusion replaced his shock as he continued staring dumbly at him.

"W-What's wrong?"

"You really don't get it do you?" Leeteuk said after his laughter subsided and was replaced with a gentle smile.


"Think about this. Why do you think you always wanted to be with him every single day? That you're very possessive of him and people are having a hard time approaching him, afraid that you will get angry, or, I'll just use the really appropriate word, jealous?" The older asked him with an amused look on his face. Donghae just blinked in confusion as many things are now running inside his mind. Was he really like that?

"You don't know it since you're unconsciously doing it. And Hyukjae, on the other hand doesn't mind it at all. Now, do you know why?" Yeah, he always hears his best friend complain on his doings but he knew he didn't mean any of it. So really, in the end he's the annoying one and not Hyukjae. But why? Of course, he's his best friend and it's only normal for him to be jealous. But why is the word 'best friend' hurting him? Is that all they could ever really be? Is he gonna be stuck on that position forever? Why is he even thinking about these things? Does he... love Hyukjae? His best friend? More than a friend? Is that why he's acting strangely?

"I..." He stated with a tear rolling down his face. He loves him. He, Lee Donghae, loves his best friend, Lee Hyukjae.

"I love him. I love him more than a friend." He finally admitted to himself and Leeteuk's smile has gotten wider at his realization.

"Took you long enough baby Hae." Leeteuk said with his nickname for Donghae as he stood up and started walking away.

"Hyung wait! What should I do?!"  Donghae shouted in panic when he realized Leeteuk leaving him. The latter turned around with an apologetic smile.

"I'm sorry but I can't do anything about that. It'll just gonna be all up to you and, good luck." He waved with a smile and disappeared in the crowd leaving a still sulking Donghae behind. The latter groaned loudly as he placed his head on the table. His head is now aching because of everything. He loves him but heck, how can he have him back? And how can he confess his feelings to Hyukjae who only sees him as a best friend?!




"Oh Hyukjae why? Is something wrong?" Hyukjae tried his best not to cry again when he heard his sister's worried voice. He missed her so much. He only has her as his sibling that's why they're pretty close. But he has to move to Seoul with Donghae making them separated although they still keep in touch. So actually Hyukjae wasn't surprised when his sister sensed that something's wrong.

"N-Nothing's wrong. I just missed you." He said in the best straight voice he could manage. The line went silent for a while until he heard a sigh.

"Okay. I won't push you if you don't want to say anything. Do you want to go home? Or I'll be the one to go there?" She asked and the blonde just shook his head and when he realized the other won't see him, he sighed.

"No, I'll just go there. I'll be off from work for 3 days. I'll just call you when I'll be coming." He answered and after a while, they bid each other goodbye and hung up.

He slid down the couch and faced the ceiling. He closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. This is for the best, he chanted like a mantra inside his mind, convincing himself that this is what they needed especially him. He needed To go away from his apartment for a while, and not for just 3 days, but for a whole month. Maybe it would be enough for his poor heart to heal.


"Leeteuk hyung?"

"Oh! Hyukjae-ah! Come in!" The older beamed once he saw Hyukjae peeking at his door. The latter entered and awkwardly sat at the chair placed in front of Leeteuk's desk. He waited until the older was finished with his work and faced him.

"So, what brings you here?" He asked curiously as he leaned on his seat and smiled warmly at the blonde. The other fidgeted on his seat and looked around but not on his friend. Since it can't be avoided, he sighed and looked at Leeteuk with tired eyes.

"Hyung, can I take a month off?" He asked and his hyung was surprised with the sudden request. He knows that this is because of his problem and Hyukjae just doesn't want his personal problems to interfere with his work but a month? Isn't that too long?

"I know it's too long but, that's what I seriously need right now." As if he's reading the elder's mind, he explained it with a pleading tone of voice making it hard for Leeteuk not to allow him.

"Alright then. Hyuk?" Leeteuk paused and looked at the younger. "Are you gonna be okay?" The blonde smiled as he made his way to the door.

"I hope so." He honestly answered back and Leeteuk could only nod with pity at him. Their situation is not easy at all with them being the best of friends. He needed to help. He knows he have to do something or else, those two would remain lifeless as long as he'll remember.

Lunch time. Leeteuk searched through the crowd for a certain brunette and heaved a sigh of relief when he found him sitting on his usual table at the corner. Although he soon frowned when he saw him playing with his food, not even making an effort on eating it. His heart sank a bit when he saw him in this state. Yep. He definitely needs to continue his plan.

He slowly walked his way towards Donghae and sat in front of him. The scene's quite familiar but this time, the brunette seems more depressed.

"Do you know something about Hyukjae's plan?" He started and it luckily got Donghae's undivided attention from his lunch. The latter shook his head and returned to playing with his food.

"He's taking a leave. A month leave." Leeteuk told the younger who snapped his head at him with wide eyes. The dimpled guy was about to smile when he saw the other's face became blank again with his shoulders drooped. He blinked a couple of times wondering what's going inside Donghae's mind. "You're not... going to say anything?"

Donghae looked at him and sighed deeply. "I can't do anything about it can I?" He whispered and placed his hands on his laps, clenching his fists tight. "He must really hate me right now that he despised to even feel my presence near him." Bitterness crept in his words and tears once again began to fall from his eyes. 

"You should do definitely do something about it. I don't know how but you should. His condition's nowhere better like you. And one of you must end this craziness sooner or later before it's.. too late." The older advised as he gave the other a pat on the shoulder and left him to think over things.

His best friend is leaving because of him. How worse can their situation be? Is letting him leave the right solution? Should he really do something about it?

Donghae stood once again in front of Hyukjae's apartment with his cold hands curled into fists. He raised one hand in attempt to knock but retreats it a second later. He's been doing this for a while and he's getting irritated with himself. Can't he just freaking knock?! He really wanted to slap himself now for being a coward.

He took a deep breath and pursed his lips. This is it. He raised his hand to finally knock when the door suddenly opened revealing a surprised Hyukjae with bags on his hands. Donghae's eyes immediately darted towards them then to his best friend's face.


"C-Can we t-talk?"

"I'm sorry I have a train to catch." Hyukjae hurriedly said as he tightened his grip on his bags and walked past the brunette only to stop when he felt a hand holding him by the wrist.

"Don't go."

Hyukjae started tearing when he heard his pleading voice. How he missed him so much. These past days of not hearing his voice or even seeing him up close were pure hell for him. But he doesn't know if he can take more heartbreak. His love just deepened despite the pain he's feeling and if the two of them will remain as friends, then he doesn't know if he'll survive.

"Please let me explain. I-"

"I'm sorry I need to go." The blonde tried his best not to make his voice break. He wriggled his wrist and made a run when he heard Donghae shouted. 

"I love you!"

He froze on his tracks and Donghae took the chance to run towards him. He took hold of the older's arms and turned him around to face him. He was surprised to see Hyukjae sobbing really hard his face is turning red.

Donghae felt like his world crashed when he saw him crying like that because of him and in impulse wrapped his arms around the slim body and hugged him tightly. He too was crying. He needed to tell him everything and he doesn't care if his feelings won't be returned. All he needed was for the blonde to know his side and if he won't forgive him, then there is nothing more for him to do.

"I realized," He began. "How much I need you. That I'm an idiot for snapping at you like that when in reality, I'm just jealous and not angry at you." He slightly pulled away from the hug and gently wiped away Hyukjae's tears using his thumb. "I was blinded with my emotions that I accidentally scolded you but believe me, I never got tired of you being around me. Heck if I could just tie you to my body just to not be separated from you then I would." He chuckled a little despite the tears with his own humor. "I love you that's why I'm jealous when I saw people being close to you. I can't bear to see them with you. Call me possessive but that's the truth. At first I was just convincing myself that I'm like that since you're my best friend and I'm just too used to have your attention all for myself but, who am I fooling?" Hyukjae looked at him with his eyes puffy and red. Same goes with his nose because of his sniffing and Donghae almost bang himself to the wall for thinking how adorable Hyukjae is even though he's crying. 

"I'm sorry if you're best friend is an idiot for realizing everything this late. Lee Hyukjae, I love you. More than a friend, a best friend, and a brother. I love you as a man. I know you're not feeling the same way and I could only hope that you won't run away and never come back because of my confession. But, that's what I'm really feeling right now. And I'm sorry for hurting you like that. I know these words are not enough for you to forgive me but at least, please accept my apology." The brunette begged and silence enveloped them. He slowly let his arms drop to his side and his shoulders fell. Guess he's still not forgiven.

He sighed as he took a step backward and looked at his best friend whose head is now bowed down, not letting him see his face for any reaction. It once again broke him but he can't force the other to like him back, nor forgive him immediately. What happened back at the rooftop hurt the other so much. He can't expect Hyukjae to just smile and tell him that it's alright. And even if he does, he thinks he doesn't deserve it. He did nothing actually for the blonde; it's always Hyukjae doing everything for him. And maybe, his best friend got tired of him already.

Hyukjae was speechless. He being surprised is an understatement. After all these years of loving his best friend in silence, here he is, with Donghae in front of him asking for his forgiveness and confessing his love for him. Tears started pouring down his face. But this time, not because of pain, but because of happiness and relief.

Who would have thought that his unrequited love will be returned? It may took him a long and painful process but he thinks it was all worth it. He may be hurt, but all those pain just seemed to disappear in a snap when he heard all those words from the brunette. He loves him. His best friend loves him. He still can't believe it. He suddenly felt the arms around him loosened and heard the other sigh. He slightly looked up and saw how broken Donghae looks right now. He slowly brought his hand up to Donghae's cheek and wiped his tears away. It surprised the younger and made Hyukjae smile. He stepped forward, and leaned his forehead against the brunette's and smiled softly. "You won't get tired even if I'll nag at you the whole day?" He asked and felt the other looked at him with wonder but shook his head anyways.

"You won't get irritated if I'll ask you a lot of times why you're always sleeping on my bed when you have your own pad?"

Another shook of head.

"You won't complain if I'll do everything for you and will treat you like a baby?"

Donghae smiled a bit and shook his head. Hyukjae showed his gummy smile, an action he hadn't done for the past emo days and pecked Donghae's lips which widened the latter's eyes in shock. "Good. Cause if you do, I'll really run away this time, and." Another peck on the lips. "I love you too."

Donghae was a crying mess when Hyukjae kissed for the second time. He wiped his tears with the back of his hand and pulled the other towards him and hugged him tight. He murmured thank you's against the blonde's ear who in return put his hand on the younger's back to soothe him. Hyukjae hugged him back and rested his face on Donghae's broad shoulder. He feels contented. Once again, he's home. He's where he truly belongs, to the arms of the one he loves and there is no way he's letting this wonderful man go.

Still crying, Donghae pulled Hyukjae away and cupped his cheeks. He smiled and slowly leaned towards the older who also smiled and closed his eyes. Their lips met and felt like two puzzle pieces fitted perfectly against each other. Happiness and love burst within them and Hyukjae slowly s his arms on Donghae's neck to deepen the kiss. Their lips slowly moved in perfect rhythm, savoring each second and pouring all of their love for each other.

This is it. This is the start of a brand new chapter on their lives. They're still together, but not as best friends. They're finally together as lovers. And they know, both of them will hold this moment and the moments to come close to their heart, cherishing and worshipping each other, until that very day, to which one will eventually get tired of the other. Although they doubt that that time will even come, and won't even let that dreadful day arrive.



"I missed your pad particularly your bed."

"Why is it that it seems like you just reconciled with me just so you could mess with my pad again?"

"Am I that obvious?"

"I hate you Lee Donghae."

"I love you too, Lee Hyukjae."


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Chapter 2: I love this so much 💙💙💙
Chapter 2: Awww so sweet!
Chapter 2: This is so sweet ~~~ so cute...
Chapter 2: Ohh, so sweet! I love my HaeHyuk ♥
Chapter 2: How cuteee!!! Though I cried when they fight with each other.. it's sweet and all.. just love the story <33
eunsweetlover #6
this is such a lovely story :) so sweet and cute and the happy ending it was amazing!!!
Chapter 2: I love you eunhae ❤
Chapter 2: so cute this two as always <3 sad but happy ending thanks for sharing here <3
Julymoe #9
Chapter 2: Nice ending
Julymoe #10
Chapter 1: New reader is here
It's great like your another stories