Pabo.. Can't You See I Love You?


Warm rays of the sun were peeking on his room's windows, birds' chirpings being heard from the outside, cool morning breeze felt all over his room, Hyukjae nuzzled more at the comfortable warmth beside him, inhaling that familiar manly scent he loves so much. That is, until he came to his senses and shot his eyes open in surprise. There he was greeted by a broad chest that is peacefully going up and down, obviously breathing calmly.

What the?

He thought he has been sleeping alone in his room but what is this?

He slowly brought his gaze up to the face and saw Lee Donghae, his best friend since their diaper era, sleeping soundly beside him. Remind him to get his spare key back from Donghae okay? He raised his brows but then softened as he looked at the angelic face beside him. Long eye lashes that are quite curled at the end, enhancing his beautiful eyes whenever you'll look straightly at them, pointed nose, thin lips and soft smooth skin. He really is handsome. As he studied his face better, he unconsciously brought his fingers to his face to caress the smooth skin. Good thing his fishy is a heavy sleeper so he has enough time to admire the beauty before him.

He had always loved this crazy and childish best friend of his although he's very afraid to admit it to him. He's playful in nature and is stubborn just like a child. But that is one of the things he loves about him, although he can't confess because he fears rejection. What if he'll reject him? Then all those years of friendship would just go to waste and he doesn't want that to happen. So, he just settled himself as the best friend who's always there to understand him. It's really hard considering that Donghae's quite popular with girls. And because of this, their friends always to be a possessive best friend, or more like a possessive girlfriend. Hyukjae would often blush but Donghae would just laugh it off and even hug him tight, saying that his 'girlfriend' is always jealous, and he finds it cute. Hyukjae's heart can't help but bounce happily inside his chest.

They say opposites attract. On their situation, that was every relevant. Hyukjae being the matured one and Donghae the childish guy. He would always nag at him on how he should act properly. He would nag endlessly and after he was finished, Donghae would just goofily smile at him and ask if he's finished already. He would be pissed with Donghae but then, after seeing his cuteness, it immediately fades away.



And whenever Donghae would get into trouble, he'll always be the one who would rescue or protect him. Maybe that's also the reason why Donghae's always sticking with him. They're like Timon and Pumba. Although no one claims to be Pumba.

He decided to just get up and prepare their breakfast because obviously, his fishy best friend would eat with him instead of going back to his own apartment, which is just beside his. But as he tried to, he could feel the strong arms around his waist tighten and a grunt was heard. He rolled his eyes at the action.

"It's too early to get up." Donghae groggily said as he placed his hand on Hyukjae's head and buried the blonde's face on his chest. Hyukjae grunted but did not dare complain since he knows nothing would happen. 

"Yah." He slightly elbowed him on the side but received no response making him a bit annoyed. "Yah! Donghae!" He shouted but only got a tighter squeeze of a hug.

He's pissed off, like, literally. He was not answered properly since he woke up and this immature fish here still has the guts to hug him like this. Well although we all know that he also loves this and is already taking advantage of the situation. But setting the fluffy feelings aside, why is his best friend here? The last time he checked, they parted ways since he have to do some reports leaving Donghae with their other friends and, remembering last night, he kind of went to bed pretty late but didn't see him. 

He looked up at Donghae's face, shooting him a glare.



"Lee Donghae." Donghae opened his left eye to peek at Hyukjae, hearing the serious and dreading tone of his voice. He sighed and finally, he reluctantly let go of him as he raised his arms at the back of his head, freeing Hyukjae and stared at the ceiling.

"Who is it this time?" Hyukjae asked him without looking away from Donghae, worry slowly creeping in him thinking that maybe some girl is after Donghae again, claiming that she's pregnant or something. Although he doesn't believe them since he believed Donghae when he said that he doesn't touch those girls that way, he can't help but get worried for him. One simple mistake or a great blackmail plan can ruin his future, their future, and he doesn't want that.

Donghae turned to lie on his side to face the blonde, supporting his head with his right hand. He sighed as he lifted his other hand and started tracing Hyukjae's face with his finger as a smile crept up on his lips, admiring those perfect features and soft skin of his best friend. Hyukjae didn't flinch but just stared at him because he's used to this habit of Donghae. He loves to touch his face, so it's just useless if he'll get angry for this. Besides, like his hugs, he loves those touches of Donghae. He always feel the gentleness as if Donghae's treating him like a fragile glass, afraid that he might break if he'll be harshly held. Also the warmth and protectiveness he always have, letting Hyukjae know that he'll be always there beside him.

"ShinHye. I found her waiting at my front door last night. So I went the other way and took the stairs beside yours and decided to just wait here until she's gone." He started explaining as he held Hyukjae's hand to start playing with it. The latter just sighed.


"I don't know. We were not even together but then she kept on bothering me. For goodness sake I just helped her with her car last time!" He whined and Hyukjae found it extremely adorable. He suddenly furrowed his brows. ShinHye? His secretary? He unconsciously scrunched his face in disgust. That girl. She first tried to seduce Hyukjae but then she didn't succeed so she tried Donghae? Wrong move for her. Now, goodbye career for ShinHye.

Donghae grinned seeing Hyukjae made face and found it so cute he pinched his nose making the other squeak. 

"Hae! That freaking hurts!" Hyukjae shouted and Donghae's grin just got wider.

"It's because my yeojachingu is cute when he's jealous~" He teased making the older blush beet red.

"Y-yah! G-girlfriend?! I'm a guy!" He complained and well, Donghae, being a guy with no self-control when it comes to his best friend, squealed at his cuteness and immediately grabbed him to hug or more like squeeze the life out of him.

"Kkyyyaaa Hyukkie!! You're so cute!" Hyukjae turned redder and was left speechless. After a while of being squeezed, Donghae let go of him and stood up with his back facing him. He looked back at Hyukjae and grinned.

"You'll always be my girlfriend so stop complaining already." Upon saying this, he immediately ran his way to the bathroom before a blushing Hyukjae would throw something at him.

> <><><><><><><><><><>

"Hyukkie?" Hyukjae looked at Donghae who was currently stuffing a spoon full with cereals inside his mouth while watching some children's show at the living room. Donghae insisted that they should do this once in a while to remember their good old times, to which Hyukjae clearly believe are not old enough. 


"Why don't you have a girlfriend?" Hyukjae spurted out his strawberry milk with the sudden question.

"W-what's with the s-sudden q-question?" He stuttered as he wiped the milk on his lips with his tongue. Donghae immediately diverted his gaze to his best friend's lips and he slowly gulped at the unintentional y action. Heck! Why is he having this kind of thoughts with his best friend?

"Because I don't have enough time for that."

"Eh?" Donghae titled his side in confusion and Hyukjae chuckled at his cute expression.

"I'm already taking care of a kid. I don't want to add another headache." Hyukjae laughed as he explained earning a pout from Donghae. 

"Yah I'm not a kid! I'm a grown-up hot y man with lots of girls going after me!" He defended as he got up and started posing like a freaking underwear model, still clad in his own pajamas kept inside his best friend's closet for 'emergency' cases like this, according to Donghae himself.

Hyukjae blushed at Donghae's action but of course he can't let the other notice it. Why he doesn't have a girlfriend? Because he loves Donghae, as simple as that.

Scratch that.

That was never simple at all. They're best friends for Pete's sake and are both guys! One more thing is that he doesn't know if Donghae's interested in guys. He frowned at the reality and hung his head low. Donghae noticed the sudden change on his mood so he stopped posing and went to his best friend's side.

"Hey you alright?" Hyukjae broke out from his trance and gave him a reassuring smile.

"N-ne I'm fine." Donghae pouted at him, not convinced at the answer he got but decided to let it go knowing that he would tell him if it really is important.

After Hyukjae's assured that his best friend's not pushing the topic further, he sighed in relief. But that question still lingers in his mind. He wants to ask Donghae the same. Why is his best friend not in a relationship? He stole a glance at the eating fish and wonder.



"How about you?" He asked as he stopped eating to really stare at Donghae making the latter do the same.

"Me?" Hyukjae nodded.

"I've already set my eyes on someone besides, I have a girlfriend already, the name's Lee Hyukjae." Donghae answered with a grin. Hyukjae rolled his eyes and faced the opposite direction to hide his blushing cheeks. This is one of the things he hates about this certain Lee Donghae. He knows how to make him shut up, knows how to annoy the hell out of him but most of all, despite his complaints, he can't hate Lee Donghae. 

Wait a second, set his eyes on someone? He can't help but feel a pinch on his heart. So much for loving your best friend.

"Do I know her?" He whispered so soft he doubted if Donghae even heard him. The latter blinked a few times in confusion until his lips curved in a small smile. His best friend's on his jealous mode again. He can't help but feel happy on that.

"Oh you know him very well." He answered, emphasizing the 'him' and subtly waited for his best friend's reaction. Hyukjae, upon hearing this, widened his eyes. Him? So that means... He mentally shook his head. No. Even if it's a he, he's sure it won't be him. Donghae only sees him as a brother and nothing else. Minutes of silence followed them and when Donghae can't take it anymore, he held the spoon of his already-deep-in-his-own-thoughts best friend that's already half-way his plump lips.

"Aren't you going to ask me who he is?" He asked in a curious tone when he let go of his hand and felt slight disappointment when he saw the blonde shook his head. So he's not interested in it at all? But he thought..

"No, I'll just leave it as it is. I know you'll soon tell me who he is so I won't pressure you." Hyukjae explained in an understanding and calm voice although Donghae swore he heard a hint of sadness behind them. They've known each other for years so that kind of detail from Hyukjae won't go unnoticed by him. Is he sad because he didn't tell him? Or maybe because he thinks he'll soon be replaced? But he's his best friend. No matter what, no one can replace him in Donghae's heart. He won't be jealous right? He snorted inside his mind. Yeah, dream on Lee Donghae. His mind suddenly went blank. Why did he think of that? Yes he loves Hyukjae but is it more than a best friend? Now he's really confused. He slowly diverted his gaze towards the older who's once again is silent and took notice on how pretty he is, he's even prettier than any girl he had ever seen.

But something's bothering him. He really doesn't have someone he likes but why did he say it? He even told him it's a he! And what's worse? He's thinking about Hyukjae after all this while! Why is that so? Does he like his best friend that way? He unconsciously groaned loudly as he dropped his head on the table, hurting his forehead in the process.

"Ouch!" He whined as he rubbed his now red and slightly sore forehead with a pout in his face. Hyukjae was surprised and immediately ran off to get some ice. He rushed back and placed it on his fishy's forehead with worry on his own pretty face. He inwardly sighed. How can he let his best friend be on his own if he's always like this? Will the guy he likes gonna be like this for him in the future? Will he take good care of his Donghae? Even better than what he is doing? He really wanted to cry now with these thoughts. His Donghae. What in the world is he thinking for claiming him inside his mind? He's just the best friend. It's wrong for him to assume something more even only in his mind. But he can't help it, he thought. They've been together forever and his world practically revolves around Donghae.

"Thanks Hyukkie." He heard Donghae said trying his best to smile despite the pain and the blonde just smiled back gently at him. Yeah, he had decided. He'll just remain on his side and love him secretly until Donghae would tell him that he's grown tired of him and that someone else would take care of him but until then, don't expect him to leave his best friend. He could hold on to that even if it takes forever, right?

> <><><><><><><>

"Did you tell him yet?" Hyukjae looked up from his work to see his close friend and coworker Leeteuk giving him a questioning look from his office's door. He blinked a few times and sighed. He's sure this one doesn't have work by this time so he decided to pester him. He waved at him telling the older to come in. Hyukjae closed his eyes as he rubbed them tiringly.

"Tell him what hyung?"

"Your feelings of course." The blonde looked at his friend with a knowing look which was replied with a loud sigh.

"When are you going to tell him then?" Leeteuk asked in a concerned way. He can't help but feel pity towards his dongsaeng. Everyone who knows the two can see Hyukjae's love for Donghae and, surprisingly, Donghae's for the blonde. Cliché? Of course. They're just teasing them hoping for the two to realize their feelings but they're so dense. This is actually the everyone-knows-except-the-persons-involved situation. But they didn't know that they're this dumb and they're already itching to just make a move for the fishy couple of their office. And Donghae's case is worse than Hyukjae's. He doesn't even know his own feelings towards the blonde.

"I won't. I'm not even planning on telling him it in the first place, besides," He paused as he looked at Leeteuk with a tear escaping his eye. "He told me he has someone he likes now." Hyukjae bit his lip as he said these with shaking voice. The older rushed to his side to soothe him. He just gave Leeteuk a grateful squeeze in the arm and said nothing else.

"Did he tell you who it is?" He shook his head. "No, but he told me it's a he and I know him very well." Leeteuk froze with what he heard. Is Donghae already realizing everything?

"That's all?" Hyukjae nodded.

"You didn't even ask him who he is?"

"No. I don't want to add salt to my wound." He replied in a sad voice and Leeteuk once again just hugged him in attempt of comforting him to which the blonde's thankful for.

"Am I interrupting something?" Both of them looked towards the door because of the cold voice and saw Donghae looking blankly at them. Leeteuk smiled innocently as he tightened his hug on his dongsaeng and almost danced with glee when he saw Donghae's jaw clenched and his body went rigid.

Ho ho someone's jealous.

Hyukjae shook his head as he tried to hide his tears from his best friend. He always do this so he's used to it. All he shows Donghae is his strong side. He thought that he should always be strong in Donghae's eyes so the other won't hesitate on leaning to him whenever he wants to.

"W-What is it Hae?" He asked trying to sound normal but if you'll listen carefully, you could feel that he's not good, that any minute he might break down again and it's a miracle that Donghae didn't recognize it. 

"Here are the documents you're asking for. I've arranged them already so that you can browse it easily." He said in a hard voice while handling them to the blonde as he continued to eye Leeteuk's arms around his best friend. He doesn't know why but he's feeling grumpy like he wants to swat their hyung's arms away from Hyukjae. He's becoming possessive again and it's not good. Why should he care if someone would act all sweet and caring towards him? But he's the best friend so he guesses it's just normal for him to feel that way right?


Leeteuk grinned, satisfied with the expressions he's getting out of Donghae. He looked down on Hyukjae and noticed that he's oblivious to the stares his best friend is throwing them. Really, if looks could kill he knows he's now sprawled on the floor lifeless.

"Well," Leeteuk said as he let go of Hyukjae. "I better go now since you have so many works to do. Let's eat lunch together today alright?" He continued in a gleeful voice and Hyukjae found it hard to say no. The blonde smiled and nodded at him. The oldest smiled in triumph as he stopped in front of Donghae and smiled his dimpled smile.

"You can join us if you want to." Donghae squinted his eyes with this and mentally slapped himself. Their Leeteuk hyung is always like this but why is he feeling this way when he saw him holding Hyukjae? And why does it seem like he's taunting him with the way he spoke? Is there something he doesn't know but he should?

"Hae?" Donghae snapped out of his thoughts when he heard Hyukjae's worried voice. He looked at him blankly and walked out of his office. The blonde panicked because of the cold treatment and decided to follow his best friend.

"Hae wait!" He shouted throughout the corridor gaining the attention of their other coworkers. They looked at him but decided to just ignore it since this scene is usual for them.

The brunette continued walking like he didn't hear anything. Jealousy is swallowing him whole that he doesn't want to speak with anyone for the moment, including Hyukjae. He needed to clear his mind for a bit or else he might regret everything his angry self would blurt out. 

"Hae! Wait! Where are you going?!" He heard the older shouted and he clenched his fists tightly. He really needed some time alone right now but here he is, shouting his lungs out calling for his attention. He furiously turned around and grabbed the now panting Hyukjae by the arm. The latter winced because of the tight grip but didn't complain. Soon enough they reached the rooftop and Donghae let go of Hyukjae harshly. The other looked at him with fear and confusion but the brunette decided to ignore them.

"H-Hae w-what's wrong? D-Did I d-do something?" Hyukjae asked with tears now streaming down his eyes. He doesn't know why he's acting like this and he honestly hate it. As far as he knows he's not doing anything that may anger him but here he is, glaring the life out of him.

"Hae please-" Hyukjae once again said as he slowly approached Donghae but halted when he heard the other's irritated voice.

"Stop. Just, stop." More tears are now running down from his eyes. Is this how rejection feels like? He hates it. No, he loathes it. It's like those words are now suffocating him that any minute he might collapse.

But why?

"Why? Why are you being like this?" He asked in a desperate manner but all he saw was the stoic expression on Donghae's face.

"You're asking me why? Huh?! You! Can't you just mind your own business?! I'm tired of you always following me around telling me what I should or should not do! I'm not a child for Shisus' sake Hyukjae!" Donghae shouted and Hyukjae was really surprised. He called him by his real name. All those years he never called him that way except for today. He slowly slid down the cold floor with wide teary eyes as he clutched his chest hard. Is Donghae annoyed of his presence? Is his caring for him too much already that he's feeling he's being held back on what he should do? But he never forbid him to do anything he wants. He only gives him reminders as to avoid him from getting into troubles. Do these things suffocate him? But, they could work this out without this shouting right?

Hyukjae remained still on the floor, crying silently with his head bowed down that his hair is now covering his lonely eyes. He didn't dare look at Donghae who's unconsciously crying as well. The latter stood there with dead eyes, tearing up without any emotions seen on his face. He slowly brought his hand towards his cheek and felt tears.

What have he done?

With a terrified look, he gazed at his best friend who's still at the floor obviously broken.

Oh God what have I done? Those are the words running inside his brain. He never meant to hurt his best friend. He's confused, really confused. But he knows that is not a valid reason to do what he did to him. He unconsciously took a step back, still not taking his eyes off of the crying blonde. He slowly turned around and walked away like a coward that he has always been. He needed to go away from him. He hurt him. A heartless monster like him is not worthy for his forgiveness that he knows the other would easily give him knowing his kind nature. He walked away with a heavy heart, not being able to hear the words the other whispered softly.

"I love you, please, I'm sorry. Don't go."

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Chapter 2: I love this so much 💙💙💙
Chapter 2: Awww so sweet!
Chapter 2: This is so sweet ~~~ so cute...
Chapter 2: Ohh, so sweet! I love my HaeHyuk ♥
Chapter 2: How cuteee!!! Though I cried when they fight with each other.. it's sweet and all.. just love the story <33
eunsweetlover #6
this is such a lovely story :) so sweet and cute and the happy ending it was amazing!!!
Chapter 2: I love you eunhae ❤
Chapter 2: so cute this two as always <3 sad but happy ending thanks for sharing here <3
Julymoe #9
Chapter 2: Nice ending
Julymoe #10
Chapter 1: New reader is here
It's great like your another stories